воскресенье, 21 января 2018 г.


Weber grill tisch

Our experts are grilling delicious food on authentic Weber Charcoal Kettles.

Our Restaurant

The Weber Grill Restaurant is the result of over 60 years of Classic Outdoor Grilling—from the people who invented the Weber Charcoal kettle grill. You‘ll taste the difference that decades of grilling expertise make. More than a steakhouse & BBQ, our chefs are the grilling experts for seafood and vegetable specials as well. Our secret: a commitment to using quality ingredients, innovative recipes, honed grilling technique, and Weber charcoal kettles. We are especially proud of our Hand-Cut Black Angus Steaks, Wood-Smoked Barbecue, Fire-Inspired Seasonal Entrees, Charcoal Seared Burgers and Fresh Grilled Seafood.

Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759 User Manual

Related Manuals for Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759

Summary of Contents for Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759

® ® GriLL-Out -tischLeuchte vOn Weber ® Lampada per ripiani GriLL Out Weber GriLL Out -LisävaLO ® ® Luz de mesa Weber GriLL Out ® Weber GriLL Out bOrdLampe ® ® Lampka dO stOLika Weber Weber Grill Out bOrdlampe ®.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under normal use and service and which on examination shall indicate, to Weber’s satisfaction, that they are defective. If Weber confirms the defect and approves the claim, Weber will elect to repair or replace such parts without charge.

 Asegúrese de que la barbacoa está apagada y fría antes de instalar la lámpara de mesa Grill Out de Weber ® ®  La lámpara sólo debe montarse en mesas de trabajo laterales. En el caso de mesas fijas, extraiga la lámpara antes de cambiar de posición la mesa.

Weber no se hace responsable bajo esta u otra garantía implícita de ningún daño indirecto o consecuente.

 Ne pliez pas le bras flexible à plus de 90° dans quelque direction que ce soit.  Ne placez pas la lampe de plan de travail Weber de cuisson.

La présente garantie est limitée à la réparation ou au remplacement des pièces défectueuses sous conditions normales d’utilisation et d’entretien, après confirmation par Weber de leur caractère défectueux. Si Weber confirme le caractère défectueux des pièces et en accepte la réclamation, ces pièces sont réparées ou remplacées gratuitement (à.

 Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Grill ausgeschaltet und abgekühlt ist, bevor Sie die Grill- -Tischleuchte von Weber ®  Die Lampe darf nur an den seitlichen Arbeitstischen montiert werden. Entfernen Sie bei nicht stationären Tischen die Leuchte, bevor Sie den Tisch umsetzen.

Diese eingeschränkte Garantie ist beschränkt auf die Reparatur oder den Ersatz von Teilen, die sich unter normalem Gebrauch und Service als mangelhaft erwiesen haben und die sich bei einer Prüfung in der Überzeugung von Weber als mangelhaft erwiesen haben. Wenn Weber den Mangel bestätigt und Ihre Ansprüche anerkennt, entscheidet sich Weber für eine Reparatur oder für den kostenlosen Ersatz derartiger Teile.

 Varmista, että grilli on sammutettu ja jäähtynyt, ennen kuin asennat Weber -lisävalon.  Valaisin tulisi kiinnittää ainoastaan sivutasoihin. Irrota liikkuvissa tasoissa valaisin ennen kuin muutat tason asentoa.  Älä kiinnitä kuumiin pintoihin.  Valaisinta ei saa kiinnittää sivukeittimeen tai sen lähelle. Älä kiinnitä suoraan grillipesään, kanteen tai kahvoihin.

TAKUUN REKISTERÖINTI-KORTTI PYYDETTÄESSÄ. Tämä rajoitettu takuu koskee sellaisten osien korjausta tai vaihtoa, jotka osoittautuvat viallisiksi normaalissa käytössä ja huollossa ja joiden Weber toteaa tarkastuksen jälkeen olevan viallisia. Jos Weber vahvistaa vian ja hyväksyy korvausvaatimuksen, Weber korjaa tai korvaa kyseiset osat veloituksetta. Jos viallisia osia on palautettava, kuljetuskulut on maksettava etukäteen.

 Påse at grillen er slått av og avkjølt før du monterer Weber  Lampen må bare monteres på arbeidsbordene på sidene. Ta av lampen før du flytter bordet, hvis bordet ikke er fastmontert.  Må ikke monteres på varme overflater.

Webers tilfredsstillelse, å være defekt. Hvis Weber bekrefter defekten og godkjenner reklamasjonen, vil Weber reparere eller skifte ut slike deler uten omkostninger. Hvis du må sende inn defekte deler, må transportkostnadene forhåndsbetales. Weber vil returnere delene til kjøper, med frakt og porto forhåndsbetalt.

