понедельник, 8 января 2018 г.


Sommerzeit ist Grillzeit

Gas-, Holzkohle- & Elektrogrills | Grillkamine | Zubehör

GRILLBERATUNG Elektro, Kohle oder Gas?




KINGSTONE Finden Sie Ihr perfektes Grillmodell

KINGSTONE Kugelgrill Sunset Special II

Porzellanemaillierter Kessel mit Deckel, Thermometer, Aschetopf inkl. Hitzeregulierungssystem 70 x 58 x 102 cm

KINGSTONE Modul-System

Das Modul-System besteht aus diversen Einsätzen, passend für den Grillrost mit KINGSTONE Grillmodul-System.

Kingstone Grillwagen Escala

  • Leicht zu reinigende OberflГ¤che
  • Mit 2 Seitenablagen
  • Vertikales Grillen mГ¶glich
  • Einfacher Transport auf Rollen

KINGSTONE Grillwagen Black Angus

  • Durch eine Kurbel hГ¶henverstellbarer Grillkohlerost
  • FeuerraumtГјr zum Nachlegen von Kohle
  • Mit 3 emaillierten Gusseisen-Grillrosten
  • 4 RГ¤der (2 feststellbar)
  • Deckelthermometer


Kamado Keramik Grillgeräte sind wahre Alleskönner und erste Wahl bei Spitzenköchen und ehrgeizigen Hobbygrillern. Ob grillen, backen, räuchern oder Niedrig-Temperatur-Garen: Was immer man zubereiten will, auf dem Kamado Grill gelingt es perfekt.


Der Kingstone Tischgrill Cutie Pie ist der ideale Picknickgrill fГјr das Barbecue unterwegs. Er ist leicht zu transportieren, kompakt zu verstauen und hat nur ein geringes Gewicht. Die drei stabilen Beine des Kugelgrills sorgen fГјr einen sicheren Stand. Damit ist dieser Grill die optimale Ausstattung fГјr jeden Ausflug.


Der kompakte Tischgrill 'EASY 32' ist dank eingebautem, batteriebetriebenem Lüfter schnell auf Temperatur und stufenlos regelbar. Seine Außenschale wird durch die doppelwandige Bauweise nicht heiß – so kann er sogar während des Betriebs transportiert werden.

Das passende Zubehör

Grillstar Kugelgrill Montana

  • Emaillierte Feuerschale
  • Mit RГ¤dern zum einfachen Transport
  • Praktisches Asche-Auffangblech
  • Indirektes Grillen mГ¶glich

Grillstar Gasgrill Atlanta 300

  • 3 hochwertige Edelstahlbrenner
  • GroГџe GrillflГ¤che
  • Beleuchtete Gasregler
  • Doppelwandige Haube
  • Praktischer Grillwagen

Grillstar Trichtergrill Colorado

  • Geniales Kaminzug-System
  • XXL-GrillflГ¤che
  • Sehr witterungsbestГ¤ndig
  • Edelstahl-Beschichtung
  • HГ¶henverstellbarer Grillrost

Grillstar Grillwagen Texas

  • Ideal fГјr Grillpartys
  • Pulverbeschichteter Stahl
  • Einfacher Transport dank Rollen
  • 2 individuell verstellbare Grillroste 42 x 47 cm
  • GroГџe AblageflГ¤che

Rauchfreie Holzkohlegrills

LotusGrill Rauchfreier Holzkohlegrill

  • Rauchfreies Grillen
  • Einsatzbereit in wenigen Minuten
  • Rost und Innenschale spГјlmaschinenfest
  • Inkl. Transporttragetasche und 4 Batterien
  • Gratiszugabe: 1 kg Grillkohle

Tonnenweise GrillspaГџ

BBQ Tonne 4Grill

Das Grillen von Fleisch, Fisch und Gemüse über Feuer und Kohlen vermittelt das Gefühl von Freiheit. Der 4Grill verfügt über drei kombinierte Kochfunktionen und eine zusätzliche Feuerstelle; ist auf drei Höhen nutzbar (30cm/60cm/91cm), zusätzlich kompakt zu lagern und einfach an diverse Orte zu transportieren. Mit allen wichtigen mitgelieferten Zubehörteilen kann man GRILLEN, SMOKEN, SCHONGAREN oder das Fass als FEUERSTÄTTE nutzen. Laden Sie Ihre Familie und Freunde ein und genießen Sie zusammen die Freiheit, draußen das Essen auf dem 4Grill zuzubereiten.

