среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.


Bicycle Picnic Box

Introduction: Bicycle Picnic Box

Recently I moved from The Netherlands to Austria (No kangaroos). Since cycling is such a big part of my life I did not realise how fortunate the Dutch people actually are with there cycling infrastructure. It took me a while to get used to the Austrian infrastructure. Lets say its something else. But I was determined and kept using my bike for all kinds of transportations that are really strange for Austrians/non Dutch people. It did not take long to get the 'crazy Dutch guy with his bicycle' label. People around me are getting used to the fact that you can go to IKEA with your bicycle. :) The bicycle culture is a bit 'hipster' and that's probably why someone pointed me to the Bicycle Picnic Box. She found it on Instagram and told me that it would fit me and my bike. At first I didn't think much of it but the idea stuck and after some research I came to the conclusion; I can make that! I found some Instructables but they did not fit all my needs. For example, I wanted to be removable without tools because I don't want it to take with me everyday. Then decided to make my own and first Instructable. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Step 1: Get a Bicycle!

Bicycles come in all different shapes and sizes. I took mine with me when I moved to Austria. It’s my everyday bicycle next to mine mountain bike with I use for, you guess it, going in the mountains. I have my Gazelle for some years now but did not know much about it. While writing this Instructable I discovered that it is built in '68. Nice detail for a bicycle that I use every day :)

You can pick whatever bicycle you like as long there is space for the picnic box. Personally I think a bicycle you ride upright are the best suited for the picnic box. You will go to a picnic to relax. There is no need to race there so it might be good to adapt to this relaxed (Dutch way) of cycling.

Take in consideration the limitations your bicycle might have such as braking lines or the bike pump holders in my case (Step 4) Once you made the decision stick with that bicycle. Unless you have an identical one it is unlikely that it will fit on another bicycle. A man's framed bike is probably easier to work with than a woman's frame due to the extra bar in the frame.

Step 2: Materials

The main materials I used where plywood and pine timber. The full list can be found below. The total amount I spend on the materials was around 30 Euro. (excluding screws, wood glue, sandpaper, etc)

  • Plywood 1200x600 mm
  • pine timber (24mm x 44mm x 2000mm) (x2)
  • pine trim (5mm x 38mm x 900 mm)
  • pine trim (5mm x 5mm x 900mm)
  • slide barrel bolt (x2)
  • Hinge (x2)
  • Paint (optional)
  • Chain (0.7m)
  • Velcro
  • Hooks
  • Screws (different sizes)

Step 3: Tools

Because I am still a student at the moment and my dorm is quite small I don't have the space and money for a lot of tools. The tools I used are quite basic and most people will have them laying around. It has some limitations but If I can make something like this its likely everyone can.

  • (cordless) drill - recommended to prevent splitting
  • dremel or hacksaw
  • clamps
  • handsaw
  • fretsaw
  • chisel
  • screwdriver (or drill)
  • stapler
  • sandpaper
  • Paper (wrapping paper or just A4's attached to each other)

Step 4: Size and Dimensions

The size and dimensions will be different for any bicycle you will design this for so you will need to take your own measurements. I tried to take my own but I disconcert it was quite hard to find the right dimensions, especially the angles. A small deviation can make a big difference so I decided to draw the frame instead. I had some big pieces of paper lying around and taped them to my bicycle. I cut it to size and started drew the inside of my frame. After most of the drawing was done I took it off and straightened the lines with a straight piece of cardboard. Now I had the perfect template to take my measurements from and get the angles right!

To determine the width of the box I took a box that I had laying around. You could also pick some cardboard and attach it to the upper frame tube your bicycle (if you have one). This is important because you should be able to ride your bike when you finish your project. You will probably lose a bit of comfort riding your bicycle but since you are not likely to use it daily and won't need high speeds to go to your picnic this should be fine. Nevertheless, it’s something to note. Take your bicycle for a spin with the cardboard in place and see if you like it. Take some time to see if you really like it because when you pay attention to the cardboard you are likely to ride in a 'special' way. you should be able to ride it without paying too much attention so you can use the attention for other traffic. When your box is finished it will be hard/impossible to make any changes to the size of the box.