 Sørg for, at grillen er slukket og afkølet, før Weber  Lampen bør kun monteres på sidebordenes arbejdsflader. Ved borde, der ikke bliver stående samme sted, tages lampen af, før bordet skal flyttes.  Må aldrig monteres på varme overflader.

Den begrænsede garanti er begrænset til reparation eller udskiftning af dele, som viser sig at være defekte ved almindelig brug og service, og som ved en nærmere undersøgelse, som Weber er tilfreds med, viser sig at være defekte. Bekræfter Weber fejlen og godkender erstatningskravet, vil Weber enten reparere eller udskifte sådanne dele uden beregning.

 Se till att grillen är avstängd och kall innan du monterar Weber  Lampan bör endast monteras på sidobord. För bord som inte är fasta, ta bort lampan innan bordet flyttas.  Montera inte lampan på heta ytor.  Lampan bör inte monteras på eller i närheten av sidobrännare. Montera den inte direkt på.

Detta garantisystem är begränsat till reparation eller byte av delar som visar sig vara felaktiga vid normal användning och service, och som efter undersökning enligt Webers bedömning visar sig vara felaktiga. Om Weber bekräftar felet och godkänner din fordran beslutar Weber om reparation eller byte av felaktiga delar utan kostnad.

 Schakel de barbecue uit en laat hem afkoelen, voordat u de Weber monteert.  De lamp mag alleen aan de zijdelingse werkbladen worden gemonteerd. Verwijder de lamp van verplaatsbare tafels, alvorens deze te verplaatsen.  Niet monteren op hete oppervlakken.

Slijtage of schade door hevige weersomstandigheden, zoals hagel, orkanen, aardbevingen of tornado’s, verkleuring als gevolg van blootstelling aan chemicaliën, direct of in de atmosfeer, worden niet gedekt door deze beperkte garantie. Weber zal niet aansprakelijk zijn voor deze of enige impliciete garantie voor incidentele schade of gevolgschade.

(A) che orizzontale (B). Di seguito vengono riportate le istruzioni per l’installazione: Stringere la vite grande del supporto fino a quando è serrata, poi ruotarla di ¼ di giro. www.weber.com ® Weber ® ®.

Weber, difettose. Qualora Weber constatasse il difetto e accettasse il reclamo, potrà decidere di riparare o sostituire tali parti a titolo gratuito. Nel caso sia necessario restituire il materiale difettoso, le spese di spedizione dovranno essere prepagate. Weber invierà.

 Não dobre o braço flexível mais do que 90 graus em qualquer direcção.  Não coloque a luz de mesa Weber O suporte da luz de mesa Weber (A) ou horizontal (B). Siga as instruções de instalação abaixo: Aperte o parafuso do suporte grande até.

A Weber não será responsável ao abrigo desta ou qualquer garantia implícita por danos acidentais ou consequenciais.

 przed zamontowaniem lampki Weber wyłączony i zimny.  Lampkę można montować tylko z boku stołu. W przypadku nie stacjonarnych stolików, należy wymontować lampę przed przemieszczeniem stolika.  Nie należy montować do gorących powierzchni.  Nie należy montować lampki na lub w pobliżu bocznego palnika lub miejsca w którym znajduje się palnik boczny. Nie należy montować bezpośrednio do skrzynki do pieczenia, kociołka lub uchwytów.  Nie należy wyginać elastycznego ramienia pod kątem większym niż 90 stopni w każdym kierunku.  Nie należy umieszczać lampki do stolika Weber do pieczenia. Wspornik lampki do stolika Weber płaszczyźnie pionowej (a) lub poziomej (b). Postępuj zgodnie z poniższymi zaleceniami dotyczącymi montażu: Dokręć dużą śrubę wspornika w prawidłowym miejscu.

Usługi gwarancyjne ograniczają się do naprawy lub wymiany części uszkodzonych w czasie użytkowania i serwisowania urządzenia. Jeżeli firma Weber potwierdzi uszkodzenia i zatwierdzi reklamację, firma Weber dokona naprawy lub wymiany tych części bez opłaty. Jeżeli wymagany jest zwrot części wadliwych, koszt opłaty transportowe pokrywa z góry nabywca. Weber zwróci części nabywcy pokrywając części transportu.