MarkenГјbersicht Entdecken Sie die Markenvielfalt

RUMO Joe's Barbeque Smoker TEXAS CLASSIC

  • Besonders stabile AusfГјhrung
  • Mit massiven EisenrГ¤dern
  • Edelstahl-Grillroste in Garkammer
  • Inklusive Bimetallthermometer an Garkammer

Broil King Gasgrill Crown Cart 330

  • 3 individuell regelbare Edelstahlbrenner 8,8 kW
  • GroГџe GrillflГ¤che mit gusseisernem Grillrost
  • Mit Sure-Lite-ElektrozГјndung
  • Premiummarke aus den USA, gefertigt in Nordamerika

Weber Holzkohlegrill

  • Hochwertiger Holzkohlegrill mit porzellanemaillierter OberflГ¤che
  • Integriertes Thermometer im Deckel
  • Tuck-Away-Deckelhalterung fГјr hohen Komfort
  • Verchromter Grillrost
  • KorrosionsbestГ¤ndige Aluminiumascheschale zum Auffangen der Glut

Beefer Gasgrill Bundle One

  • Hochleistungsbrenner mit Temperaturen bis zu 800В° C
  • Streichholz- & StabfeuerzeugzГјndung
  • Mit Gastroschale
  • Inklusive Grillpinzette
  • Grillen in Gourmet-QualitГ¤t

Buschbeck Pizzaofen Italia

  • Hochwertiger Stahl-Pizzaofen
  • Mit Temperatur-Anzeige
  • Inklusive Grillrost und Pizzastein
  • Mit separat zugГ¤nglicher Brennkammer



Sie möchten nicht nur Würstchen oder Bauchfleisch grillen, oder Sie haben einen schönen neuen Grill, wissen aber nicht so richtig, was Sie damit machen können? Kein Problem. Besuchen Sie doch einfach einen Grillkurs der Kingstone Grill-Akademie.

Hier eröffnen Ihnen die bekannten Grillmeister Axel Kähne und Markus Mizgalski die Welt des Grillens. Unter Anleitung greifen Sie selbst zu Messer, Wender und Zange. Sie lernen verschiedene Grilltechniken und erhalten wertvolle Tipps und Tricks. Fragen sind erwünscht, damit Sie das Gelernte später alleine umsetzen können.

Natürlich wird das Gegrillte gemeinsam gegessen, für Getränke ist ebenfalls gesorgt. Und am Ende gehen Sie gesättigt nach Hause, mit vielen Ideen und einem guten Gefühl.


21.08.2017 (Montag) Hamburg-Langenhor

22.08.2017 (Dienstag) Hamburg-Bramfeld

23.08.2017 (Mittwoch) Hamburg-Stellingen

28.08.2017 (Montag) Aalen-Essingen

9.08.2017 (Dienstag) Heidenheim

04.09.2017 (Montag) Koblenz

05.09.2017 (Dienstag) Stuttgart-UntertГјrkheim

06.09.2017 (Mittwoch) Stuttgart-Möhringen

11.09.2017 (Montag) GrГјndau

12.09.2017 (Dienstag) Karlsruhe

13.09.2017 (Mittwoch) Rastatt

18.09.2017 (Montag) Mainz

19.09.2017 (Dienstag) Darmstadt

20.09.2017 (Mittwoch) Bad Kreuznach

25.09.2017 (Montag) Birkenweder

26.09.2017 (Dienstag) Berlin-Treptow

27.09.2017 (Mittwoch) Mahlow

Mit Markus Mizgaiski

Und Axel Kähne

Die KINGSTONE Grill-Akademie geht auf Tour – von März bis September 2017 in Ihrem Fachcentrum! Hier lernen Sie von echten Profis, wie Ihr Grillmenü gelingt. Anmeldegebühr 50,– €. Jetzt anmelden unter: Info@kingstone-grill.de

Noch nicht genug?

In unseren BAUHAUS Fachcentren präsentieren wir Ihnen gerne zahlreiche

weitere Ideen für Ihre persönliche Grillzeit.

Schauen Sie vorbei und lassen Sie sich inspirieren!

