среда, 17 января 2018 г.



Related Manuals for Weber GRILL OUT HANDLE LIGHT

Summary of Contents for Weber GRILL OUT HANDLE LIGHT

A luz de pega do Weber Q Grill Out™ tem um “sensor de inclinação”: Tampa para cima – Ligada / Tampa para baixo – Desligada. O botão de alimentação (a) activa ou desactiva o “sensor de inclinação”. Para uso diurno, desactive o sensor premindo o botão de alimentação (a).

Page 2: Assembly

 C U I D A D O : C e r t i fi q u e - s e d e q u e o g r e l h a d o r e s t á d e s li g a d o e f r i o a n t e s d e Out™ de Weber Q entre el asa (a) y los espaciadores de asa (b). Vuelva a colocar los tornillos.

Page 3: Replace Batteries

To replace batteries, remove lightpod by removing screw(a). Push tab(b) and pull apart. Para reemplazar las pilas, libere el portalámpara quitándole el tornillo(a). Empuje la lengüeta(b) y abra el portalámpara. Pour remplacer les piles, retirez le support de la lampe en retirant la vis(a). Enfoncez la languette(b) puis séparez les éléments. Batterieaustausch: Entfernen Sie die Schraube am Gehäuse(a).

Limited Warranty. Weber shall not be liable under this or any This symbol indicates that the product cannot be disposed of in the trash. For implied warranty for incidental or consequential damages.

Den begrænsede garanti er begrænset til reparation eller udskiftning af dele, som viser sig at være defekte Vender dækslet opad med kontakten på TÆNDT? Lyset aktiveres når dækslet er åbent. ved almindelig brug og service, og som ved en nærmere undersøgelse, som Weber er tilfreds med, viser Er lyset aktiveret? Tryk på kontakten.

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Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759 User Manual

Related Manuals for Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759

Summary of Contents for Weber GRILL OUT TABLE LIGHT 178759

® ® GriLL-Out -tischLeuchte vOn Weber ® Lampada per ripiani GriLL Out Weber GriLL Out -LisävaLO ® ® Luz de mesa Weber GriLL Out ® Weber GriLL Out bOrdLampe ® ® Lampka dO stOLika Weber Weber Grill Out bOrdlampe ®.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

This Limited Warranty shall be limited to the repair or replacement of parts that prove defective under normal use and service and which on examination shall indicate, to Weber’s satisfaction, that they are defective. If Weber confirms the defect and approves the claim, Weber will elect to repair or replace such parts without charge.

 Asegúrese de que la barbacoa está apagada y fría antes de instalar la lámpara de mesa Grill Out de Weber ® ®  La lámpara sólo debe montarse en mesas de trabajo laterales. En el caso de mesas fijas, extraiga la lámpara antes de cambiar de posición la mesa.

Weber no se hace responsable bajo esta u otra garantía implícita de ningún daño indirecto o consecuente.

 Ne pliez pas le bras flexible à plus de 90° dans quelque direction que ce soit.  Ne placez pas la lampe de plan de travail Weber de cuisson.

La présente garantie est limitée à la réparation ou au remplacement des pièces défectueuses sous conditions normales d’utilisation et d’entretien, après confirmation par Weber de leur caractère défectueux. Si Weber confirme le caractère défectueux des pièces et en accepte la réclamation, ces pièces sont réparées ou remplacées gratuitement (à.

 Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Grill ausgeschaltet und abgekühlt ist, bevor Sie die Grill- -Tischleuchte von Weber ®  Die Lampe darf nur an den seitlichen Arbeitstischen montiert werden. Entfernen Sie bei nicht stationären Tischen die Leuchte, bevor Sie den Tisch umsetzen.

Diese eingeschränkte Garantie ist beschränkt auf die Reparatur oder den Ersatz von Teilen, die sich unter normalem Gebrauch und Service als mangelhaft erwiesen haben und die sich bei einer Prüfung in der Überzeugung von Weber als mangelhaft erwiesen haben. Wenn Weber den Mangel bestätigt und Ihre Ansprüche anerkennt, entscheidet sich Weber für eine Reparatur oder für den kostenlosen Ersatz derartiger Teile.

 Varmista, että grilli on sammutettu ja jäähtynyt, ennen kuin asennat Weber -lisävalon.  Valaisin tulisi kiinnittää ainoastaan sivutasoihin. Irrota liikkuvissa tasoissa valaisin ennen kuin muutat tason asentoa.  Älä kiinnitä kuumiin pintoihin.  Valaisinta ei saa kiinnittää sivukeittimeen tai sen lähelle. Älä kiinnitä suoraan grillipesään, kanteen tai kahvoihin.

TAKUUN REKISTERÖINTI-KORTTI PYYDETTÄESSÄ. Tämä rajoitettu takuu koskee sellaisten osien korjausta tai vaihtoa, jotka osoittautuvat viallisiksi normaalissa käytössä ja huollossa ja joiden Weber toteaa tarkastuksen jälkeen olevan viallisia. Jos Weber vahvistaa vian ja hyväksyy korvausvaatimuksen, Weber korjaa tai korvaa kyseiset osat veloituksetta. Jos viallisia osia on palautettava, kuljetuskulut on maksettava etukäteen.

