четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.


The Best Salmon Marinade


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The Best Salmon Marinade


Ingredients Nutrition

  • 4 salmon fillets or 4 salmon steaks
  • 1 ⁄4 cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 scallions, chopped (2 green onions)
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped


  1. Mix oil, soy sauce, scallions, garlic, and ginger to make a marinade, pour over salmon and marinate for 1 hour in the refrigerator. (no longer than an hour or the salt in the soy will begin to cook the meat).
  2. Grill, bake or grill salmon for about 4 minutes per side (when salmon flakes when pierced with a fork).
  3. **** (for a smokier flavor, add a couple splashes of liquid smoke to marinade -or- soak cedar planks in water for a few hours and grill the salmon on the cedar on the bbq). FABULOUS FAMILY FAVORITE (KIDS TOO). ****.

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Nutrition Info

Serving Size: 1 (283 g)

Servings Per Recipe: 4

Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 535.6 Calories from Fat 247 46% Total Fat 27.5 g 42% Saturated Fat 4.5 g 22% Cholesterol 146.3 mg 48% Sodium 994.3 mg 41% Total Carbohydrate 1.7 g 0% Dietary Fiber 0.3 g 1% Sugars 0.4 g 1% Protein 66.8 g 133%

Steak Teriyaki

I love this photo. It makes me want to eat this steak all over again.

Don’t you love it when you make something that you know is good, and you feed it to someone who has their doubts (because that’s just how they are, they doubt everything), and their eyes light up and they get a big smile on their face right after the first bite?

That was my mother and father after biting into this steak teriyaki.

Flank steak is naturally tough, but the combination of marinating it in a homemade teriyaki marinade of mirin, sake, and soy sauce, along with a fast sear on high heat, and cutting thin slices against the grain, makes for a juicy, tender presentation.

Steak Teriyaki Recipe

  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Cook time: 30 minutes
  • Marinating time: 1 hour
  • Yield: Serves 4

You can either pan-fry or grill this steak, either way you'll want to sear it on very high heat. If pan frying, I recommend using a large cast iron frying pan or griddle pan.


  • 1/3 cup mirin rice wine
  • 1/3 cup sake
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce (if cooking gluten-free, use gluten-free soy sauce)
  • 1 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1 1/2 to 2 lb flank steak or skirt steak
  • Olive oil or canola oil

1 Marinate the steak: Combine the mirin, sake, soy sauce, sugar, and grated ginger in a large, shallow bowl.

Place the steak in the marinade and let marinate for at least an hour, and up to 48 hours.

If marinating for more than an hour, keep chilled until an hour before you plan to cook.

2 Boil marinade to make the teriyaki sauce: When ready to cook, remove steak from marinade, reserving the marinade. Place steak on a plate and set aside.

Place marinade in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, or until the marinade has reduced to a thin glaze, becoming your teriyaki sauce.

Please note that if you are concerned by the idea of reusing the marinade after raw steak has been sitting in it, you will be boiling the heck out of this marinade, killing anything that may have decided to grow in it during the marinating process.

Also steak isn't the same as chicken. People eat steak raw (beef carpaccio). Salmonella is not a problem with steak; it is with chicken.

If you are still concerned, make twice as much marinade, and reserve half to boil down to make the sauce, using the other half as a marinade.

3 Grill or fry the steak: If grilling the steak, prepare your grill for high, direct heat. If pan frying, heat a large cast iron pan on high heat. If grilling oil the grill grates.

Pat dry the steak. Rub a little olive oil all over it. Place the steak on the hot grill or pan. Sear for 3-5 minutes on one side, or until the side is well browned, and turn the steak over and sear the other side.

Baste the steak with teriyaki sauce.

4 Let the steak rest: When the steak is well seared on both sides, remove from the heat, cover with foil, and let rest for 10-15 minutes.

5 Slice steak in half with the grain, then in thin slices across the grain: Notice the direction of the grain of the steak (the striations in the muscle fibers of the steak). Slice the steak in half, following the grain of the steak so that you are slicing along the grain. (This will make it easier to make cuts across the grain.)

Then make thin slices (1/4-inch) across the grain and on a slight diagonal. Slicing this way will break up the muscle fibers, making this naturally tough cut of meat quite tender.

If there are juices that run out of the steak as you cut it, add the juices to the teriyaki sauce. There's lots of goodness in the steak "jus" that you don't want to waste.