Page 27

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Page 30

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Táto obmedzená záruka sa vzťahuje len na opravu alebo výmenu častí, na ktorých sa objavia vady pri normálnom použití a prevádzke a ktoré sa prejavia na základe testov spoločnosti Weber ako vadné. Ak spoločnosť Weber potvrdí vadu a schváli reklamačný nárok, opraví.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

A jelen korlátozott jótállás a rendeltetésszerű használat közben hibásnak bizonyult alkatrész javítására vagy cseréjére korlátozódik, amennyiben az azon elvégzett vizsgálat a Weber számára bebizonyítja, hogy hibás. Ha a Weber igazolja a hibát, és jóváhagyja a kérelmet, választása szerint díjmentesen megjavítja vagy kicseréli a hibás alkatrészt. Ha vissza kell küldenie a hibás alkatrészeket, a szállítási költségeket előre ki kell fizetnie.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Weber nu va fi responsabilă în baza acestei garanţii sau a oricărei garanţii implicite pentru niciun fel de daune indirecte sau pe cale de consecinţă.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Če Weber potrdi okvaro in odobri reklamacijo, Weber omogoči brezplačno popravilo ali zamenjavo delov. Če želite vrniti okvarjene dele, je potrebno v naprej plačati stroške prevoza. Weber bo vrnil dele kupcu, v primeru predhodno plačanih potnih stroškov in poštnine.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

će ispitivanje pokazati, na Weber-ovo zadovoljenje, da jesu manjkavi. Ako Weber potvrdi manjkavost i odobri reklamaciju, Weber će izabrati da zamijeni takve dijelove bez naplate. Ako se od vas zatraži da vratite manjkave dijelove, vi morate plaćati troškove transporta.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Selle piiratud garantiiga parandatakse või asendatakse detailid, mille defekt on selgunud tavapärase kasutamise ja hooldamise käigus ja mille puhul Weber kinnitab lähemal uurimisel, et need on defektiga. Kui Weber kinnitab defekti ja nõustub nõudega, parandab või asendab Weber need detailid tasuta. Kui te peate defektiga detailid tagastama, jäävad transpordikulud teie kanda. Weber tagastab detailid ostjale, kui saatmiskulude eest on tasutud.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Ši ribota garantija apsiribos detalių, kurios turės defektų normalaus naudojimo ir priežiūros sąlygomis ir kurių defektai bus matomi jas patikrinus ir tai patvirtins „Weber“, remontu ir pakeitimu. Jei „Weber“ patvirtins defektą ir priims skundą, „Weber“ tokias detales remontuos arba pakeis nemokamai. Jei turėsite grąžinti blogas detales, turėsite apmokėti už jų transportavimą. Grąžindama atgal detales pirkėjui, siuntimo išlaidas apmokės „Weber“.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Weber nu va fi responsabilă în baza acestei garanţii sau a oricărei garanţii implicite pentru niciun fel de daune indirecte sau pe cale de consecinţă.

Page 47

©2007 Weber-Stephen Products Co. Weber, The Kettle Silhouette , and the Kettle Configuration are registered trademarks; The Weber Grill Handle Light is a trademark of all Weber-Stephen Products, Co. 200 East Daniels Road, Palatine, IL 60067. Made in China. ™.

BBQ grill table

Materials: Baby changing table TASSA, wooden board, wooden slats, ply wood, screws, teak wood glaze, clear paint

Description: When we bought our new grill, we didn’€™t like the offered stands. So we decided to build one.

I found the baby changing table TASSA (no longer sold at IKEA) on eBay and decided that it would be the perfect basis for our grill table.

I shortened the legs of the table to the appropriate length to have it one level with the balcony railing. I added a wooden board on top (longer on the right side for gas container protection), a new back board (same width as the top), two supporting legs for the wooden board on top and the back board and some wooden cover in front and on the right side which are fixed with slats from underneath.

Finally I protected the BBQ grill with teak wood glaze, and the top board additionally with clear paint for better cleaning.

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The Author

Jules Yap "I am Jules, the engine behind IKEAHackers and the one who keeps this site up and running. My mission is to capture all the wonderful, inspiring, clever hacks and ideas for our much loved IKEA items".

5 Responses to BBQ grill table

But how weatherproof is this? We life in a location which gets a fair amount of rain and cold weather. Indoor furniture does not last long even is we paint it!?

That ain’t no barbecue, son.. That’s a propane powered George Foreman Grill. On a baby changing table.

LOL. Too funny. In defense a friend has one of these webbers and it’s pretty good (as far as propane bbqs go). Retains heat very well and grills pretty well (though I’m not fond of the non-stick grill surface that is similar to a George Foreman grill.. but will holes). My vegetarian friends love theirs and they are way more efficient if you are single.

I’ll stick to my cast iron grill and bbq large enough to do rotisserie.

It’s very attractive, but I can’t stop thinking “Fire risk!”

Thanks. The grill is only used on top of the table with no contact to wood or other and the frame of the grill just gets warm, not hot. The legs even stay almost cold.

