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Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

Grillmarinade für hähnchen

Grillmarinaden und Gewürze Küchengötter Raffinierte Rezepte für Grillmarinaden und Gewürzmischungen fürs Grillen gibt s. Discover thousands of images about Marinade Für Hähnchen on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas. ALDI SÜD - Rezept: Bierdosen Hähnchen 1 Hähnchen, ca. Einfache Marinade Hähnchenbrust - Rezept Diese Einfache Marinade Hähnchenbrust eignet sich sowohl zum Garen im Ofen, als auch zur Zubereitung auf dem Grill. Nach dem marinieren Panieren, grillen, braten oder dünsten Kräuter: Tymian, Salbei, Rosmarin, Petersilie Ansonsten: Zwiebel, Knoblauch. Für Würziges Buttermilch-Hähnchen Rezept für Chicken Wings Tandoori.

Grillrezepte für Hähnchen und Steaks mit drei Marinaden und. Pinterest einem Tool für visuelle Lesezeichen zum Entdecken und. Marinade Für Hähnchen on Pinterest Thunfisch Dip. Doch auch europäische Rezepte paaren Ente und Huhn gern mit würziger.

Grill marinade für hähnchen Rezepte 22 raffinierte grill marinade für hähnchen Rezepte auf. Diese Knoblauch-Honig Marinade mit Senf, eignet sich hervorragend, für Hähnchen im Backrohr oder auf dem Grill. Hähnchen Marinade - Alle Rezepte Deutschland Hähnchen marinieren macht das Fleisch besonders würzig und zart. Marinaden Rezepte Kochen mit Frag-Mutti Knoblauch-Honig Marinade mit Senf.

Mit einer selbst gemachten Marinade nach Rezept wird Hähnchen auf dem Grill besonders gut. Rezepte Das Hähnchen aufklappen und in die Schüssel in die Marinade legen. In diesem köstlichen, aber einfachen Rezept dominieren die wunderbaren. Nicht zu heiß grillen, damit die Marinade nicht verbrennt. Marinade Für Hähnchen auf Pinterest Thunfisch Dip.

Teriyaki-Huhn - Rezepte: Geflügel in Marinade - Seite 1 - ESSEN

Gerade in der exotischen Küche wird Geflügel oft über Nacht in Marinade eingelegt. Portionen: 4 Vorb: 25 m Zub: 20 m Bewertung: Ihre bewertung: Kal: 145 kcal Eiw: 9 g Fett: 11 g. 4 große Hähnchenkeulen oder 6 - 8 kleinere Hähnchen Unterkeulen Etwas Salz zum Einreiben Für die Marinade: 3 EL Tomaten Ketchup 2 EL helle Soja Sauce.

Marinierte Hähnchenkeulen vom Grill Mamas Rezepte - mit Bild. Hier lesen Sie, worauf es beim Grillen von Hähnchen ankommt wie das. Aromen aus Honig, Sojasoße, Knoblauch und Limettensaft der Grillmarinade. Hähnchen marinieren - Marinade Rezept - 27.

Für die Hähnchen Marinade zuerst den Knoblauch schälen und durchpressen, in eine Schüssel geben. Sie viele Marinade-Rezepte für Huhn und anderes Geflügel. Geflügel - USA kulinarisch Hühnchen in süß-scharfer Marinade - dem Europäer ist es vermutlich zu süß, der.

US-Amerikaner schätzt die Kombination von süß und salzig. Schüssel abdecken und für mindestens 4 Stunden kühl stellen. Grillen - Video - Geflügel grillen - Kabeleins 20. Pikante Hähnchen-Unterschenkel mit Grillmarinade Pikante Hähnchen-Unterschenkel mit Grillmarinade. Hähnchen marinade Rezepte 118 leckere hähnchen marinade Rezepte auf - Deutschlands beliebtester Kochseite. Teriyaki-Huhn - Rezepte: Geflügel in Marinade - Seite 1 - ESSEN.

1,4 kg 1 Dose Bier, 0,5 l - Für die Marinade: 1. Das perfekte Grillrezepte für Hähnchen und Steaks mit drei Marinaden und. Entdecke eine Vielzahl von Bildern zum Thema Marinade Für Hähnchen auf.