Arrange on a serving plate and pour the remaining teriyaki sauce over it.

Hello! All photos and content are copyright protected. Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. If you wish to republish this recipe, please rewrite the recipe in your own unique words and link back to Steak Teriyaki on Simply Recipes. Thank you!

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Showing 4 of 13 Comments

  • Lynn Ross

Hi Elise: I have been looking for a recipe for Steak Teriyaki for years. You definitely have a winner here. It is so easy to make. I have shared this recipe with all my friends. It is a 100 on a scale of 1:10. I marinated mine for 24 hrs and used flank steak. Next time I will be doubling the marinate. They didn’t sell Mirin Rice Wine at the Asian Market I went to, so I asked another shopped what to use. All the bottles were in Chinese. I uses a Dark Rice Wine. Again, this is an award winning recipe.

  • · 1 Reply
  • m750

    Interestingly enough, flank and skirt steak tend to be tougher when rare, if cooked to medium rare, the fibers will tighten up a little bit, but you are able to counter act it, by being able to slice it much thiner, than a rare steak, that tends to squirm when sliced.

    The recipe looks great.

    That makes sense, thanks for the tip!

    I have long been reading your blog and love so many recipes. I live in Japan now at an American military base and this is the exact recipe I have for teriyaki steak that I got from a Japanese cookbook here. I have made it many times and wondered if I would be able to get mirin when I move back to the US.

    This is also wonderful with chicken!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Yes, the 1:1:1 ratio of mirin to sake to soy sauce is a classic ratio for Japanese teriyaki.

    This looks delicious. I’m going to try it with sake and mirin — that makes perfect sense.

    My go-to recipe for teriyaki (from my Indian mom) is:

    – thinly slice a flank steak

    – marinate overnight in one cup vermouth, one cup soy sauce,

    2 tablespoons shredded ginger,

    2 tablespoon shredded garlic, spoon of brown sugar

    – thread on small skewers

    – grill for a few minutes until done

    This is a wonderful meal for kids.

    If you can’t get mirin, I use red wine, rice wine vinegar, garlic, ginger, sugar and black pepper for a marinade.

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    Rezeptra - Food and More

    Because Food is a Composition

    Sonntag, 17. Juli 2016

    Gegrillter Lachs asiatisch mariniert

    1,5 El frischen fein gehackten Ingwer

    1 Tl frisches Zitronengras, fein geschnitten

    1 El Kokosflocken

    1 El brauner Zucker

    1/2 Tl gemahlener Koriander

    2 El frischen Limettensaft

    1/2 - 1 Tl Chiliflocken

    80 ml Gemüsebrühe

    Alle Zutaten vermischen.

    Die Lachsseite waschen, trocknen und eventuell vorhandene Gräten entfernen.

    Den Lachs in einen Gefrierbeutel geben und die Marinade hinzufügen. Den Beutel verschließen und die Marinade sanft einmassieren.

    Mindestens 3 Stunden marinieren lassen. Am besten über Nacht.

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    Donnerstag, 27. August 2015

    Lachs grillen marinade

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    How to Marinate Salmon

    Marinating salmon will enhance its flavor considerably without losing the inherent great taste of the fish. Unlike red meat, fish is best marinated for no more than one hour, or less for more acidic marinades, making it easy to experiment with different flavors. Two marinades are described below, along with a traditional Nordic recipe for raw salmon prepared with its own spice mix.

    • Prep time (Lemon Marinade): 10-15 minutes
    • Cook time: 15-30 minutes
    • Total time: 25-45 minutes

    Ingredients Edit

    Servings: 1 to 2

    Prep time: 10 min.

    Marination time: 15–30 min.

    Soy Sauce Marinade:

    Servings: about 2

    Marination time: 30–60 min.

    Servings: About 6

    Prep time: 10 min.

    Marination time: 24–72 hours

    Steps Edit

    Method One of Three:

    Marinating in Lemon and Olive Oil Edit

    Method Two of Three:

    Marinating in Soy Sauce and Ginger Edit

    Grilled Salmon Recipes

    Packed with flavor and heart-healthy fats, salmon can handle the grill, whereas flaky fish like cod, sole, and tilapia tend to fall to pieces. So delight friends and family with one of our delicious and healthy grilled salmon recipes at your next gathering, or whip up a favorite to incorporate more fish into your weeknight dinner menu.