Step 5: Frame

When I got all the measurements it was time to start building. I started with the frame. I cut the pine timber to size and glued them together. Because I did not have any claps that could hold these angles I decided to screw them together as well. before gluing I pre drilled the holes and tested the frame with only the screws in place. The frame fitted together nicely and fitted in the frame of my bicycle. I removed the screws, added the glue and put it back together. the screws now act like a clamp. To prevent the screws from interfering with the outer layer I used a countersink.

When the box is wider than the space between your pedals you will have to make some space for them. You could either remove the hole area that could interfere with the pedals or you narrow the specific area. The first option will be a lot quicker and easier to build.

I chose for the last option because it would give me more space in the box and will look nicer. I also cut one of the frames on the bottom to make space for the chain and replaced some of the structure with another piece of timber. as shown in the picture.

Step 6: Sides

The sides where pretty straight forward but i wanted to make sure everything would fit. I took some cardboard of the dimensions I was looking for and used a stapler to temporarily secure the frame and make some test fittings. everything worked out fine so now it was time for the plywood.

First I made the pieces that go around the frame. I used the dimensions from the cardboard test in the beginning of the Instructable. In my case I had a width of 10cm + 2x4mm for the sides.

Next I placed the frame with the added sides on the plywood and used it as a guide to drew it on the plywood. For the space for the paddles I had to make some extra pieces of plywood. It was hard to determine the arc of the paddles so I used a plate for the arc and made sure it would fit before gluing it in place. I either used weight or clamps to keep everything together while the glue was drying.

Step 7: Door/Table

I made the door/table from the same plywood as the sides with some extra support at the hinges. I placed the hinges on the underlying wooden frame so I could screw them in bottom side. The side of the door/table only had 4mm of plywood witch I thought was not enough to hold the hinges. therefore, I glued some extra wood in place to have some space to secure the screws of the door. The screws I used for this part where only 1.6 cm long but still too long. I cut them of using the dremel. because It was only possible to have 2 screws in the bottom part I glued 'fake' screws in place to hide the holes.

To close the door/table I used two slide barrel bolts. I placed them on top of the door and placed in such a way that the bolt will lock itself in place using gravity. because the slide barrel bolts don't have to carry any weight and had more points to attach it I did not use any extra wood to support the screws. I cut the excess of the screws with the dremel.

To hold the door at a 90 degree angle I used a chain because it looks better than a piece of rope but I am sure it will work just as fine! I used some small hooks to hold the chain. In the frame I used closed loops. In the door/table I used open hooks so I can change the angle depending on the surface the bicycle is standing on. After placing the hooks in the door I discovered that it could not close any more because they were running in the frame. I solved this problem by removing some wood in the frame.

Step 8: Attatchment to the Bicycle

To attach the box to the frame I used Velcro. The reason I chose this material is that I wanted the box it to be removable. Although I really like the box I don't want to take it with me on all my daily trips. it is taking a way some cycling comfort, adds weight and I don't picnic everyday unfortunately. I took the Velcro from some IKEA mattress holders that I saved because you never know where they could come in hand!

Picture off the straps: IKEA Straps

I removed the Velcro from the straps using a small knife to cut the stitching. After removing them I stitched the pieces together with a 2 centimetre overlap. I cut it to size so it can go around the frame of the bike and overlap the entire area for maximum support. I made two straps for the upper side and one for the front and one for the backside. The hold is very strong and can support a fully loaded box. The straps where used for holding a rolled mattress together in the first place.

In the box itself I cut slits with a router bit and the Dremel. The piece of the Velcro that is stitched together is placed inside the box and the other pieces stick out on each side and fold around the frame to keep the box in place. I did not attach them to the frame because the fit is too tight and it would not be possible to get it in the bicycle.

Step 9: Interior

For the straps I used Velcro. I could only find adhesive Velcro so I bought a ribbon to stick to the adhesive side. The Velcro was a bit wider than the ribbon so I cut it to size. I used a screw and ring to attach the straps to the box. Make sure they are long enough to go around the bottle or other stuff you want to carry. The more they overlap the stronger the hold. It could easily carry my 1 litre glass bottle with I guess is around 1.5 / 2 kg. (regular street bumps and holes included)

Because the space on the bottom of the box has a lot of different sizes I decided to cover it up and use it an extra space to store small things like shot glasses, mini pallets and/or battery powered LED string. I made it from piece of plywood and some decorating wood of 5x5mm. I also added some self-adhesive Velcro to it. I cut the decorative wood to size and glued it to the side just below the door so it would level out when the plywood in in place. It keeps itself in place due to the form if the frame but nevertheless I used the Velcro to the bottom just to be safe. The top has some Velcro to it to keep the glass holders in place. It was self-adhesive but it did not stick that well to the wood. I used thumb tacks to keep it down and bend them on the other side with a hammer. not very pretty but it works! ;)