Knoblauchzehe 1 EL Salz 1 EL LE GUSTO Curry 1 Msp. Barbecue-Hähnchen mit Honig und Limette Rezept - Alle Rezepte. Hähnchen grillen: das perfekte Hähnchen vom Grill. Tipp: Stellen Sie aus Öl und Gewürzen eine Marinade her.

Alle Rezeptideen sind natürlich ohne Fleisch und Vegetarisch bzw. Beste Vegane Rezepte - Beste Vegane Rezepte - Kochen und backen mit veganen Zutaten. Blinde Kuh: Kinder-K che Kinder-K che - leckere Rezepte f r Kinder von Kindern. Cocktails selber machen EDEKA Geschüttelt, gerührt, geschichtet: Mixen Sie einfach mal Cocktails selber.

Die hochkalorische Aufbaunahrung enthält viele lebensnotwendige Nährstoffe wie Vitamine und Mineralstoffe in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis, das vom. Essensplan-ab-6-monate Babyernährung Brust oder Flasche für Babys welche sehr hohe Trinkmengen Milch brauchen gibt es.

Für die Bluthochdruck-Behandlung sind allgemeine und spezielle Massnahmen bei der Ernährung empfehlenswert: Bei Bluthochdruck ist vor. Gemüse mit seiner perfekt abgestimmten würzigen Note.

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Thai Red Curry with Chicken & Mango

The secrets to a really great Thai curry using store bought curry paste are: sautéing the curry paste with onion, garlic and fresh chilli, and simmering the curry with kaffir lime leaves (key tip). Plus my secret tip for a thick, extra saucy, extra tasty sauce with 1/3 less calories – MANGOES. Seriously. (But I’ve also provided the recipe using just coconut milk!)

Ever since my visit to the Groves Grown Tropical Fruit farm which I babbled about in the Coconut Shrimp/Prawns with Spicy Thai Mango Sauce recipe I shared a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been going a little mango-mad.

Mango sorbet. Mango cheesecake. Mango marinade (seriously SO GOOD!). Mango salsas.

I don’t want to overwhelm you with mango recipes so I decided to pick one more to share this summer. And really, there was no contention.

This Mango Thai Red Curry. There are no words. Honestly, I think it’s the best “from scratch” invention to come out of this kitchen for a while. LOOK how thick and saucy it is! With 1/3 less calories.

Everyone loves a great curry, especially creamy coconut milk ones. But I rarely have Thai curries midweek because of the calories….WOWZER! Coconut milk is seriously loaded with calories. There are 920 calories / 3,850 kilojoules in one 400g/13oz can of coconut milk. Did you know that??

Sure, you could go low-fat coconut milk. But it’s nowhere near the same……Those who have tried it will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say that the curry sauce is watery instead of creamy.

So the awesome discovery I made?? Switch out half the coconut milk with mango puree. That’s right, mangoes! In puree form it’s thick and creamy, has the sweetness of coconut milk – the PERFECT coconut milk substitute. With less than 1/3 of the calories of coconut milk.

And in case you are concerned, NO it’s not too sweet! Coconut milk is sweet anyway, so it basically replaces that. Plus, here are the ratios I use: 1 can (400g/13oz) coconut milk, 1 cup mango puree and 3/4 cup chicken broth/stock (thins out the mango, adds extra flavour depth).

There is no way anyone would taste this curry and think “this is sweet”.

To be clear – I did not invent this recipe in a bid to lighten up curry! I made it simply because I thought it would be delish – and it blew me away. And my taste testers. Especially when I told them it was so much healthier than the usual red curry!

This is the very first recipe I’m sharing which uses a store bought curry paste. And it’s in response to a request from a friend who mentioned that curries she makes using store bought curry paste just never tastes as good as restaurant curries.

There’s no denying that a made-from-scratch curry paste makes a difference. But you know what? The bigger factor is using store bought curry paste properly – freshening up the flavours by sautéing it with onion, garlic, ginger and chillies.

And the ultimate tip I have? KAFFIR LIME LEAVES. That is the key. They smell limey but are earthier, and when you plonk them into the sauce to simmer away, that is when the magic happens and you’ll make a curry that rivals a restaurant one.

I need to stop here. Otherwise I’ll write a thesis.