    Dilly Salmon Packets with Asparagus

    Adding the orange slices to the packets will perfume the fish and make the slices easier to squeeze after grilling. Remove the foil and arrange fillets over asparagus for a lovely presentation. No grill? Bake the packets at 425° for 15 minutes or until desired degree of doneness.

    Wild Salmon with Horseradish-Mustard Sauce

    Wild salmon tends to be leaner than farmed, making it trickier to cook; brushing the fillets with oil helps to keep them moist. Look for fresh starting in mid-may, or find it year-round in your freezer case. If using farmed salmon, look for fish caught in U.S. waters. We love the richness of full-fat sour cream here, but you can use reduced-fat if that's what you have.

    Salmon with Potatoes and Horseradish Sauce

    You’ll be surprised at the sophistication of this 5-ingredient dish, which is easy, elegant, and beautiful. You can't go wrong when you start with salmon and a sour cream sauce, especially if the sauce is flavored with dill and horseradish. Fill out the plate with a side of steamed asparagus or haricots verts (slender French green beans), or barely wilted spinach or Swiss chard. If you have a mandoline in your kitchen, use it—carefully—on the potatoes to make the job of slicing go faster.

    Grilled Salmon with White Bean and Arugula Salad

    Ask for salmon fillets from the head end of the fish—the tail end is much thinner.

    Glazed Salmon and Rice Bowl

    Salmon in Smoky Tomato Broth

    This delicate broth is a grade-A example of how to build big flavor—fast. Keep this recipe on deck for last-minute company.

    Salmon with Walnut-Avocado Guacamole

    Salmon is a staple in paleo diets as it's incredibly rich in healthy fats. The dish contains 32 grams of total fat: That's the amount in three Butterfinger candy bars. But the quality of the food—salmon, walnuts, avocado, olive oil—is premium, fresh, and delicious. You'll walk away happy, satisfied, and comfortably full—a fullness that will last for hours. Bonus: It's fast food, ready in less than 20 minutes.

    Sesame Cabbage Salad with Grilled Salmon

    There are lots of sustainable salmon options available now, from wild Alaskan to farmed U.S. species. Keep this easy recipe in mind for times when you have leftover cabbage in the fridge.

    Smoked Salmon, Barbecue University-Style

    This whisky-scented smoked salmon combines the virtues of hot smoking and cedar planking. The dry brine in a sugar-salt mixture seasons the fish wonderfully.

    Nice and Crisp

    Our Grilled Salmon and Brown Butter Couscous recipe offers the perfect pairing for a hassle-free, great-tasting weeknight meal.

    Grilled King Salmon with Tomato-Peach Salsa

    Use a peach that's just ripe so it's juicy but still holds its shape. King (also called chinook) salmon is the best quality and works well in this dish, though sockeye works.

    Cedar Plank-Grilled Salmon with Mango Kiwi Salsa

    The smoky grilled salmon stands up nicely to the spicy sweetness of the tropical salsa. Prepare the mango salsa before the salmon so the flavors have time to meld.

    Grilled Salmon with Tangy Cucumber Sauce

    This recipe showcases the classic combination of salmon, cucumber, and horseradish. Use two spatulas to make handling the salmon easier. Garnish with lemon wedges, if desired.

    Bourbon-Glazed Salmon

    This recipe receives rave reviews, even from picky eaters who don't normally try salmon.

    Pan-Grilled Salmon with Red Pepper Salsa

    This grilled salmon recipe pairs rich fish with bright flavors. While the fish cooks, prepare the easy red pepper and tomato salsa.

    Grilled Pastrami-Style Salmon

    The classic seasonings associated with beef pastrami taste fantastic on this grilled salmon. Allspice is a fairly strong spice, so if you're sensitive to its "burn," use the lesser amount. Purchase a whole center-cut salmon fillet so that it will cook more evenly than a cut that contains the thinner tail end.

    Grilled Salmon with Chorizo and Fingerlings

    Spanish chorizo is typically cured and has a smokier flavor profile than raw Mexican chorizo. If Spanish chorizo is unavailable, you can substitute Portuguese linguiça. Smoked paprika emphasizes the grilled flavor of the fish.

    Plank-Grilled Salmon with Grape Relish

    Serve this dish with pinot noir. Briny olives, sweet grapes, and rich salmon match well with the wine's balance of earthiness and acidity. Substitute picholine or other green olives, if necessary.