The glass holders I made from a nylon band that came with a IKEA Mattress. I measured the size of the glasses around three-quarters from the bottom. This is because my glasses are slightly pylon shaped and therefore can be hanged in the bands. I made the band 2 centimetres longer so they had overlap and could be sewed together. By heating the ends with the lighter I prevented the nylon band from falling apart. Because my glasses are slightly pylon shaped they can be hold in place by an elastic band.

Step 10: Finishing Touch

I sanded all the edges to a more or less 45 degrees' angle. This to prevent sharp edges and improve the looks.

The wooden box looks very nice by itself but I decided to give it an extra personal touch by painting it. for this project I chose black IKEA Behandla (wood glazing paint). It comes in a can of 375ml (12.67 fl.oz) and should be enough for 6m2 (65ft2). It comes in a range of colours: from plane and black to bright orange and blue. The great thing is that it only costs 4 Euro! The more layers you paint the darker the final colour. in this case I used 1 layer so you can still see the texture of the wood and it will be a different colour then the one of my bicycle. I finished everything with a matt lacquer from a spray can witch costed 7 Euro. I did not use it all so technically it was less but I will give the full prices. If you have some paint laying around the paint job could be free!

To finish of the project I made the Gazelle logo from some leftover plywood. I printed it out and glued the logo on the wood with paper glue. (Pritt stick) I used the fretsaw to cut it out the logo. To remove the paper from the cut out logo I laid it down on a wet towel. After a minute you should be able to remove the paper and glue. I used the towel to remove the glue and let it dry. finally, I gave it a sand and matt lacquer finish. I used wood glue to attach it to the box.

Step 11: Enjoy!

I hoped you enjoyed my Instrucatble! When the weather will be better I will make and add some pictures of the bicycle and picnic box in the final colours. Feel free to leave some feedback or a comment and if you really liked it please vote for me! :)


Very cool! Here is my version:

Great idea! Congrats on winning, you documented the project very well!

Awesome project! Voted!

About your introduction: I've been there. One year ago i moved fom Westphalia (somewhere in the flat part of Germany near the dutch border) to Bavaria (Mountains. Lots of Mountains!) to study. In Westphalia it was perfectly normal to ride the bike for the 20 km to school and since the country is flat, it was not a big deal. Now, my university is 5 km away from were i life and it's a completely different story!

Thanks a lot! I can imagine, luckily the inner city is more or less flat so no big deal with my, 48 years old, gear less bicycle. :) For me the biggest getting used to are actually the cycling rules in Austria. Have been pulled over by the police for al kinds of reasons by now. ooops..

Fun project, thanks for sharing!

Voted! Very thorough! This would be excellent for a couple on a tandem bike! In New England USA our roads are either highways or old cow paths turned into paved country roads so bicycling is a dangerous sport! Austria sounds like a cyclist's dream! Thank you for sharing.

Thanks! That would be a great idea, you could pack a lot off stuff in there! I can imagine that Austria sound a nice country to use your bicycle. Its not bad but from my point of view they still have a long way to go. But hey, I am spoiled by being Dutch. Changes are being made and I think they are heading the right way in the city where I live now. I just hope other countries will see the benefits of cycling too :)

Bike Picnic Box

Introduction: Bike Picnic Box

Step 1: Measure Frame and Lay Out Wood

Draw up a design and figure out the angles to be cut. Once cut, nail and glue the wood together.

Step 2: Make Slat Wood Walls

lay wood slats on the box frame an mark cuts to be made glue on slats Cut wood board and screw in hinges Create wooden slider to fit your frame perfectly and install with angle irons

Step 3: Riding *important*

Don't forget to measure pedal height and width so you can still ride it

Step 4: Ride and Enjoy

Revel In its glory and take it to your favorite picnic spot! Enjoy the great outdoors!

or have some style (and flexibility) buy a basket for your bike $5-10, which is also removeable and put a picnic basket in it!

this box is equally easy, if not easier to remove than a basket mount. but yes that would also be an option for carrying things around

Love it, brilliant idea

Depends on the person but mine is 5"

How wide is your box? I have been contemplating making myself one and I struggle with the width so that I can be sure that I don't hit my legs on it.