I really hope you try this. I can’t stress enough how delicious it is! Thick, creamy, EXTRA saucy with less calories. *Eyes fluttering* Thai curry heaven. – Nagi x

  • 1 tbsp oil (vegetable, canola, grape seed)
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp ginger, minced (not critical)
  • ½ - 1 tsp red chilli, minced (Optional. I used 1 tsp.)
  • 1 small onion, sliced (brown, white, yellow) or 3 eschallots
  • 1.2lb / 600g chicken thigh fillets (or breast), cut into bite size pieces
  • 4 - 5 tbsp Thai Red Curry Paste (Note 1)
  • 1 can (400ml/13oz) coconut milk (full fat is better but low fat is ok too)
  • ¾ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup mango puree, preferably fresh (1 large mango) (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves
  • Jasmine rice
  • Coriander/cilantro leaves
  • Lime wedges
  • Fresh red chili, sliced
  1. Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, chilli (if using) and onion and saute until the onion is starting to soften.
  3. Add chicken and cook until white all over but still raw inside.
  4. Add curry paste and saute for 2 minutes until fragrant.
  5. Add coconut milk and chicken broth. Bring to simmer, stirring to dissolve the curry paste into the liquid. Then add the mango, fish sauce and kaffir lime leaves.
  6. Turn heat down to medium and simmer for 12 - 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is thickened. Adjust saltiness using fish sauce.
  7. Serve over jasmine rice, garnished with coriander/cilantro, wedges of lime and slices of red chilli, if desired.

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using MANGO puree. Note: This curry is saucier than most Thai curry recipes you’ll find!

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using only Coconut Milk per Note 3.

Hi Nagi Could I replace the chicken with fish?

Have cooked this several times with the chicken & is so delicious !!

Definitely! Just pop it in right at the end, fish doesn’t take long to cook 🙂 N x

Could I use beef instead of chicken? Any adjustments?

Hi Sonja! What cut of beef do you have? 🙂

I want to make this but only have beef, would that work too?

Yes! If it’s a slow cooking cut, simmer slowly until tender 🙂 What cut do you have?

Karen Ellem says

Can this Thai curry be made with frozen mango chunks pureed?

Or would it be better with fresh mangoes?

Hi Karen! Frozen is just fine for this 🙂 Hope you love it! N x

How spicy is the red paste you use? Using mango, does it make this overly sweet?

Hi Jax! Because it’s curry paste from a jar, it isn’t that spicy. And the mango doesn’t make it overly sweet, in fact, the mango replaces coconut milk which is why this is so much healthier than the usual red curries. And coconut milk is sweet too so the mango just replaces that sweetness!

This one looks wonderful. Can it be made a day or two ahead and reheated? Is this likely to improve the flavour? I’m having a dinner party with a number of dishes and was hoping to make this a day ahead in order to make life easier!

Yes! It keeps so well!

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥

Never miss a recipe!

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥ Read More…

Leider Lecker!

Leckeres aus Küche und Umgebung

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013

Hähnchenbrust mit Joghurt - Curry Marinade

Hähnchenbrustfilet (4 St.)

300g Joghurt (fettarm)

3 TL rote Currypaste

Salz zum Abschmecken

In einer Pfanne etwas Öl erhitzen. Die Hähnchenbrust aus der Marinade nehmen und etwas abtropfen lassen, dann in die heiße Pfanne geben und von beiden Seiten gut anbraten lassen. Achtung: Überschüssiger Joghurt im fett kann spritzen. Noch einmal auf beiden Seiten braten lassen, so lange bis der gewünschte Gargrad erlangt ist.

Hierzu passt am besten Ofengemüse und Prinzessbohnen.

Categorized | “Chicken”

Ultimate Curry Chicken?

Posted on 08 January 2010

A few months back I came across a wonderful video online of a fellow Trinbagonian living in the US who created a cooking video called “The Ultimate Curry Chicken” and though his method and ingredients of cooking curry chicken was a bit different than mine, I’m sure it was just as tasty. If you’ve watched my introduction video (click on “About” above) you’ll know that curry is not one of the things we grew up on and only years later when I moved to Canada and lived with my aunt, did I really start eating it. Don’t get me wrong, our mom is an excellent cook when it comes to anything curry, it’s just we didn’t have it as often. I’ve been lucky enough to have my mom close (about 1 hour away) the past few years, so over this time I’ve taken her recipe and made some slight changes to call it my own. BTW if you’re in the Toronto area and you’re looking to have some food catered (Trini dishes), be sure to contact me and I’ll not only get you some amazing food, but I’ll even hook you up with a nice discount. I’m not in the catering business, but my sister is and it seems she’s doing an amazing job with the rate her business is growing.