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    Weber looks toward global grill market

    Bryan Gruley Jun 28, 2013

    Sixty-one years ago, George Stephen got tired of wind and rain messing up his cooking on an open-air grill, the main barbecue tool of the day. He grabbed a buoy made where he worked, Weber Bros. Metal Works in Illinois. He sliced it in half and fashioned a tight-fitting dome lid. It didn't work very well until a neighbor suggested he poke holes in the kettle so air could fuel the fire.

    The Weber grill was born.

    Stephen eventually bought the Weber metal shop, creating Weber-Stephen Products of Palatine, Ill., which is now the world's largest grill manufacturer. The privately held company doesn't disclose financials, but Euromonitor International says Weber-Stephen claims 35 percent of the $2.5 billion U.S. market, with rival Char-Broil a distant second.

    In 1971, Stephen hired Mike Kempster, Weber-Stephen's current chief marketing officer. He calls himself the "godfather of the brand." In a warehouse adjoining a plant in Huntley, Ill., Kempster gestures at thousands of shrink-wrapped boxes of grills and smokers stacked in 20-foot towers.

    "Looks like a big supply, right?" he said. "It's probably less than a week." He won't specify how much the factory produces, but around 80 trucks haul stuff away daily. Shipments peak at about 110 semis a day just before July 4.

    Turning around

    That's a lot of barbecues, but grill sales have flattened over the past few years, partly because of the U.S. housing downturn, Kempster says. While the company sees that turning around, it still faces challenges from Europe's financial struggles, volatile commodity costs, and low-cost overseas manufacturers.

    Weber-Stephen has changed more in the past decade than it did in the previous half-century. It contracted to have grills built in China to go with production in Huntley and Palatine. It agreed to stop labeling products "Made in USA" to settle a class-action lawsuit that accused it of buying components from China and Taiwan suppliers. (The company denied wrongdoing.) It also introduced a line of compact grills designed for dense urban areas such as those sprouting up across Southeast Asia.

    The biggest change was financial: In 2010 the Stephen family sold a majority stake to BDT Capital Partners, the Chicago merchant bank run by Byron Trott, the former Goldman Sachs executive known for his close ties to Warren Buffett. Kempster says BDT's investment will help Weber-Stephen push overseas. The first non-family member to run the company, Thomas Koos, formerly of Jacuzzi Brands and Black & Decker, took over as chief executive officer in April.

    Climbing the ladder

    The grill maker emulates General Motors' Chevy-to-Caddy range of products, marketing to consumers as they climb the income ladder. Weber-Stephen hooks college kids with the $29 Smokey Joe, a miniature kettle, then keeps them buying until they can afford a $799 Genesis gas grill or - if they need a backyard kitchen - a $5,000 Summit Grill Center, a behemoth with six gas burners, a built-in smoker and an infrared rotisserie. There's no fridge, just a cooler.

    "Consumers told us all they really needed is ice," Kempster said.

    When gas grills grew popular in the 1970s, the company offered a kettle fitted with a propane tank. "The shape was so associated with charcoal grilling, it just never caught on," Kempster says. In 1985, Weber-Stephen introduced the rectangular Genesis gas grill line with triangular cooking bars designed to minimize flare-ups while mimicking the mouthwatering effect of meat and fish juices sizzling on hot coals.

    Today, four of Consumer Reports' top seven midsize grills for 2013 are Webers, and the company's new cookbook is an Amazon.com bestseller. Its U.S. call centers handle 500,000 questions a year, from how long to cook a pork tenderloin to the best way to grill a squirrel.

    'It's ubiquitous'

    The new Weber-Stephen CEO has asked Kempster, 66, to stay for at least two more years. Kempster has nine Weber grills and smokers in his backyard, including a pair of 36-inch kettles he uses to cook for crowds. His go-to dishes are beef tenderloin and Alaskan king crab legs. (He suggests snipping off the thicker ends of the crab legs and cooking them for 10 to 12 minutes before putting the thin ends on the grill.)

    Meathead Goldwyn, the barbecue impresario (given name: Craig) who runs the website Amazing Ribs, has more than a dozen grills and smokers in his suburban Chicago backyard - and a beat-up Weber kettle he bought for $50 about 20 years ago, Goldwyn says.

    "For what I do, which is help people learn to cook, you have to have a Weber kettle, because it's ubiquitous."

    Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759 user manual

    User manual for the device Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759

    Date of adding : 2014-10-06 18:07:22

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    Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759 . If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

    Summary of the content on the page No. 1

    Weber GriLL Out t abLe LiGht

    Lámpara de mesa GriLL-Out de Weber Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    Weber GriLL-Out Laamp Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    Lampe de L p an de L aivtra Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    Weber GriLL Out

    Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    Weber GriLL Out afeLL t amp

    Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    GriLL-Out -ischtLeuchte v On Weber

    Weber Grill Out table liGt h

    Lamp a ad per ripiani GriLL Out Weber

    Weber Grill Out table liGt

    Summary of the content on the page No. 2

    2 ® ®  Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber Grill Out Table Light.  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.  Light should not be mounted on or near sideburner or sideburner area. Do not mount directly to cookbox, kettle or handles.  Do not bend flexible arm more than 90 degrees in any direction. ® ®  Do not place the Weber Grill Out

    Summary of the content on the page No. 3

    3 c 3 The power button(c) activates or deactivates the light. Requires 3 “AAA” alkaline batteries (not included). Use alkaline batteries only. Do not mix old and new batteries or different types of batteries ® ® (standard, alkaline or rechargeable). If you do not plan to use the Weber Grill Out Table Light for a month or more, remove the batteries. L if iG ht dO es O n t O turn n. ckhec urec Are the batteries old? Replace batteries. Are the batteries installed correctly? See illustration in

    Summary of the content on the page No. 4

    4  Asegúrese de que la barbacoa está apagada y fría antes de instalar la lámpara de mesa ® ® Grill Out de Weber .  La lámpara sólo debe montarse en mesas de trabajo laterales. En el caso de mesas fijas, extraiga la lámpara antes de cambiar de posición la mesa.  No la monte sobre una superficie caliente.  La lámpara no debe montarse sobre, cerca o en la zona de los quemadores. No la monte directamente en la caja de cocina, en la olla ni en las asas.  No doble el brazo flexible más de 90 g

    Summary of the content on the page No. 5

    5 c 3 El botón de alimentación (c) activa o desactiva la luz. Requiere 3 pilas alcalinas “AAA” (no incluidas). Utilice sólo pilas alcalinas. No mezcle pilas antiguas con pilas nuevas o pilas de diferentes tipos ® (estándar, alcalinas o recargables). Si cree que no va a utilizar la lámpara de mesa Grill Out de ® Weber durante un mes o más tiempo, saque las pilas de su interior. si L L a ara ámp nO se enciende. revisar remediO ¿Están gastadas las pilas? Reemplace las pilas. ¿Están correctament

    Summary of the content on the page No. 6

    6  Veillez à ce que le barbecue soit éteint et refroidi avant d’installer la lampe de plan de ® ® travail Weber Grill Out .  La lampe ne peut être montée que sur les plans de travail latéraux. En ce qui concerne les tables non stationnaires, retirez la lampe avant de repositionner le plan de travail.  Ne la montez pas sur des surfaces chaudes.  La lampe ne doit pas être montée sur le réchaud ou à proximité. Ne la montez pas directement sur le bac de cuisson, la cuve ou les poignées.  Ne

    Summary of the content on the page No. 7

    7 c 3 Le bouton de marche/arrêt (c) permet d’activer et de désactiver la lampe. Fonctionne avec 3 piles alcalines de type AAA (non fournies). Utilisez des piles alcalines uniquement. Ne mélangez pas des piles neuves et des piles usagées, ni différents types de piles (standard, alcalines ou rechargeables). Si vous envisagez de ne pas ® ® utiliser la lampe de plan de travail Weber Grill Out pendant au mois un mois, retirez les piles. si La L umiere ne ’ s aLL ume . asp O tiaverific n OL s O ut

    Summary of the content on the page No. 8

    8  Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Grill ausgeschaltet und abgekühlt ist, bevor Sie die Grill- ® ® Out -Tischleuchte von Weber installieren.  Die Lampe darf nur an den seitlichen Arbeitstischen montiert werden. Entfernen Sie bei nicht stationären Tischen die Leuchte, bevor Sie den Tisch umsetzen.  Befestigen Sie die Leuchte nicht an heißen Flächen.  Die Leuchte sollte an oder nahe dem Seitenbrenner oder dem Seitenbrennerbereich montiert werden. Montieren Sie die Leuchte nicht direkt an der

    Summary of the content on the page No. 9

    9 c 3 Die Leuchte wird durch den Ein-/Aus-Schalter (c) ein. bzw. ausgeschaltet. Es werden 3 Alkali-Batterien “AAA” (nicht mitgeliefert) benötigt. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Alkalibatterien. Legen Sie nicht neue und ältere Batterien oder Batterien verschiedenen Typs (Standard, Alkali oder wiederaufladbar) zusammen ein. Wenn Sie die ® ® Grill-Out -Tischleuchte von Weber für einen Monat oder länger nicht verwenden, nehmen Sie die Batterien heraus. bei funktiOL nsfeh ern. Ü pr fen LÖG sun Si