    Maple Grilled Salmon

    The sweet-sour marinade is cooked down to a syrupy glaze that's brushed on the salmon as it cooks. The citrus and maple flavors would also be tasty with pork. Garnish fillets with orange slices, if desired.

    Grilled Salmon with Smoky Tomato Salsa

    If you prefer a milder relish, remove seeds from the jalapeño before grilling.

    Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad

    The citrus vinaigrette blends well with the smoky salmon, sweet orange slices, and crisp spinach in this superfast, super healthy recipe.

    Cedar Plank-Grilled Salmon with Avocado-Orange Salsa

    Serve this smoky, flavorful salmon with Roasted Asparagus with Dijon-Lemon Sauce to round out the meal.

    Grilled Salmon with Apricot-Mustard Glaze

    Friends and family will beg for the recipe when you serve this sophisticated take on salmon. Brush the fruit reduction on the fish at the last minute to prevent sugars from burning on the grill.

    Grilled Salmon with Roasted Corn Relish

    Grilled chiles and corn give the relish a wonderfully smoky flavor that pairs perfectly with grilled salmon seasoned with just salt, pepper, and cumin. Serve with a mixed green salad to round out the meal.

    Ponzu Grilled Salmon with Golden Beet Couscous

    Israeli couscous, highlighted with sweet golden beets, is the perfect companion to the sweet-tart Ponzu sauce that coats the salmon. Try for wild Alaskan salmon; its rich, red color makes this dish gorgeous.

    Grilled Salmon with East-West Spice Rub and Orange-Soy Glaze

    Don't remove the skin from the salmon until after you've taken it off the grill. The skin protects the flesh from the intense heat, allowing it to cook on just one side. This eliminates having to flip the fillets, which often fragments the fish.

    Grilled Wild Salmon and Vegetables

    You often can find different varieties of locally-grown onions at farmers' markets and occasionally at supermarkets. Use a grill basket to cook the fish and vegetables.

    Alder-Planked Salmon in an Asian-Style Marinade

    If you can get your hands on a filleted side of salmon, this is the recipe to choose. After a quick dip in a soy marinade rounded out with honey, ginger, and lemon, the salmon is grilled over indirect heat. Keeping it on a plank is one way to ensure that this large cut of fish stays extra-moist.

    Grilled Salmon Caesar Salad

    Prepare the dressing up to a day ahead. Coho salmon is especially good in this salad.


    Lachs vom Holzkohlegrill

    Nachdem ich nun schon vor fast zwei Jahren für meine Freundin diesen Blog gebastelt habe, wird es höchste Zeit, dass ich mich auch einmal zu Wort melde und einen Gastbeitrag schreibe.

    An einem heißen Sommertag ergab sich dann die Gelegenheit: Ich grillte Lachs, der allen Anwesenden so gut geschmeckt hat, dass ich mich jetzt traue ihn für diese virtuelle Rezeptsammlung vorzuschlagen. Ich hoffe er erfüllt auch in euren Augen den hohen Standard des Wolkenkrümelchen Blogs ;-)

    Damit der Lachs auf dem Grill nicht anbrennen würde, legte ich ihn auf eine sogenannte Grillplanke und grillte ihn lediglich mit indirekter Hitze. Dabei handelt es sich um ein etwa 1cm dickes Brett aus Zedernholz. Das heute recht hippe „Plank cooking“ wurde allerdings schon in der Vergangenheit von Finnen als auch von Indianern an der Nordwestküste Amerikas praktiziert.

    Doch zurück von diesem kurzen Ausflug in die Geschichte. Ihr benötigt …

    Für die Marinade:

    Saft von 1 Zitrone

    3 Spritzer Tabasco

    4 TL geriebener, frischer Ingwer

    1kg Lachsfilet (idealerweise ohne Haut)

    Die Vorbereitung

    Die Holzplanke muss, damit sie selbst nicht verbrennt, 2-3 Stunden vor dem Grillen in Wasser einweichen.

    Dazu eignet sich beispielsweise ein tiefes Backblech, das ihr mit Wasser befüllt. Legt das Holzbrett hinein. Gegebenenfalls müsst ihr es mit einem anderen Gegenstand beschweren. Die Planke soll mindestens eine Stunde, jedoch nicht länger als drei einweichen.

    Nach dem Einweichen bestreicht ihr die Oberseite des Bretts, auf der später der Fisch liegen wird, mit ein wenig Olivenöl.