3/4 tablespoon salt

dash black pepper

1/4 hot pepper (scotch bonnet, habanero or any hot pepper you like) *Optional.

heaping tablespoon curry powder (madras)

1/4 teaspoon roasted Geera (powder)

1 medium tomato diced

1 medium onion sliced

2 cloves garlic sliced

2 + 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Juice of 1 lime or lemon

1 1/2 cups water

6 tablespoons water (to cook curry)

* I usually use dark meat (with bones) when cooking curry as I find that the overall taste of the finished dish is more tasty. However the recipe works just as well with white meat (may be a bit dry though)

* Since shado beni is not readily available to us in the city where I live (and I can’t grow it) I usually get some shipped to me and immediately after I get it, it goes into my freezer. Then whenever I’m cooking I break off a few leaves to add to my dish. So if you can get access to some at your local store, remember that freezing is also an option if you get a large package. I also find that the frozen leaves holds more flavour than if you were to puree the leaves as we do with green seasoning mix.

* If you don’t have the green seasoning the recipe calls for, feel free to use about a tablespoon of each of the following (chopped):

* Spanish thyme would also be a good addition if you can get access to it.

* In the recipe you notice that I cooked the frozen shado beni with the onions before adding the curry. If you’re using fresh shado beni you’ll get better results if you season the chicken with it, rather than cooking it as I did. If you don’t have any shado beni, you can also substitute cilantro for it (add about 2-3 tablespoon chopped to the seasoned chicken)

I got a package of chicken legs with back attached, so this means I had to cut it into serving size pieces before I could get started. After I cut the chicken into pieces it was placed in a bowl with some water and the juice of the lime (see ingredients above) to be washed. I then drained out the water and squeezed it as dry as I could.

The next step is to season the chicken and allow it to marinate for a couple hours. Add the salt, black pepper, tomato, green seasoning, and scallion (chopped) to the bowl with the chicken and stir so everything gets coated.

After it’s been marinating for a couple hrs, it’s time to start cooking. In a fairly large pan, heat the oil (2 tablespoon) on high heat and get prepared to add the sliced onions, garlic and hot pepper. Allow this to cook for a few minutes until the onions go soft and start to go a bit brown. I then turn the heat to medium and add a few leaves of the frozen shado beni to the pot followed by the curry and geera (cumin) and stir. You may notice that the pot is “dry”, this is when I add another tablespoon of oil to the pot so nothing sticks. The next step is to add the 6 tablespoons of water, turn the heat down and allow this to cook for a couple minutes. This will bring out the true aroma of the curry.

As the liquid burns off it’s time to start adding the pieces of seasoned chicken to the pot. Turn the heat back up to high and stir each piece so it get’s in contact with the cooked curry. After you’ve added all the seasoned chicken, turn the heat to medium-low and cover the pot.

You’ll notice that the chicken will spring it’s own juices, so after 15 minutes remove the lid and turn the heat up to high. We’ll now burn off that liquid. As the liquid burns off from the pot (make sure you keep stirring) you’ll see nothing but a bit of oil at the bottom with a sort of curry paste (this is the good stuff).

In the same bowl you seasoned the chicken add the 1 1/2 cups of water so we can pick up any remaining seasoning that was left behind. Now add the water from the bowl to the pot to continue the cooking process.

Bring to a boil, then lower the heat to a gentle simmer with the pot covered (stir occasionally). After 20 minutes, remove the cover and check the sauce or gravy to see if it’s the consistency you like. Usually I have to turn the heat up a bit to reduce the curry sauce as I like it a bit thick.