This is awesome. I wish I would have thought of that!

I thought it said "bike panic box" XD

What a great idea !

You should add a an icebox on the handlebar for a good old dry martini (stirred not shaken) . …

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picknick box

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24 pcs set of plastic forks and spoons with box, 1970s picnic / party flatware

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    Free Picnic Table Plans

    Get Outdoor Picnic Table Plans for Free

    Use these free picnic table plans to build a picnic table for your backyard, deck, or any other area around your home where you need seating. Building a picnic table is an easy task that makes the perfect weekend project without breaking the bank.

    The picnic table plans include plans for traditional, octagon, hexagon, round, folding, small, and large picnic tables. You'll have no trouble finding a free picnic table plan to fit your space and style.

    These free picnic table plans include everything you need to build a picnic table including a materials and tools list, a cut list, step-by-step written building directions, diagrams, and photos. Some of the plans even include videos and user-submitted photos.

    Here's an easy picnic table plan that will get you a traditional and sturdy picnic table in your backyard by the end of the weekend. It's a nice update on this older picnic table plan by Popular Mechanics.

    Clear pictures and a video will help you build this easy picnic table. More

    If you'd like to build an octagon picnic table then here's the plan for you. The completed tabletop will be 64" wide.

    Included in this free octagon picnic table plan are a materials and tools list, cut list, instructions, and user tips and comments. More

    Here's a free picnic table for a 6-foot long traditional picnic table. All you'll need is a saw, drill, screwdriver, wrench, and lumber.

    This 14-page picnic table plan will provides you with a materials list, written instructions, and lots of diagrams. More

    This is a free hexagon picnic table plan that is a very nice update to the traditional rectangle picnic table.

    You'll find clear illustrations, well-written instructions, a complete materials and tools list, and even pictures of the picnic tables people have made from this plan. More

    This free picnic table plan will seat six to eight adults comfortably. The seperate benches make sure that everyone has enough leg room to be comfortable.

    This free PDF picnic table plan includes eight pages of a tools and supplies list, cut list, diagrams, and building steps. More

    This is a traditional A-frame picnic table plan where the legs, bench, and table tops are all made from 2X6s.

    Use the material list to gather your supplies and use the diagrams and instructions to build yourself this classic picnic table. More

    This easy to build picnic table will fit the bigger kids and even a small adult can sit comfortably on it.

    You'll find dimensions, instructions, cut list, and a material list as well as dozens of pictures of the finished picnic table. More

    Here's a free picnic table plan from Wayne of Woods that will give you a nicely finished picnic table you can leave unfinished, stain, or paint.

    There are plenty of pictures and step-by-step instructions to make sure that this picnic table turns out just how you'd like it to. More

    If you are looking to build a kids' picnic table then this plan for a Preschool Picnic Table from Ana-White may be just what you're looking for.

    Diagrams, a materials and tools list, a cut list, and instructions are included in this free kids picnic table plan. It's also available as a PDF download. More

    This Old House has a free picnic table plan available that will help you build a classic American picnic table with attached benches. With this plan you can expect to spend 4 hours and under $100.

    Three steps of this picnic table plan will take you through cutting the frame parts, building the frame, and finishing the benches and top of the table. More

    BuildEazy has a free picnic table plan available that builds a larger than normal sized traditional picnic table. In fact, it can seat up to eight adults.

    Almost 10 pages of detailed directions as well as videos and user photos are included in this free picnic table plan. More

    Here's a plan for a traditional picnic table that will take you a few hours to build and won't break your budget.

    The picnic table plan includes color photos, diagrams, a materials and tools list, written instructions, and user comments. More

    You won't believe your eyes at this plan for a folding picnic table that coverts from two separate bench seats into a picnic table.