    Summary of the content on the page No. 10

    10 ® ®  Varmista, että grilli on sammutettu ja jäähtynyt, ennen kuin asennat Weber Grill Out -lisävalon.  Valaisin tulisi kiinnittää ainoastaan sivutasoihin. Irrota liikkuvissa tasoissa valaisin ennen kuin muutat tason asentoa.  Älä kiinnitä kuumiin pintoihin.  Valaisinta ei saa kiinnittää sivukeittimeen tai sen lähelle. Älä kiinnitä suoraan grillipesään, kanteen tai kahvoihin.  Älä käännä joustavaa vartta yli 90 astetta mihinkään suuntaan. ® ®  Älä aseta Weber Grill Out -lisävaloa suo

    Summary of the content on the page No. 11

    11 c 3 Valo sytytetään ja sammutetaan virtakytkimellä (c). Tarvitset 3 AAA-paristoa (ei sisälly). Käytä ainoastaan alkaliparistoja. Älä käytä sekaisin vanhoja ja uusia paristoja tai eri tyyppisiä ® paristoja (tavallisia paristoja, alkaliparistoja tai ladattavia paristoja). Jos et usko käyttäväsi Weber ® Grill Out -lisävaloa yli kuukauteen, ota paristot pois. JOs vL a O ei s. yty t arkistus tkaisuar Ovatko paristot vanhoja? Vaihda paristot. Onko paristot asennettu oikein? Katso vaiheen 1 kuva

    Summary of the content on the page No. 12

    12 ® ®  Påse at grillen er slått av og avkjølt før du monterer Weber Grill Out bordlampe.  Lampen må bare monteres på arbeidsbordene på sidene. Ta av lampen før du flytter bordet, hvis bordet ikke er fastmontert.  Må ikke monteres på varme overflater.  Lampen må ikke monteres på eller i nærheten av sidebrenner eller sidebrennerområdet. Det må ikke monteres direkte på stekeboksen, grillen eller håndtakene.  Den fleksible armen må ikke bøyes mer enn 90 grader i noen retning. ® ®  Weber Gr

    Summary of the content on the page No. 13

    13 c 3 Strømknappen (c) aktiverer eller deaktiverer lyset. Bruker 3 ”AAA” alkaliske batterier (ikke inkludert). Bruk bare alkaliske batterier. Gamle eller nye batterier, eller forskjellig typer batterier må ikke ® ® blandes (standard, alkaliske eller oppladbare). Hvis du ikke skal bruke Weber Grill Out bordlampe på en måned eller mer, må du ta ut batteriene. vis h L yset ikke sLår se G på . sJekk uG tbedrin Er batteriene gamle? Skift batteriene. Er batteriene montert riktig? Se tegningen i t

    Summary of the content on the page No. 14

    14 ® ®  Sørg for, at grillen er slukket og afkølet, før Weber Grill Out bordlampen monteres.  Lampen bør kun monteres på sidebordenes arbejdsflader. Ved borde, der ikke bliver stående samme sted, tages lampen af, før bordet skal flyttes.  Må aldrig monteres på varme overflader.  Lampen må ikke monteres på eller i nærheden af sidebrænderen eller området omkring den. Den må ikke monteres direkte på grillkassen, -kuglen eller håndtagene.  Bøj aldrig den fleksible arm mere end 90 grader i nog

    Summary of the content on the page No. 15

    15 c 3 Lyset tændes og slukkes med power-knappen (c). Bruger 3 stk. “AAA” alkaline batterier (medfølger ikke). Brug kun alkaline batterier. Bland ikke gamle eller nye batterier eller forskellige typer batterier ® ® (almindelige, alkaline eller genopladelige). Har du ingen planer om at anvende Weber Grill Out bordlampen i 1 måned eller længere, så tag batterierne ud. L hvis yset ikke t Ænder… k OOL ntr JÆL afh p Er batterierne gamle? Udskift batterierne. Er batterierne sat rigtigt i? Se trin 1

    Summary of the content on the page No. 16

    16 ® ®  Se till att grillen är avstängd och kall innan du monterar Weber Grill Out lampan.  Lampan bör endast monteras på sidobord. För bord som inte är fasta, ta bort lampan innan bordet flyttas.  Montera inte lampan på heta ytor.  Lampan bör inte monteras på eller i närheten av sidobrännare. Montera den inte direkt på baljan, klotet eller handtagen.  Böj inte den flexibla armen mer än 90 grader åt något håll. ® ®  Placera inte Weber Grill Out lampan direkt ovanför baljan. 1 b a ® ® W