I’m sure many of you may have a different way of making curry chicken or as our friends from Guyana say “chicken curry” , so I encourage you to share you method with us in the comments box below this post. Don’t forget to also join us on facebook below:

40 Responses to “Ultimate Curry Chicken?”

Can I ask which Mandaras curry you use

When making the curry do you have to use green seasoning also what is shado beni

It’s also known as recato or culantro in the states. It’s a long leaf using sold in bundles.

Indische Curry-Rezepte: Tandoori Huhn / Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori Huhn stammt aus der Region Punjab auf dem Indischen Subkontinent und hat einen feurig-würzigen Geschmack. Vor der Zubereitung wird das Huhn in einer Joghurt-Marinade eingelegt, die mit einer bestimmten Würzmischung („Tandoori Masala“) gewürzt ist. Die rötliche Farbe der Marinade stammt von Cayenne-Pfeffer oder Chili-Pulver, und auch Kurkuma wird verwendet, was der Marinade eine gelblichere Farbe verleiht. Das so marinierte Huhn wird traditionellerweise bei sehr heissen Temperaturen in einem irdenen Ofen (Tandoori-Ofen) gemacht, wobei ein „normaler“ Ofen auch verwendet werden kann.

Ca. 600-800g Huhn

2 EL Limetten- oder Zitronensaft

2 zerdrückte Knoblauchzehen

1 TL Chili-Pulver

Jeweils ½ bis ¼ TL Salz und Pfeffer

1 EL Kreuzkümmelsamen zu Pulver gemahlen

1 EL Koriandersamen zu Pulver gemahlen

1 daumengroßes Stück Ingwerwurzel, geschält und fein gehackt

4 EL Naturjoghurt

2 TL Garam Masala

50ml Ghee oder geschmolzene Butter

Grüne Salatblätter, Zwieblringe und Zitronenscheiben zum Servieren

Entfernen Sie die Haut, schneiden Sie das Huhn in 4-6 gleich große Stücke und schneiden Sie mit einem scharfen Messer das Fleisch an einigen Stellen ein.

Mischen Sie in einer Schüssel Zitronensaft, Knoblauch, Salz und Pfeffer und reiben Sie die Mischung in und über die Hühnerstücke und stellen Sie es dann zur Seite. Geben Sie in eine weitere Schüssel die gemahlenen Kreuzkümmel- und Korianersamen und mischen Sie es mit Yoghurt, Garam Masala (eignet sich auch als Tandoori Gewürz) und Chilipulver. Gießen Sie die Marinade in die erste Schüssel und vermischen alles gut – achten Sie dabei darauf, dass auch die Einschnitte gut bedeckt sind. In den Kühlschrank stellen und 24 Stunden stehen lassen.

Am nächsten Tag spießen sie die Hühnerstücke auf einen Spieß und geben Sie sie in den Ofen bei 200 Grad. Davor noch Ghee bzw. Butter auf die Stücke geben. Unten im Ofen ein wenig Wasser in die Aufangschale geben. Das Huhn nun 30 Minuten im Ofen lassen, gegebenenfalls immer mal wieder drehen. Danach den Sud aus Fleischsaft, Wasser und Marinade in der Auffangschale dazu verwenden, die Stücke immer wieder damit zu beträufeln, und nach insgesamt 45min-1 Stunde das Tandoori Huhn aus dem Ofen nehmen.

Zusammen mit Naan, grünen Salatblättern, Zwiebelringen und Zitronenscheiben und ggfs. einer Joghurt-Sauce (siehe Raita-Rezept) servieren.

Weitere Indische Curry Rezepte:

Thai Red Curry with Chicken & Mango

The secrets to a really great Thai curry using store bought curry paste are: sautéing the curry paste with onion, garlic and fresh chilli, and simmering the curry with kaffir lime leaves (key tip). Plus my secret tip for a thick, extra saucy, extra tasty sauce with 1/3 less calories – MANGOES. Seriously. (But I’ve also provided the recipe using just coconut milk!)

Ever since my visit to the Groves Grown Tropical Fruit farm which I babbled about in the Coconut Shrimp/Prawns with Spicy Thai Mango Sauce recipe I shared a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been going a little mango-mad.

Mango sorbet. Mango cheesecake. Mango marinade (seriously SO GOOD!). Mango salsas.

I don’t want to overwhelm you with mango recipes so I decided to pick one more to share this summer. And really, there was no contention.