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    Past participle: picnicked


    We had a picnic on the beach → Nous avons pique-niqué sur la plage. (= eat a simple meal) → pique-niquer

    We won't have any electricity but we can always have a picnic → On n'a pas l'électricité mais on peut toujours pique-niquer.

    it'll be no picnic [experience, task, activity] → ça ne va pas être de la tarte picnic table, picnic site, picnic hamper, picnic lunch



    • pickney
    • Picknick
    • picknicker
    • pickoff
    • pick-off
    • Pickpack
    • Pickpenny
    • pickpocket
    • pickproof
    • Pickpurse
    • Pick's disease
    • Picksy
    • pickthank
    • Picktooth
    • pickup
    • pick-up
    • pickup arm
    • pick-up dinner
    • pick-up stick
    • pickup truck
    • pickwick
    • Pickwickian
    • picky
    • Picle
    • picloram
    • picnic
    • picnic area
    • picnic basket
    • picnic ground
    • picnic ham
    • picnic races
    • picnic shoulder
    • picnicker
    • picnicky
    • pico-
    • Pico de Aneto
    • pico de gallo
    • Pico de Orizaba
    • Pico de Teide
    • Pico della Mirandola
    • Pico della Mirandola Giovanni
    • Pico Rivera
    • picocurie
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    Gourmet Picnic Food

    Picnic Boxes

    Healthy. Fresh. Convenient. Delicious.

    Accommodate everyone in your party by pre-ordering a custom picnic for pickup as you head out on your next excursion for a convenient, delicious start to your day.

    Anywhere you have a group of 10 - 2000 guests. No setting up or cleaning up required!

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Positano Lunch Box

    Baguette filled with mortadella, thinly sliced peppers, mozzarella and pesto

    Healthy Start Lunch Box

    Health Roll with shaved ham, cheese and basil pesto

    US Search Desktop

    We appreciate your feedback on how to improve Yahoo Search. This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

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    I am going to close my Yahoo account which I have had for 17 years if you do not stop with the pop-up ads.

    Your pop-up ads are intolerable! I can't review or search anything on Yahoo because the site stops responding because all of the stupid ads are trying to load. I will select the companies that I want to support! You cramming them down my throat doesn't help their cause or yours. I am beginning to realize that Google is probably a much better, smoother and more pleasant experience for me. Also, since you are partners with Verizon, it makes me want to switch that too.

    I am requesting that you do a manual review of the organic results on "chinook boot dryers"

    I am requesting that you do a manual review of the organic results on "chinook boot dryers", and many other "boot dryer" and "boot dryers" keywords. First there is not much variety being displayed, since the search results are almost ALL going to websites controlled by the same guy who has built the following websites, and interlinked them together and crowded out all of the other possible search results:

    + his pages on Amazon (note the seller is SEA Products, which is the same guy who runs all of the above websites. Scott E Allen.)

    You can verify this by looking at the phone numbers and addresses on the above websites, plus all of the sites look like each other.

    This seems very spammy and NOT a good representation of Yahoo's stellar results. Also, it sends the signal to others that all you need to do is build out 5-6 ****** websites, link them together and take over the top search results. which isn't fair to other operators or customers trying to find the best products.

    Another interesting thing about the results for "chinook boot dryers" is the fact that this guy has the domain http://chinookbootdryer.com, and that he is NOT the manufacturer of Chinook Boot Dryers but his organic listing is being treated with domain authority as though he was the manufacturer. We spoke to the actual manufacturer and found out that this guy is only one of many of their dealers and does not work for the company or have any affiliation with them in any way. You can verify this by calling the manufacturer yourself. Their number is 203-366-3840.

    We have researched many other "boot dryer" keyword results and have noted that his websites are ALL dominant and taking up almost all of the page 1 organic search results.

    We hope you do the right thing and don't reward this behaviour, since the rest of us are trying to stick to Yahoo's guidelines and play by the rules. with one website.

    Thanks for your consideration and support!

    I am requesting that you do a manual review of the organic results on "chinook boot dryers", and many other "boot dryer" and "boot dryers" keywords. First there is not much variety being displayed, since the search results are almost ALL going to websites controlled by the same guy who has built the following websites, and interlinked them together and crowded out all of the other possible search results:

    + his pages on Amazon (note the seller is SEA Products, which is the same guy who runs all of the above websites. Scott… more

    I am going to close my Yahoo account which I have had for 17 years if you do not stop with the pop-up ads.

    Your pop-up ads are intolerable! I can't review or search anything on Yahoo because the site stops responding because all of the stupid ads are trying to load. I will select the companies that I want to support! You cramming them down my throat doesn't help their cause or yours. I am beginning to realize that Google is probably a much better, smoother and more pleasant experience for me. Also, since you are partners with Verizon, it makes me want to switch that too.

    your product support is non responsive and useless

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