    Summary of the content on the page No. 17

    17 c 3 Strömbrytaren (c) tänder och släcker lampan. Kräver 3 st alkaliska batterier av typ “AAA” (ingår ej). Använd endast alkaliska batterier. Blanda inte nya och gamla batterier eller olika batterityper ® ® (standard, alkaliska eller laddningsbara). Om du inte tänker använda Weber Grill Out Lampa på en månad eller längre bör du ta ur batterierna. O G m riLLen inte . ändst k OntrOLL LÖG snin Är batterierna gamla? Byt batterier. Är batterierna korrekt placerade? Se bilden vid steg 1. Är lock

    Summary of the content on the page No. 18

    18 ® ®  Schakel de barbecue uit en laat hem afkoelen, voordat u de Weber Grill Out tafellamp monteert.  De lamp mag alleen aan de zijdelingse werkbladen worden gemonteerd. Verwijder de lamp van verplaatsbare tafels, alvorens deze te verplaatsen.  Niet monteren op hete oppervlakken.  Monteer de lamp niet aan of in de buurt van een zijbrander. Niet rechtstreeks op de kookketel, de kuip of handgrepen monteren.  Buig de flexibele arm nooit meer dan 90 graden in eender welke richting. ® ® 

    Summary of the content on the page No. 19

    19 c 3 De aan/uit-knop (c) doet het licht aan en uit. Vereist 3 AAA alkalinebatterijen (niet inbegrepen). Gebruik alleen alkalinebatterijen. Geen oude en nieuwe batterijen door elkaar gebruiken of verschillende typen batterijen gebruiken (standaard, alkaline of oplaadbare). Wanneer u niet van ® ® plan bent om de Weber Grill Out tafellamp gedurende een maand of langer te gebruiken, moet u de batterijen verwijderen. L a s L het icht niet G taa branden. O c OL ntr e OpLOG sins Zijn de batterij

    Summary of the content on the page No. 20

    20  Assicurarsi che il barbecue sia spento e freddo prima di procedere all’installazione della ® ® lampada per ripiani Grill Out Weber .  La lampada deve essere montata esclusivamente sui ripiani di lavoro laterali. Per i ripiani mobili, rimuovere la lampada prima di riposizionare il ripiano.  Non montare la lampada su superfici calde.  Non montare la lampada sul bruciatore laterale o nelle sue vicinanze. Non montare direttamente sul vano cottura, sulla griglia o sulle maniglie.  Non pi

    Outdoor Large Party weber style performer table trolley kettle charcoal bbq grill

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    Large Party weber style performer table trolley kettle charcoal bbq grill

    Bowl & Lid: porcelain enamel; catcher: powder coated in silver

    Brown Box per piece

    G.W/N.W : 20/22.9 kgs

    Capacity: 2 0,000pcs/month

    30-45 days after confirm.

    Foshan YueLong Corporation, We are experienced in BBQ GRILL manufacture since 2004 (Logo,OEM,ODM is welcomed! ) .

    1. “Quality is the soul of manufacturer” We are qualified with GSCI certification, and get LFGB, FDA approvals. All our items are with good quality .I’m confident that we’re capable to meet your quality standard.

    2. Excellent process techniques and more than 100 professional workers, providing more than 200 designs for grills , with good quality ,high profit .

    3.“Competitive price is our superiority” As a manufacturer, we can offer a good price to help your business to occupy a larger market share.

    1) Different designs are available according to customers' requests

    2) Good service (Years of produce experience and OEM,ODM Service)

    4) Prompt Delivery

    5) Good quality ( more than 10 years experienced technique)

    6) Variety types for choice

    7) Rich experience of customi z ation

    1) Quality is guaranteed by our QC staffs' inspection before ship m ent.

    2) Our professional team can promptly reply, and provide specific quotation to save your time.

    3) Welco me to provide the template for custom

    4) We can provide professional advises on your purchasing projects based on our export experience.

    1. Can you customize the products?

    Yes, we can customize products according to the design you provided .

    2. Can we use OEM ?

    Yes, you can. You can contact us for the details.

    3 . Is it complex for the grill assembly ?

    No, there is a manual inside and it is easy to understand.

    You can email to us, we will follow your case even after-sales service .

    5. Do you have any certificate for the BBQ Grills?

    We do ODM products mostly,so those certificates, like LFGB , EN1860, CE are named after their compan ie s. Our products meet the requirements of the certificates. So if you need certificate for any product,we can offer the certi f icate under your name. And of cour s e, all costs are on you .

    Usually o ur MOQ is 40GP. Small grill could be 20GP. But we also could negotiate.

    There are three kinds of package. (1). The products are protected by the 3ply color box and 5ply master carton. (2).The products are packed into a 5ply color carton, no master carton. (3).The products only can be packed into a 5ply brown box if the quantity does not meet the demand of color box’s.

    8. How much is your sample?

    We usually charge double times of price. But it can be refundable after order confirmed.

    9 . What’s your method of payment?