    Außerdem muss das Lachsfilet von seiner Haut befreit werden. Entweder ihr bittet gleich den Verkäufer an der Fischtheke darum oder ihr müsst jetzt selbst Hand anlegen. Dazu benötigt ihr ein sehr, sehr scharfes Messer, idealerweise mit einer langen, dünnen Klinge. Ich habe mir ein Lachsmesser von unserem Nachbarn - er ist Koch - ausgeliehen. Danke dafür an dieser Stelle :-)

    Da ich zum ersten Mal Lachshaut entfernen musste, brauchte ich Hilfe. Nach einer kurzen Suche auf YouTube fand ich dieses Video. Ganz so geschmeidig, wie es der Koch darin routiniert demonstriert, hat das Häuten des Fisches bei mir natürlich nicht geklappt - aber was zählt ist ja das Ergebnis: die Lachshaut war ab!

    Das Marinieren

    Während ich noch mit Smartphone und Lachsmesser jonglierte, rührte die eigentliche Autorin des Blogs geschwind die Marinade an.

    Für die Marinade werden alle Zutaten zusammen in ein Gefäß gegeben und ordentlich vermischt.

    Anschließend gebt ihr etwas Marinade in eine Form, legt den Lachs hinein und bestreicht ihn dann mit der übrigen Marinade. Lasst sie mindestens 30min einziehen.

    Das Grillen

    Der Lachs wird nicht im eigentlichen Sinne gegrillt, also nicht über der heißen Glut auf den Rost gelegt, wie man es beispielsweise von einem Schweinesteak gewohnt wäre. Er soll dank indirekter Hitze gemächlich garen.

    Dazu benötigt ihr einen Kugelgrill, der mit einem Deckel abgedeckt werden kann. Außerdem dürft ihr die heißen Kohlen nur in einer Hälfte des Grills verteilen.

    Sobald ihr eine ordentliche Glut habt (ihr könnt eure Hand nicht länger als drei bis vier Sekunden über dem Rost halten), legt ihr die Planke auf den Rost über der kohlenfreien Hälfte des Grills.

    Schließt den Kugelgrill mit seinem Deckel und lasst die Planke ein oder zwei Minuten darin alleine liegen. Die Hitze desinfiziert sie. Das Holzbrett darf anfangen zu knistern und zu knacken.

    Dann legt ihr das Lachsfilet auf die Grillplanke. Ich musste das Filet leider in zwei Teile schneiden, weil es sonst nicht darauf gepasst hätte.

    Schließt den Grill wieder mit seinem Deckel

    Jetzt heißt es abwarten und Bier trinken. Eine Zeitangabe habe ich für euch leider nicht. Ich hoffe das macht nichts. So ein gemütlicher Grillabend ist schließlich kein Wettrennen mit der Zeit ;-) Ihr könnt gelegentlich (jedoch nicht ständig) den Deckel heben und das Filet gegebenenfalls anschneiden, um zu prüfen, ob es gar ist.

    Rezept backofen

    Montag, 4. April 2016

    Gemüse grillen marinade

    Gemüse grillen: Rezepte Tipps für Grillgemüse Gemüse grillen ist eine leckere gesunde Alternative zu Fleisch. Wer ganz spontan zum Grillen geht, nimmt die Marinade mit und. Grill Marinaden Um Grillgut richtig zu marinieren gibt es für Fleisch, Fisch, Gemüse, Obst oder. Abwechslung zu Fleisch und Würstchen können Sie knackiges. Grillrezepte: Gemüse grillen: Frisches vom Rost - BRIGITTE Leckere Rezepte zum Gemüse grillen aus der BRIGITTE -Versuchsküche. Grillen (1) Rezept Vegetarische Marinade für das Grillgemüse im.

    Sie das Gemüse vor dem Grillen mit Öl, Kräuterbutter oder Marinade - sonst kann es. Gegrilltes mariniertes Gemüse Rezept - Alle Rezepte Deutschland Das Gemüse auf Bratspieße aufziehen und auf den Grill legen. Grillen Vegetarisch Rezepte zum Grillen Wer spontan grillen möchte und auf vegetarische Rezepte nicht verzichten will, kann aber auch das Gemüse noch kurz vorher oder auf dem Grill mit Marinade.

    Gemüse grillen: Rezepte Tipps für Grillgemüse

    Gemüse grillen marinade Rezepte 66 tolle gemüse grillen marinade Rezepte auf - Europas bester. Speisen bevorzugt, sollte eine Marinade mit Curry und Paprika ausprobieren. Gemüse grillen: Tipps für die Zubereitung - Kabel Eins 6.