Kingstone Kugelgrill Los Angeles II

  • Porzellanemaillierter Kessel mit Deckel
  • Inkl. Thermometer
  • Mit Hitzeregulierungssystem
  • Mit AschebehГ¤lter und GrillzubehГ¶rhalterung
  • Stabiler Grillrost

Kingstone GasgrillkГјche Rock 350

  • 3 Edelstahlbrenner
  • Jet Force-ZГјndung
  • 65 x 45 cm HauptgrillflГ¤che
  • Mit Seitenkocher
  • Edelstahlfront mit Anti-Fingerprint

Weber Elektrogrill Q 1400 Stand

  • 2.200 Watt Leistung fГјr perfekte Grillergebnisse und typischen Geschmack
  • Stufenlos verstellbarer Temperaturregler
  • Emaillierter, geteilter Gussgrillrost
  • Feuerfest lackierter Aluminiumguss
  • Selbstreinigende Heizspirale

Kingstone GasgrillkГјche Rock 350

  • 3 Edelstahlbrenner
  • Jet Force-ZГјndung
  • Edelstahlfront mit Anti-Fingerprint
  • 65 x 45 cm HauptgrillflГ¤che
  • Mit Seitenkocher

Kingstone GasgrillkГјche Slate 300

  • Hochwertiges, modernes Design
  • Langlebig dank Anti-Rost-Verzinkung
  • Mit Rollen fГјr hohe MobilitГ¤t
  • Inkl. Thermometer
  • Mit abklappbaren Seitenteilen

Kingstone GasgrillkГјche Slate 200

  • Hochwertiges, modernes Design
  • Langlebig dank Anti-Rost-Verzinkung
  • Mit Rollen fГјr hohe MobilitГ¤t
  • Inkl. Thermometer
  • Unterschrank fГјr Gasflaschen bis 11 kg

Kingstone Kugelgrill Los Angeles II

  • Porzellanemailierter Kessel mit Deckel
  • Inkl. Thermometer
  • Mit Hitzeregulierungssystem
  • Mit AschebehГ¤lter und GrillzubehГ¶rhalterung
  • Verchromter, stabiler Grillrost

Kingstone Kugelgrill Sunset Special II

  • Porzellanemailierter Kessel mit Deckel
  • Inkl. Deckelthermometer & rostfreier BelГјftungsschieber
  • Mit Hitzeregulierungssystem
  • Mit Aschetopf und GrillzubehГ¶rhalterung
  • Getestet durch Fire & Food

Kingstone Grillwagen Escala

  • Leicht zu reinigende OberflГ¤che
  • Mit 2 Seitenablagen
  • Vertikales Grillen mГ¶glich
  • Einfacher Transport auf Rollen

Kingstone Smoker Coalminer

  • Extra groГџe GrillflГ¤che
  • 2 individuell einstellbare Grillroste
  • Seitenablage inkl. GrillzubehГ¶rhaken
  • Hitzeregulierung mittels BelГјftungsschieber
  • 2 feststellbare Rollen

Kingstone Grillwagen Black Angus

  • Durch eine Kurbel hГ¶henverstellbarer Grillkohlerost
  • FeuerraumtГјr zum Nachlegen von Kohle
  • Mit 3 emaillierten Gusseisen-Grillrosten
  • 4 RГ¤der (2 feststellbar)
  • Deckelthermometer

Kingstone Holzkohlegrill Kamado BBQ 18

GrГјn oder Schwarz, HauptgrillflГ¤che: Г˜ 38 cm

  • Vielseitiger Keramikgrill
  • Optimale Hitzespeicherung
  • Sparsam mit Brennmaterial
  • Hitzeregulierung per LГјftungsschieber
  • 2 praktische Seitenablagen aus Bambus

Kingstone Holzkohlegrill Kamado BBQ 21

GrГјn oder Schwarz, HauptgrillflГ¤che: Г˜ 48 cm

  • Vielseitiger Keramikgrill
  • Optimale Hitzespeicherung
  • Sparsam mit Brennmaterial
  • Hitzeregulierung per LГјftungsschieber
  • 2 praktische Seitenablagen aus Bambus

Grillstar, weber grill

Sonntag, 2. November 2014

Bauhaus pavillon tunis

Sun-Fun Pavillon-Gestell Tunis (300 x 400 cm) - Bauhaus. Sun-Fun Pavillon-Gestell Tunis (300 x 300 cm) - Bauhaus. Bauhaus Pavillon Tunis Ersatzdach Haus und Garten - Shopping. com.

Pavillon 3x4 eBay Kleinanzeigen. Bauhaus Angebote und aktueller Prospekt aus der Werbung online.

Das Sunfun Pavillon-Gestell Tunis hat eine Abmessung von 4 x 3 m. Es besteht aus verzinktem, pulverlackbeschichtetem Stahl. Der Pavillon ist dank seiner. 5 Apr. 2014 Wegen Umbau gunstig zu verkaufen: Gartenpavillon TUNIS vom Bauhaus. Aktueller Neupreis Eur 348,00 Grosse 4 x 3m Hohe 2,90m Planen.