This Mango Thai Red Curry. There are no words. Honestly, I think it’s the best “from scratch” invention to come out of this kitchen for a while. LOOK how thick and saucy it is! With 1/3 less calories.

Everyone loves a great curry, especially creamy coconut milk ones. But I rarely have Thai curries midweek because of the calories….WOWZER! Coconut milk is seriously loaded with calories. There are 920 calories / 3,850 kilojoules in one 400g/13oz can of coconut milk. Did you know that??

Sure, you could go low-fat coconut milk. But it’s nowhere near the same……Those who have tried it will know exactly what I’m talking about when I say that the curry sauce is watery instead of creamy.

So the awesome discovery I made?? Switch out half the coconut milk with mango puree. That’s right, mangoes! In puree form it’s thick and creamy, has the sweetness of coconut milk – the PERFECT coconut milk substitute. With less than 1/3 of the calories of coconut milk.

And in case you are concerned, NO it’s not too sweet! Coconut milk is sweet anyway, so it basically replaces that. Plus, here are the ratios I use: 1 can (400g/13oz) coconut milk, 1 cup mango puree and 3/4 cup chicken broth/stock (thins out the mango, adds extra flavour depth).

There is no way anyone would taste this curry and think “this is sweet”.

To be clear – I did not invent this recipe in a bid to lighten up curry! I made it simply because I thought it would be delish – and it blew me away. And my taste testers. Especially when I told them it was so much healthier than the usual red curry!

This is the very first recipe I’m sharing which uses a store bought curry paste. And it’s in response to a request from a friend who mentioned that curries she makes using store bought curry paste just never tastes as good as restaurant curries.

There’s no denying that a made-from-scratch curry paste makes a difference. But you know what? The bigger factor is using store bought curry paste properly – freshening up the flavours by sautéing it with onion, garlic, ginger and chillies.

And the ultimate tip I have? KAFFIR LIME LEAVES. That is the key. They smell limey but are earthier, and when you plonk them into the sauce to simmer away, that is when the magic happens and you’ll make a curry that rivals a restaurant one.

I need to stop here. Otherwise I’ll write a thesis.

I really hope you try this. I can’t stress enough how delicious it is! Thick, creamy, EXTRA saucy with less calories. *Eyes fluttering* Thai curry heaven. – Nagi x

  • 1 tbsp oil (vegetable, canola, grape seed)
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp ginger, minced (not critical)
  • ½ - 1 tsp red chilli, minced (Optional. I used 1 tsp.)
  • 1 small onion, sliced (brown, white, yellow) or 3 eschallots
  • 1.2lb / 600g chicken thigh fillets (or breast), cut into bite size pieces
  • 4 - 5 tbsp Thai Red Curry Paste (Note 1)
  • 1 can (400ml/13oz) coconut milk (full fat is better but low fat is ok too)
  • ¾ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup mango puree, preferably fresh (1 large mango) (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves
  • Jasmine rice
  • Coriander/cilantro leaves
  • Lime wedges
  • Fresh red chili, sliced
  1. Heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, chilli (if using) and onion and saute until the onion is starting to soften.
  3. Add chicken and cook until white all over but still raw inside.
  4. Add curry paste and saute for 2 minutes until fragrant.
  5. Add coconut milk and chicken broth. Bring to simmer, stirring to dissolve the curry paste into the liquid. Then add the mango, fish sauce and kaffir lime leaves.
  6. Turn heat down to medium and simmer for 12 - 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is thickened. Adjust saltiness using fish sauce.
  7. Serve over jasmine rice, garnished with coriander/cilantro, wedges of lime and slices of red chilli, if desired.

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using MANGO puree. Note: This curry is saucier than most Thai curry recipes you’ll find!

Nutrition per serving assuming 4 servings using only Coconut Milk per Note 3.

Hi Nagi Could I replace the chicken with fish?

Have cooked this several times with the chicken & is so delicious !!

Definitely! Just pop it in right at the end, fish doesn’t take long to cook 🙂 N x

Could I use beef instead of chicken? Any adjustments?

Hi Sonja! What cut of beef do you have? 🙂

I want to make this but only have beef, would that work too?

Yes! If it’s a slow cooking cut, simmer slowly until tender 🙂 What cut do you have?