    Besonders gut schmeckt Gemüse und Tofu, wenn es vorher einige Stunden lang mariniert wird. 2-3 Minuten von jeder Seite grillen und dabei Marinade mehrmals auf das Gemüse pinseln.

    Grill Gemüse marinieren - würzig, saftiges Gemüse vom Grill Grill Gemüse ist nicht nur was für Vegetarier - es bereichert jedes Grillbuffet und schmeckt sogar Kindern. 3 - Das Jubiläums-Kochbuch: Die 100 besten Rezepte. Abnehmparadies Globuli zum Abnehmen sollen die homöopathische Lösung für Übergewichtige sein. Am Fuße des Siebengebirges entsteht die beste Schokolade Deutschlands.

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    Grilled Salmon Recipes

    Packed with flavor and heart-healthy fats, salmon can handle the grill, whereas flaky fish like cod, sole, and tilapia tend to fall to pieces. So delight friends and family with one of our delicious and healthy grilled salmon recipes at your next gathering, or whip up a favorite to incorporate more fish into your weeknight dinner menu.

    Dilly Salmon Packets with Asparagus

    Adding the orange slices to the packets will perfume the fish and make the slices easier to squeeze after grilling. Remove the foil and arrange fillets over asparagus for a lovely presentation. No grill? Bake the packets at 425° for 15 minutes or until desired degree of doneness.

    Wild Salmon with Horseradish-Mustard Sauce

    Wild salmon tends to be leaner than farmed, making it trickier to cook; brushing the fillets with oil helps to keep them moist. Look for fresh starting in mid-may, or find it year-round in your freezer case. If using farmed salmon, look for fish caught in U.S. waters. We love the richness of full-fat sour cream here, but you can use reduced-fat if that's what you have.

    Salmon with Potatoes and Horseradish Sauce

    You’ll be surprised at the sophistication of this 5-ingredient dish, which is easy, elegant, and beautiful. You can't go wrong when you start with salmon and a sour cream sauce, especially if the sauce is flavored with dill and horseradish. Fill out the plate with a side of steamed asparagus or haricots verts (slender French green beans), or barely wilted spinach or Swiss chard. If you have a mandoline in your kitchen, use it—carefully—on the potatoes to make the job of slicing go faster.

    Grilled Salmon with White Bean and Arugula Salad

    Ask for salmon fillets from the head end of the fish—the tail end is much thinner.

    Glazed Salmon and Rice Bowl

    Salmon in Smoky Tomato Broth

    This delicate broth is a grade-A example of how to build big flavor—fast. Keep this recipe on deck for last-minute company.

    Salmon with Walnut-Avocado Guacamole

    Salmon is a staple in paleo diets as it's incredibly rich in healthy fats. The dish contains 32 grams of total fat: That's the amount in three Butterfinger candy bars. But the quality of the food—salmon, walnuts, avocado, olive oil—is premium, fresh, and delicious. You'll walk away happy, satisfied, and comfortably full—a fullness that will last for hours. Bonus: It's fast food, ready in less than 20 minutes.

    Sesame Cabbage Salad with Grilled Salmon

    There are lots of sustainable salmon options available now, from wild Alaskan to farmed U.S. species. Keep this easy recipe in mind for times when you have leftover cabbage in the fridge.

    Smoked Salmon, Barbecue University-Style

    This whisky-scented smoked salmon combines the virtues of hot smoking and cedar planking. The dry brine in a sugar-salt mixture seasons the fish wonderfully.

    Nice and Crisp

    Our Grilled Salmon and Brown Butter Couscous recipe offers the perfect pairing for a hassle-free, great-tasting weeknight meal.

    Grilled King Salmon with Tomato-Peach Salsa

    Use a peach that's just ripe so it's juicy but still holds its shape. King (also called chinook) salmon is the best quality and works well in this dish, though sockeye works.

    Cedar Plank-Grilled Salmon with Mango Kiwi Salsa

    The smoky grilled salmon stands up nicely to the spicy sweetness of the tropical salsa. Prepare the mango salsa before the salmon so the flavors have time to meld.

    Grilled Salmon with Tangy Cucumber Sauce

    This recipe showcases the classic combination of salmon, cucumber, and horseradish. Use two spatulas to make handling the salmon easier. Garnish with lemon wedges, if desired.