Bilder zu bauhaus pavillon tunis

Das Sunfun Pavillon-Gestell Tunis hat eine Abmessung von 3 x 3 m. Es besteht Ergebnisse 1 - 40 von 1500 Suchergebnisse fur "pavillon tunis 3x4" I Love Tunis Tasse Kaffeetasse -62%. Ichi KurzmantelTunis«, Beige sonderangebote.

Pavillon Tunis Bauhaus Haus und Garten - Shopping. com

Pavillons & Gartenlauben kaufen im Online Shop von hagebau. de. MARKISEN - Sonnenschirme 6. Pavillon 'Tunis& - YouBuy. Pavillon 'Tunis' fur 3 m Pavillons 1. Kies-Beton-Schirmstander Uber. 31.12. 2012Angebot abgelaufenAktuelle Bauhaus Angebote in Bornheim.

Mies van der Rohe - BAUHAUS MOVEMENT. Pavillon-Set bei Bauhaus online kaufen fur 298,00 Euro - Discounto.

Pavillons 1. 'Tunis' 2. ' - Yumpu.

Pavillon-Set bei Bauhaus fur 298,00 Euro ab Montag den 14.04.2014 im Angebot. Weitere Informationen und Verfugbarkeit prufen. Alles zum Thema Pavillons & Gartenlauben, wie Stoffpavillons & Partyzelte oder Holzpavillons. Bei hagebau. de konnen Sie uber 25.000 weitere. 4 Passende Ersatzdacher/Seitenteile: Ersatzdach Pavillon 'Tunis' 2 042 79 53 59,- Seitenteile Pavillon 'Tunis' Informationen anzeigen (PDF) - Bauhaus.

Grillstar, weber grill

Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Sunfun markise bauhaus

Sun-Fun Vollkassettenmarkise LED (Rot, Markisenflache - Bauhaus. Sun-Fun Hulsenmarkise (Grau/Wei, Markisenflache - Bauhaus. NeueMarkise 4 x 3m - markisen-24.de.

Meinung Kassettenmarkise SOLID S, 699¤ - markisen-24.de. Markisen Test - Testbereichte uber Markisen - Markisen Montage.

Die Vollkassettenmarkise LED von Sun-Fun bietet Ihnen Schatten auf Balkon oder Terrasse. Sie ist mit einer integrierten LED-Beleuchtung ausgestattet, womit. Ich interessiere mich fur eine Kassettenmarkise von Bauhaus. an eine Solid S den Preis einer SunFun ( glaube ich heit sie ) gemacht. Infos zu Markisen Test - Testberichte uber Markisen - Infos zum Kauf einer Markise.

Sun & Fun Markisen: Sun & Fun

Die Design-Hulsenmarkise von Sun-Fun schafft Schatten auf Ihrem Balkon oder Ihrer Terrasse. Das Design-Tuch in grau besteht aus Polyester und verfugt uber. Heute lag ein Prospekt der Firma Bauhaus im Postkasten. Hier wird. Ich vermute dass die Markisen (sunfun) aus China kommen. Ist das so.

SUN & FUN MARKISEN - 3 geprufte Angebote, KauferPortal

Sunfun Markisen Bauhaus Haus und Garten - Shopping. com. Markisen Spettmann: Home. Spettmann Markisen bietet Markisen nach Ma mit groer Tuchauswahl (uber 100 Dessins) und wartungsfreier Technik Made in Germany sowie Bedienkomfort.

Montageanleitung - Gelenkarm-Markise. Markisen & Sonnenschutz in groer Auswahl entdecken - Obi.

Sun-Fun Hulsenmarkise Grau/ Wei - Discounter-Aktuell - Arcor.

Weber Slovenija - Seznam prodajnih mest

Seznam prodajnih mest

Seznam prodajnih mest

Weber World trgovec

  • Weber Premium trgovec

  • Weber World trgovec

    Pooblaščeno Weber World prodajno mesto, ki ima na veliki prodajni površini razstavljen celoten Weber asortiman. Osebje vam lahko kompetentno in obširno svetuje.

    Tel: 01/513 56 59

    Weber Premium trgovec

    Pooblašečeno Weber Premium prodajno mesto, ki nima razstavljenih vseh izdelkov Weber asortimana, a lahko manjkajoče izdelke naroči. Osebje vam lahko kompetentno svetuje.

    Tel: 03/541 51 99

    Weber Partner trgovec

    Pooblaščeno Weber Partner prodajno mesto, ki ima razstavljene nekatere izdelke iz osnovnega Weber asortimana, manjkajoče izdelke pa lahko naroči. Osebje vam lahko kompetentno svetuje.