Karen Ellem says

Can this Thai curry be made with frozen mango chunks pureed?

Or would it be better with fresh mangoes?

Hi Karen! Frozen is just fine for this 🙂 Hope you love it! N x

How spicy is the red paste you use? Using mango, does it make this overly sweet?

Hi Jax! Because it’s curry paste from a jar, it isn’t that spicy. And the mango doesn’t make it overly sweet, in fact, the mango replaces coconut milk which is why this is so much healthier than the usual red curries. And coconut milk is sweet too so the mango just replaces that sweetness!

This one looks wonderful. Can it be made a day or two ahead and reheated? Is this likely to improve the flavour? I’m having a dinner party with a number of dishes and was hoping to make this a day ahead in order to make life easier!

Yes! It keeps so well!

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥

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Hi, I’m Nagi!

I believe you can make great food with everyday ingredients even if you’re short on time and cost conscious. You just need to cook clever and get creative! ♥ Read More…


Two Girls Cooking

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Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

Hähnchen in Honig Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

Wir Mädels lieben es vegetarisch zu kochen, doch manchmal haben wir auch Lust auf Fleisch! Deshalb gibt’s heute ein zartes Hühnerfilet in einer feurig süßen Marinade. Das Hähnchen kann man natürlich auch durch Halloumi ersetzen. Durch das einlegen in die Marinade bleibt das Fleisch beim Braten zart und wird nicht trocken. Chili Honig und Sojasauce geben dem Gericht eine asiatische Note, das Salsa erfrischt den brennenden Mund. Und wenn man dann noch oben Sesamkörner drauf streut erfüllt sich das Sprichwort: Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn!

Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade

1 Esslöffel Honig

2 Esslöffel Sojasauce

Halber Teelöffel getrocknete Chili Flocken

1 Esslöffel Sesamöl

  1. Die Hühnerbrust in kleine Stücke schneiden. Aus Sojasauce, Honig, Chiliflocken und Sesamöl eine Marinade anrühren. Das Fleisch darin mindestens eine halbe Stunde marinieren.
  2. Dem Wok ordentlich Feuer geben, ja ich hab auch keinen Gasherd, aber auf jeden Fall ordentlich heiß werden lassen.
  3. Das Fleisch mit der Marinade scharf anbraten, nicht zu lang!
  4. Nach dem Braten mit Sesamkörnern bestreuen und mit Chilifäden dekorieren.

Tomaten Avocado Salsa

Eine vollreife Avocado

1 Esslöffel Olivenöl

Saft einer halben Limette

  1. Tomaten klein würfeln, Avocado in kleinen Nockerln aus der Schale schaben. Frühlingszwiebel fein hacken.
  2. Alles schön zusammen mantschen.
  3. Eine Knoblauchzehe hinein drücken, Olivenöl und Limettensaft dazu geben. Der Limettensaft verhindert dass das Salsa braun wird.
  4. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Chili würde natürlich auch sehr gut rein passen, aber wenn man die Salsa zum Honig-Chili Hähnchen serviert ist schon genug Schärfe im Essen.
  5. Eine halbe Stunde im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen.

Curry marinade hähnchen

2 EL Ahornsirup

6 EL Creolo Chicken Wing Marinade

1 EL Ingwermarmelade

1,5 kg Chicken Wings

1/2 frische Ananas

2-3 TL Creolo Häbanero Sauce

1 kleine reife Mango

2 TL Currypulver

1-2 EL Creolo Cayennesauce

1 Prise frisch geriebene Muskatnuss

1 Bund Frühlingszwiebeln

mit Ananas und Curry-Mango-Sauce Rezept von CWC

Bei American Barbecue kommen einem zuerst riesige Steaks oder saftige Hamburger in den Sinn.

Der Klassiker jedoch sind Ribs.

Zutaten und Zubereitung:

1/3 cup Weinessig

1/3 cup Tomaten-Sosse

2 Tl Thymian, getrocknet, gehackt

2 Tl CREOLO Hot-Sauce

3/4 Tl Knoblauchpulver

4 EL Creolo Wing Marinade

1 EL Mexican Salsa Picante

4 TL Creolo Soy Sauce

2 EL Aprikosensaft (aus der Dose)

Für die Aprikosensauce:

1 Dose (250 g) Aprikosen

1-2 TL Creolo Cayenne Sauce

1-2 EL Creolo Mexican Salsa Sauce

1 kleine rote Zwiebel

mit Cranberries bringen frische Farbe in die Cocktail-Szene und auf ihre Party. Die grosse Vielfalt der Cranberry Cocktails lässt die Herzen aller Gäste auf jeder Feier höher schlagen.