    We accept payment by T/T (30%deposit, 70% balance before shipment).

    10. How can I trust you and your factory?

    Do you know Alibaba's Trade Assurance online ? You can order via it. You can get compensation from Alibaba

    Weber Q100 vs Q120

    In the world of portable gas grills, Weber is king. The Weber Q100 and Q120 are the two models that should interest you in the sub-$200 price bracket. Let’s see what the differences are and which one you should get.

    Weber Q100 vs Q120 – The 3 Differences

    Size wise, these two products are exactly the same. The difference comes in 3 key features:

    The Q120 features two folding work tables. This is a great extra feature to have over the Q100 because, quite frankly, we need these things. Since this is a portable unit they are particularly significant as work space may be well be non-existent on the beach or in the woods, or wherever you may find yourself.

    Since they fold away, it doesn’t add to the carry size of the product. Great feature.

    The Q100 doesn’t have one, the Q120 does. How useful this is will depend on the way you cook, but for most this addition alone is worth the extra cost of the Q120.

    The Q120 features an electronic ignition, ensuring first time ignition every time. The Q100 has a push button starter.

    The Weber Q100 typically costs around $30 less than the Weber Q120. That’s $30 extra for the very handy folding tables, the thermometer and the electronic ignition.

    Weber Q100 vs Q120 Summary

    Worth it? Heck yes. The convenience of the folding tables will more than make up for that $30 or so over time.

    So, that was the Weber Q100 vs Q120. It’s the Q120 all the way for us, and we’d advise you to pick it up as well. You can always trust Amazon for an excellent discounted price.

    If you are looking for something bigger and more powerful, try the Weber Q320.

    Grilltisch – Beistelltisch passend zu Ihrem Grill

    Alles im Griff mit einem praktischen Beistelltisch zum Grill

    Perfekt aufgetischt! Mit einem Grilltisch rücken alle wichtigen Gegenstände in greifbare Nähe. Er bietet eine solide Abstellfläche für Gewürze, Geschirr, Besteck, Soßen und vor allem natürlich für viel Grillgut. Wer schon einmal alle diese Utensilien auf einem improvisierten, wackeligen Beistelltischchen oder gar auf dem Rasen deponieren musste, weiß die Vorzüge eines perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse eines Grillmeisters abgestimmten Beistelltisches ganz besonders zu schätzen. Gute Grilltische überzeugen durch ein durchdachtes Konzept – häufig sind sie Tisch und Schneidbrett zugleich. Hinzu kommen weitere nützliche Features wie zusätzliche Ablagen, wetterbeständige Ausrüstung und einfach zu reinigende Oberflächen.

    Exklusives Markenzubehör – Grilltische vom Grillhersteller

    Namhafte Hersteller wie Barbecook, Outdoorchef und Rösle bieten ihren Kunden speziell auf ihre Modelle abgestimmte Beistelltische an. Leider gibt es aktuell keinen Abstelltisch für Weber Grill Geräte, aber auch hier kann man sehr gut improvisieren. Ein Barbecook Grill Tisch ist wahlweise als Klapptisch für Säulengrills oder als Schneidetisch mit Ablagefläche erhältlich. Der Klapptisch aus lackiertem Stahlblech wird mit dem Säulengrill verbunden – nur wenige Handgriffe sind erforderlich, um ihn standsicher zu fixieren. Noch vielseitiger ist der Schneidetisch aus HEVEA Holz, dessen abnehmbares Schneidbrett zugleich als Servierplatte dienen kann.

    Rösle und Outdoorchef Grilltische werden sogar ganz einfach nur in die Kugeln bzw. in das Gestell des Grills gehängt und bieten somit direkt weitere Abstellfläche.

    Gibt es den passenden Grilltisch für Weber?

    Von Weber? Nein! Die Weber Arbeitstische Kettlemate und Side-Kick wurden bereits 2013 / 2014 aus dem Sortiment genommen. Aber da die Weber Master Touch ja Kugelgrills sind, kann man sich wunderbar bei Mitbewerbern bedienen.

    Die Outdoorchef Seitenablage 570 ist wunderbar als Grilltisch für Weber 57cm Kugelgrills wie Master Touch, Original oder Kettle geeignet.

    Sie kann ganz einfach mit in den Kugelgrill gehängt werden und schon haben Sie auch am Weber Grill einen Arbeitstisch. Achten Sie aber bitte darauf den Tisch immer auf der Seite der Achse einzuhängen, da es sonst leicht zu einem Ungleichgewicht kommen kann.

    Wenn Sie also einen Abstelltisch für Weber Grill Geräte suchen, dann ist die Seitenablage 570 von Outdoorchef Ihr perfekter Grilltisch für Weber.

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