    Podbevškova ulica 5

    8000 Novo Mesto

    Tel: 07/393 0 660

    Štajerska cesta 80

    1231 Ljubljana - Črnuče

    Tel: 01 / 537 62 90

    Poleg tega nas najdete tudi v naslednjih trgovskih verigah:

    Bauhaus katalog vrtni namještaj, roštilji, bazeni

    Vi ste ovdje: Naslovna » Bauhaus katalog » Bauhaus katalog vrtni namještaj, roštilji, bazeni

    Bauhaus katalog

    Bauhaus katalog vrijedi od 17.05. do 01.07.2013 godine

    Bauhaus katalog vrtni namještaj, roštilj i bazeni – Odlična Bauhaus ponuda vrtnog namještaja svih materijala, dimenzija i stilova, suncobrana, vrtnih paviljona, ležaljki za vrt i plažu, bazena, vrtnih kamina i roštilja: lounge set alu/umjetni ratan 1.999,00, vrtna ljuljačka već od 799,00, suncobrani već od 49,99, Relax ležaljke tekstilne već od 119,99 i još mnogo toga – da bi bilo dobro, prelistajte novi Bauhaus katalog i odaberite svoju opremu za uživanje.

    Novi Bauhaus katalog donosi Vam zaista širok izbor vrtnog namještaja, u toliko kombinacija materijala, boja, dimenzija i stilova da će zaista svatko moći pronaći odgovarajući model za sebe. Birajte između ratana, drva, fsc drva – reciklirane tikovine, kombinacije drva, metala i tekstila, sive, smeđe, boje kapućina ili metala – uklopite jeftini vrtni namještaj u Vaš vrtni ambijent i uživajte u toplim danima na otvorenom uz novi Bauhaus katalog.

    Iz ponude vrtnih setova novog Bauhaus katalog izdvajamo lounge set od umjetnog ratana otporan na vremenske uvjete, s 2 fotelje i stolom sa staklenom površinom za 2.899,00 kuna, lounge set alu/umjetni ratan za 1.999,00, alu-pleteni set sa 2 sjedaća elementa, 3 sjedaća i 3 leđna jastuka, kutnim spojnim elementom i stolom za samo 3.699,00 te set od umjetnog ratana s jastucima za 5.199,00 kuna.

    Bauhaus katalogVam osim luksuznih donosi i jeftinije varijante, kao što je set sa stolicama od tekstila za 1.599 kuna ili bistro set po nevjerojatnoj cijeni od 299,90 kuna. Provjerite Bauhaus katalog ponudu vrtnih ljuljački već od 799,00 kuna, i bogatu ponudu ležaljki. Izdvajamo pletenu ležaljku u sivoj ili smeđoj boji od umjetnog ratana s podesivim uzglavljem za 899,00 kuna, podesivu ležaljku od kombinacije eukaliptusa i aluminija za 1,549,00 i odličnu ponudu Relax ležaljke od tekstila za 119,99 kuna.

    U novom Bauhaus katalog izdanju pronaći ćete i veliki izbor vrtnih kamina; mini kamina bez kape ili većih, betonskih, u raznim bojama; birajte između bijele, sive, cigla već od 449,99 kuna.

    Odlučite li se za roštilj, Bauhaus katalog Vam donosi široki izbor svih dimenzija, plinske, električne, ili na drveni ugalj, već od 169,00 kuna. Izdvajamo odličan Sindy s 4 plamenika snage 13,8 kw/h, s termostatom 2.199,00 kuna.

    Vrtni paviljoni svih dimenzija, raznih boja, otvoreni i zatvoreni, za svaku prigodu također Vas očekuju u novom Bauhaus katalog izdanju, a posebno je zanimljiva ponuda bazena; možete birati između modela Family Lounge sa 4 integrirane sjedalice za samo 299,90 pa do velikog bazena pješčanim filterom promjera 479 x 124 cm sa panel pločama u imitaciji drva sekvoje za 10.290,00 kuna.

    Prelistajte cijeli novi Bauhaus katalog, ali i ostale objave u rubrici Bauhaus. Pratite akcije u Bauhausu s nama, a za najveću uštedu provjerite i ostale kataloge iz kategorija Eksterijer i vrt.

    Najbolja ponuda vrtnog namještaja, roštilja i bazena – novi Bauhaus katalog.

    Bauhaus katalog studeni

    Bauhaus katalog studeni vrijedi od 03.11. do 30.11.2017.