    Bourbon-Glazed Salmon

    This recipe receives rave reviews, even from picky eaters who don't normally try salmon.

    Pan-Grilled Salmon with Red Pepper Salsa

    This grilled salmon recipe pairs rich fish with bright flavors. While the fish cooks, prepare the easy red pepper and tomato salsa.

    Grilled Pastrami-Style Salmon

    The classic seasonings associated with beef pastrami taste fantastic on this grilled salmon. Allspice is a fairly strong spice, so if you're sensitive to its "burn," use the lesser amount. Purchase a whole center-cut salmon fillet so that it will cook more evenly than a cut that contains the thinner tail end.

    Grilled Salmon with Chorizo and Fingerlings

    Spanish chorizo is typically cured and has a smokier flavor profile than raw Mexican chorizo. If Spanish chorizo is unavailable, you can substitute Portuguese linguiça. Smoked paprika emphasizes the grilled flavor of the fish.

    Plank-Grilled Salmon with Grape Relish

    Serve this dish with pinot noir. Briny olives, sweet grapes, and rich salmon match well with the wine's balance of earthiness and acidity. Substitute picholine or other green olives, if necessary.

    Maple Grilled Salmon

    The sweet-sour marinade is cooked down to a syrupy glaze that's brushed on the salmon as it cooks. The citrus and maple flavors would also be tasty with pork. Garnish fillets with orange slices, if desired.

    Grilled Salmon with Smoky Tomato Salsa

    If you prefer a milder relish, remove seeds from the jalapeño before grilling.

    Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad

    The citrus vinaigrette blends well with the smoky salmon, sweet orange slices, and crisp spinach in this superfast, super healthy recipe.

    Cedar Plank-Grilled Salmon with Avocado-Orange Salsa

    Serve this smoky, flavorful salmon with Roasted Asparagus with Dijon-Lemon Sauce to round out the meal.

    Grilled Salmon with Apricot-Mustard Glaze

    Friends and family will beg for the recipe when you serve this sophisticated take on salmon. Brush the fruit reduction on the fish at the last minute to prevent sugars from burning on the grill.

    Grilled Salmon with Roasted Corn Relish

    Grilled chiles and corn give the relish a wonderfully smoky flavor that pairs perfectly with grilled salmon seasoned with just salt, pepper, and cumin. Serve with a mixed green salad to round out the meal.

    Ponzu Grilled Salmon with Golden Beet Couscous

    Israeli couscous, highlighted with sweet golden beets, is the perfect companion to the sweet-tart Ponzu sauce that coats the salmon. Try for wild Alaskan salmon; its rich, red color makes this dish gorgeous.

    Grilled Salmon with East-West Spice Rub and Orange-Soy Glaze

    Don't remove the skin from the salmon until after you've taken it off the grill. The skin protects the flesh from the intense heat, allowing it to cook on just one side. This eliminates having to flip the fillets, which often fragments the fish.

    Grilled Wild Salmon and Vegetables

    You often can find different varieties of locally-grown onions at farmers' markets and occasionally at supermarkets. Use a grill basket to cook the fish and vegetables.

    Alder-Planked Salmon in an Asian-Style Marinade

    If you can get your hands on a filleted side of salmon, this is the recipe to choose. After a quick dip in a soy marinade rounded out with honey, ginger, and lemon, the salmon is grilled over indirect heat. Keeping it on a plank is one way to ensure that this large cut of fish stays extra-moist.

    Grilled Salmon Caesar Salad

    Prepare the dressing up to a day ahead. Coho salmon is especially good in this salad.

    Rezeptra - Food and More

    Because Food is a Composition

    Sonntag, 17. Juli 2016

    Gegrillter Lachs asiatisch mariniert

    1,5 El frischen fein gehackten Ingwer

    1 Tl frisches Zitronengras, fein geschnitten

    1 El Kokosflocken

    1 El brauner Zucker

    1/2 Tl gemahlener Koriander

    2 El frischen Limettensaft

    1/2 - 1 Tl Chiliflocken

    80 ml Gemüsebrühe

    Alle Zutaten vermischen.

    Die Lachsseite waschen, trocknen und eventuell vorhandene Gräten entfernen.

    Den Lachs in einen Gefrierbeutel geben und die Marinade hinzufügen. Den Beutel verschließen und die Marinade sanft einmassieren.

    Mindestens 3 Stunden marinieren lassen. Am besten über Nacht.

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