Two Girls Cooking

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Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

Hähnchen in Honig Chili Marinade mit Tomaten-Avocado Salsa

Wir Mädels lieben es vegetarisch zu kochen, doch manchmal haben wir auch Lust auf Fleisch! Deshalb gibt’s heute ein zartes Hühnerfilet in einer feurig süßen Marinade. Das Hähnchen kann man natürlich auch durch Halloumi ersetzen. Durch das einlegen in die Marinade bleibt das Fleisch beim Braten zart und wird nicht trocken. Chili Honig und Sojasauce geben dem Gericht eine asiatische Note, das Salsa erfrischt den brennenden Mund. Und wenn man dann noch oben Sesamkörner drauf streut erfüllt sich das Sprichwort: Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn!

Hähnchen in Honig-Chili Marinade

1 Esslöffel Honig

2 Esslöffel Sojasauce

Halber Teelöffel getrocknete Chili Flocken

1 Esslöffel Sesamöl

  1. Die Hühnerbrust in kleine Stücke schneiden. Aus Sojasauce, Honig, Chiliflocken und Sesamöl eine Marinade anrühren. Das Fleisch darin mindestens eine halbe Stunde marinieren.
  2. Dem Wok ordentlich Feuer geben, ja ich hab auch keinen Gasherd, aber auf jeden Fall ordentlich heiß werden lassen.
  3. Das Fleisch mit der Marinade scharf anbraten, nicht zu lang!
  4. Nach dem Braten mit Sesamkörnern bestreuen und mit Chilifäden dekorieren.

Tomaten Avocado Salsa

Eine vollreife Avocado

1 Esslöffel Olivenöl

Saft einer halben Limette

  1. Tomaten klein würfeln, Avocado in kleinen Nockerln aus der Schale schaben. Frühlingszwiebel fein hacken.
  2. Alles schön zusammen mantschen.
  3. Eine Knoblauchzehe hinein drücken, Olivenöl und Limettensaft dazu geben. Der Limettensaft verhindert dass das Salsa braun wird.
  4. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Chili würde natürlich auch sehr gut rein passen, aber wenn man die Salsa zum Honig-Chili Hähnchen serviert ist schon genug Schärfe im Essen.
  5. Eine halbe Stunde im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen.

Chicken Tikka Masala

For this chicken tikka masala recipe, the yogurt helps tenderize the chicken; the garlic, ginger, and spices in the marinade infuse it with lots of flavor. This is part of BA's Best, a collection of our essential recipes.


Recipe Preparation

Combine garlic, ginger, turmeric, garam masala, coriander, and cumin in a small bowl. Whisk yogurt, salt, and half of spice mixture in a medium bowl; add chicken and turn to coat. Cover and chill 4-6 hours. Cover and chill remaining spice mixture.

Heat ghee in a large heavy pot over medium heat. Add onion, tomato paste, cardamom, and chiles and cook, stirring often, until tomato paste has darkened and onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Add remaining half of spice mixture and cook, stirring often, until bottom of pot begins to brown, about 4 minutes.

Add tomatoes with juices, crushing them with your hands as you add them. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, stirring often and scraping up browned bits from bottom of pot, until sauce thickens, 8-10 minutes.

Add cream and chopped cilantro. Simmer, stirring occasionally, until sauce thickens, 30-40 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat broiler. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil and set a wire rack inside sheet. Arrange chicken on rack in a single layer. Broil until chicken starts to blacken in spots (it will not be cooked through), about 10 minutes.

Cut chicken into bite-size pieces, add to sauce, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until chicken is cooked through, 8-10 minutes. Serve with rice and cilantro sprigs.

Do Ahead: Chicken can be made 2 days ahead. Cover; chill. Reheat before serving.

Nutritional Content

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D.I.Y. Boneless Chicken Breasts


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