    Bauhaus katalog vrijedi od 06.10. do 02.11.2017.

    Novi Bauhaus katalog donosi odličan izbor kamina, peći na pelete i ogrijeva: drva za ogrijev, peleta, trijeske za potpalu, kao i električnih peći, …

    Bauhaus katalog Grijanje

    Bauhaus katalog Grijanje vrijedi do isteka zaliha.

    Novi Bauhaus katalog – pregled ponude asortimana za grijanje u Bauhausu, za zimu 2017/2018 godine – odličan izbor kamina, peći i opreme …

    Bauhaus katalog rujan

    Bauhaus katalog rujan vrijedi od 08.09. do 05.10.2017.

    Novi Bauhaus katalog donosi veliki izbor kamina, kupaonskog asortimana i drugih Bauhaus akcija. Prelistajte katalog, upoznajte se s ponudom i kupujte …

    Kaasugrilli Weber Spirit E-310 Classic


    Weber-kaasugrilli, jossa on kolme poltinta ja kaikki grillauksen makuun kunnolla pääsemiseksi tarvittavat ominaisuudet. Posliiniemaloiduilla ritilöillä varustettu Spirit E-310 sopii erinomaisesti kaikille grillausta aloitteleville, koska sillä voidaan grillata sekä suorassa että epäsuorassa lämmössä.

    Grillausalan koko: 62 X 45 cm

    Polttimot: 3 kpl rosteri

    Kaasun kulutus: 9,36 kWh

    Ulkomitat korkeus: 116 cm

    Ulkomitat leveys: 132 cm

    Ulkomitat syvyys: 66 cm

    Integroitu lämpömittari : Kyllä

    Portaaton säätö: Kyllä

    Sisältää letkun ja painesäätimen.

    Ajankohtaiset Tarjoukset

    Lumiharja Kungs Max-Is

    Konvektorilämmitin Voltomat 2000W

    Halutessasi voimme ilmoittaa, kun pyydetty määrä tuotetta löytyy varastosta.


    Nopeat ja luotettavat toimitukset

    30 pv vaihto- ja palautusoikeus

    Joustavat maksutavat – myös yrityksille

    Grill tilbehшr - Weber iGrill™ 2

    Weber™ iGrill™ 2 Stegetermometer

    Gadget til grillentusiasten

    Dette Weber™ iGrill™ digitale stegetermometer er det perfekte legetшj til grillentusiasten. Det leveres med to fшlere, men har plads til yderligere to styk. Fшlerne har til opgave at holde styr pе kernetemperaturen i dit kшd samt grillens temperatur. Det betyder, at du med flere fшlere kan holde styr pе flere forskellige stykker kшd pе samme tid.

    Hold styr pе temperaturen med Weber™ iGrill-app

    Du kan gratis forbinde dit Weber™ iGrill™ stegetermometer til Weber™ iGrill-app. Det giver dig mulighed for, trеdlшst, at holde шje med temperaturen af din grill, skrue op/ned og fе besked, nеr kшdet er fжrdigtilberedt m.m. Du kan styre termometeret med en rжkkevidde pе op til 40 meter. Appen kan bеde installeres pе iPhones og Android telefoner og hentes i bеde APPstore og Google Play.

    Video om Weber iGrill 2

    Pе nedenstеende link kan du se en video om Weber iGrill 2, Webers nye digitale termometer til grillen:

    • Leveres med 2 fшlere, men med mulighed for at tilslutte op til 4
    Information og dokumenter:

    Log ind pе MIT XL-BYG og anmeld produkt

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    Andre kunder kiggede ogsе pе disse produkter

    Weber™ Luksusbetrжk - Performer™ Deluxe

    Vogn q1000-2000 serien

    Holmstrupgеrdvej 20, 8220 Brabrand

    CVRnr.: 36452943 | Tel.: +45 70264219 | Email: websupport@xl-byg.dk

    Telefontid: Man. - fre. kl. 9.00-15.00

    Holmstrupgеrdvej 20, 8220 Brabrand

    Еbningstider: Man.- tors. kl. 8.00-16.00 | Fre. 8.00-15.30

    Weber Q 3200

    Got Limited Space?

    The Bottom Line

    The Q 3200 gas grill grew out of the popularity of the original Q. This super-sized model is designed more for the person who has limited space than the person who needs to transport their grill. At 83 pounds all together, this isn't a grill to take on a picnic. This grill does, however, provide you with indirect cooking abilities and as much space as a small, traditional gas grill.

    This grill will give you authentic grilling right down to the warming rack in a unit that is easily stored and doesn't take up a lot of space.

    • A portable grill that is large enough to do most anything
    • Solid construction for good heat retention and grilling characteristics
    • A good grill for apartment dwellers
    • A big and heavy portable grill
    • At full price, this is comparable to full sized grills with more features


    • 21,700 BTUs from two tubular stainless steel burners
    • 393 square inches of primary grilling space for a total cooking area of 468 square inches
    • 2 porcelain coated cast iron cooking grates
    • Electric (AA-battery) ignition
    • Large hood promises to make room for a whole chicken or large roasts
    • Hood-mounted temperature gauge
    • Two foldout side tables
    • Weighs in at 83 pounds. This includes the grill, stand, hose, and regulator
    • Operates on a standard 20-pound propane tank
    • Available in propane or natural gas - not convertible
    • Made in the USA

    Guide Review - Weber Q 3200

    When Weber introduced the Q portable gas grill they found a lot of people not taking it to the beach but keeping it on their patio. It was a perfect grill for urban dwellers that didn't have a backyard but still wanted to grill. In 2006, Weber introduced the Q 3200, a larger, two-burner gas grill that comes standard with the previously optional stand.

    This unit also comes standard with the hose and regulator to hook it to a 20-pound propane tank. After all, at 21,700 BTUs, it would go through disposable, 1-pound bottles very fast.

    While not strictly a portable, this grill is a great compromise between a large full feature grill and a traditional portable, making it perfect for apartment dwellers or tailgaters. The two-burner design gives you indirect cooking abilities. One burner runs around the edges of the grilling area while the other cuts through the middle. This gives the grill the power it needs to heat 393 square inches of cooking area hot enough to grill steaks while giving you a lot more versatility in your grilling.

    For the price, the construction of this Weber is a good grill. The straightforward design is a model of simplicity and the grill doesn't rely on lots of extras. This is a basic unit grill, perfect for someone who wants to grill small meals in a small place.

    Yale Daily News

    Culture | Weber GRD ’72 discusses the Bauhaus school

    Weber GRD ’72 discusses the Bauhaus school

    When Nicholas Fox Weber GRD ’72 was studying for his master’s degree in history of art at Yale, he went to the Yale University Art Gallery to look at Vincent van Gogh’s “The Night Café” almost every day. He became an art historian because he “loved looking at paintings from the time [he] was a little kid,” he said.

    While Weber was at Yale, he met Josef and Anni Albers, the artists from the Bauhaus school who lived in Connecticut after Josef Albers’s retirement from teaching at Yale. That meeting resulted in a long-lasting friendship. Weber, currently the executive director of the Josef & Anni Albers Foundation in Bethany, Conn., recently published a book called “The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism,” which draws on his experiences with the Alberses while at Yale. In a phone interview from Paris, Weber discussed his friendship with the Alberses, his connection to the Bauhaus school and studying at Yale.

    Q In your most recent book you look at six artists from the Bauhaus. Why six artists?

    A The six artists I picked I’m not saying were the six most important people. It’s a very personal book. They are the six people whose vision I think are the most original and beautiful. I can’t really write about László Moholy-Nagy because I don’t really love and admire his work. I don’t claim this is a scholarly account of the Bauhaus. I had the good fortune to know two of the greatest people at the Bauhaus [Josef and Anni Albers], and through them I had a personal knowledge of some of the other people. [The point of the book is] to share the information that I was lucky enough to acquire. Because of the way I knew the Alberses it’s as if I was writing about family.

    Q Why did you decide to research the Bauhaus?

    A To really know the Bauhaus is when you sit and have coffee and strudel with Josef and Anni and they start talking to you about Paul Klee’s 50th birthday party. What I learned from being with the Alberses — no amount of research could have equaled that experience. It was to go, as my wife did, with Anni to the Boston Post Road to see Anni use her eye to buy kitchenware.

    Q What was it like meeting the Alberses while you were at Yale?

    A The first thing that Josef Albers said to me was “What do you do, boy?” I said, “I’m studying art history at Yale.” And then he said, “Do you like it, boy?” I said, “Well, no sir, I really don’t.” I was nervous to answer that. He said “Why not, boy?” I said, “Well, I’m terribly sorry. I feel like I’m losing my passion for looking at art.” There was such an emphasis on information at the time [in the History of Art Department]. I had spent the past six weeks in a library basement, researching. When I told him this he said, “This I like, boy. Which of those bastards in art history don’t you like?” He then said, “What does your father do?” I wanted to tell him what my mother did. My mother was a painter. She was terribly excited I was getting to meet Josef Albers. I said, “My father has a printing company,” and he said, “Then you’re not just an art historian. You know something about something.” It was an introduction to how opinionated, how passionate he was — Anni Albers was looking on to this scene. I would go visit them. I had the idea of writing a book about Anni Albers. I loved to see them. My recommendation to all students is to think of Anni Albers’s wonderful advice that you can go anywhere from anywhere.

    Q Why did you feel like you were losing your passion for art?

    A I know it’s quite disrespectful to say these things about graduate school. I also had some wonderful teachers. By and large, the emphasis in graduate school was a level of scholarship that didn’t have an element of passion in it. I learned certain things. It was a complex period. Many of us were deeply opposed to Vietnam. Graduate school was not necessarily an exemption. I absolutely adored studying with Vincent Scully ’40 GRD ’49. I’m still full of admiration for him, but that’s because he had that incredible flare. He took such pleasure in looking and helped us to see, and when art history was about seeing it was very exciting.

    Yale Daily News

    Culture | Weber GRD ’72 discusses the Bauhaus school

    Weber GRD ’72 discusses the Bauhaus school

    When Nicholas Fox Weber GRD ’72 was studying for his master’s degree in history of art at Yale, he went to the Yale University Art Gallery to look at Vincent van Gogh’s “The Night Café” almost every day. He became an art historian because he “loved looking at paintings from the time [he] was a little kid,” he said.

    While Weber was at Yale, he met Josef and Anni Albers, the artists from the Bauhaus school who lived in Connecticut after Josef Albers’s retirement from teaching at Yale. That meeting resulted in a long-lasting friendship. Weber, currently the executive director of the Josef & Anni Albers Foundation in Bethany, Conn., recently published a book called “The Bauhaus Group: Six Masters of Modernism,” which draws on his experiences with the Alberses while at Yale. In a phone interview from Paris, Weber discussed his friendship with the Alberses, his connection to the Bauhaus school and studying at Yale.

    Q In your most recent book you look at six artists from the Bauhaus. Why six artists?

    A The six artists I picked I’m not saying were the six most important people. It’s a very personal book. They are the six people whose vision I think are the most original and beautiful. I can’t really write about László Moholy-Nagy because I don’t really love and admire his work. I don’t claim this is a scholarly account of the Bauhaus. I had the good fortune to know two of the greatest people at the Bauhaus [Josef and Anni Albers], and through them I had a personal knowledge of some of the other people. [The point of the book is] to share the information that I was lucky enough to acquire. Because of the way I knew the Alberses it’s as if I was writing about family.

    Q Why did you decide to research the Bauhaus?

    A To really know the Bauhaus is when you sit and have coffee and strudel with Josef and Anni and they start talking to you about Paul Klee’s 50th birthday party. What I learned from being with the Alberses — no amount of research could have equaled that experience. It was to go, as my wife did, with Anni to the Boston Post Road to see Anni use her eye to buy kitchenware.

    Q What was it like meeting the Alberses while you were at Yale?

    A The first thing that Josef Albers said to me was “What do you do, boy?” I said, “I’m studying art history at Yale.” And then he said, “Do you like it, boy?” I said, “Well, no sir, I really don’t.” I was nervous to answer that. He said “Why not, boy?” I said, “Well, I’m terribly sorry. I feel like I’m losing my passion for looking at art.” There was such an emphasis on information at the time [in the History of Art Department]. I had spent the past six weeks in a library basement, researching. When I told him this he said, “This I like, boy. Which of those bastards in art history don’t you like?” He then said, “What does your father do?” I wanted to tell him what my mother did. My mother was a painter. She was terribly excited I was getting to meet Josef Albers. I said, “My father has a printing company,” and he said, “Then you’re not just an art historian. You know something about something.” It was an introduction to how opinionated, how passionate he was — Anni Albers was looking on to this scene. I would go visit them. I had the idea of writing a book about Anni Albers. I loved to see them. My recommendation to all students is to think of Anni Albers’s wonderful advice that you can go anywhere from anywhere.

    Q Why did you feel like you were losing your passion for art?

    A I know it’s quite disrespectful to say these things about graduate school. I also had some wonderful teachers. By and large, the emphasis in graduate school was a level of scholarship that didn’t have an element of passion in it. I learned certain things. It was a complex period. Many of us were deeply opposed to Vietnam. Graduate school was not necessarily an exemption. I absolutely adored studying with Vincent Scully ’40 GRD ’49. I’m still full of admiration for him, but that’s because he had that incredible flare. He took such pleasure in looking and helped us to see, and when art history was about seeing it was very exciting.

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