 Påse at grillen er slått av og avkjølt før du monterer Weber  Lampen må bare monteres på arbeidsbordene på sidene. Ta av lampen før du flytter bordet, hvis bordet ikke er fastmontert.  Må ikke monteres på varme overflater.

Webers tilfredsstillelse, å være defekt. Hvis Weber bekrefter defekten og godkjenner reklamasjonen, vil Weber reparere eller skifte ut slike deler uten omkostninger. Hvis du må sende inn defekte deler, må transportkostnadene forhåndsbetales. Weber vil returnere delene til kjøper, med frakt og porto forhåndsbetalt.

 Sørg for, at grillen er slukket og afkølet, før Weber  Lampen bør kun monteres på sidebordenes arbejdsflader. Ved borde, der ikke bliver stående samme sted, tages lampen af, før bordet skal flyttes.  Må aldrig monteres på varme overflader.

Den begrænsede garanti er begrænset til reparation eller udskiftning af dele, som viser sig at være defekte ved almindelig brug og service, og som ved en nærmere undersøgelse, som Weber er tilfreds med, viser sig at være defekte. Bekræfter Weber fejlen og godkender erstatningskravet, vil Weber enten reparere eller udskifte sådanne dele uden beregning.

 Se till att grillen är avstängd och kall innan du monterar Weber  Lampan bör endast monteras på sidobord. För bord som inte är fasta, ta bort lampan innan bordet flyttas.  Montera inte lampan på heta ytor.  Lampan bör inte monteras på eller i närheten av sidobrännare. Montera den inte direkt på.

Detta garantisystem är begränsat till reparation eller byte av delar som visar sig vara felaktiga vid normal användning och service, och som efter undersökning enligt Webers bedömning visar sig vara felaktiga. Om Weber bekräftar felet och godkänner din fordran beslutar Weber om reparation eller byte av felaktiga delar utan kostnad.

 Schakel de barbecue uit en laat hem afkoelen, voordat u de Weber monteert.  De lamp mag alleen aan de zijdelingse werkbladen worden gemonteerd. Verwijder de lamp van verplaatsbare tafels, alvorens deze te verplaatsen.  Niet monteren op hete oppervlakken.

Slijtage of schade door hevige weersomstandigheden, zoals hagel, orkanen, aardbevingen of tornado’s, verkleuring als gevolg van blootstelling aan chemicaliën, direct of in de atmosfeer, worden niet gedekt door deze beperkte garantie. Weber zal niet aansprakelijk zijn voor deze of enige impliciete garantie voor incidentele schade of gevolgschade.

(A) che orizzontale (B). Di seguito vengono riportate le istruzioni per l’installazione: Stringere la vite grande del supporto fino a quando è serrata, poi ruotarla di ¼ di giro. www.weber.com ® Weber ® ®.

Weber, difettose. Qualora Weber constatasse il difetto e accettasse il reclamo, potrà decidere di riparare o sostituire tali parti a titolo gratuito. Nel caso sia necessario restituire il materiale difettoso, le spese di spedizione dovranno essere prepagate. Weber invierà.

 Não dobre o braço flexível mais do que 90 graus em qualquer direcção.  Não coloque a luz de mesa Weber O suporte da luz de mesa Weber (A) ou horizontal (B). Siga as instruções de instalação abaixo: Aperte o parafuso do suporte grande até.

A Weber não será responsável ao abrigo desta ou qualquer garantia implícita por danos acidentais ou consequenciais.

 przed zamontowaniem lampki Weber wyłączony i zimny.  Lampkę można montować tylko z boku stołu. W przypadku nie stacjonarnych stolików, należy wymontować lampę przed przemieszczeniem stolika.  Nie należy montować do gorących powierzchni.  Nie należy montować lampki na lub w pobliżu bocznego palnika lub miejsca w którym znajduje się palnik boczny. Nie należy montować bezpośrednio do skrzynki do pieczenia, kociołka lub uchwytów.  Nie należy wyginać elastycznego ramienia pod kątem większym niż 90 stopni w każdym kierunku.  Nie należy umieszczać lampki do stolika Weber do pieczenia. Wspornik lampki do stolika Weber płaszczyźnie pionowej (a) lub poziomej (b). Postępuj zgodnie z poniższymi zaleceniami dotyczącymi montażu: Dokręć dużą śrubę wspornika w prawidłowym miejscu.

Usługi gwarancyjne ograniczają się do naprawy lub wymiany części uszkodzonych w czasie użytkowania i serwisowania urządzenia. Jeżeli firma Weber potwierdzi uszkodzenia i zatwierdzi reklamację, firma Weber dokona naprawy lub wymiany tych części bez opłaty. Jeżeli wymagany jest zwrot części wadliwych, koszt opłaty transportowe pokrywa z góry nabywca. Weber zwróci części nabywcy pokrywając części transportu.

Page 27

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Page 30

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Táto obmedzená záruka sa vzťahuje len na opravu alebo výmenu častí, na ktorých sa objavia vady pri normálnom použití a prevádzke a ktoré sa prejavia na základe testov spoločnosti Weber ako vadné. Ak spoločnosť Weber potvrdí vadu a schváli reklamačný nárok, opraví.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

A jelen korlátozott jótállás a rendeltetésszerű használat közben hibásnak bizonyult alkatrész javítására vagy cseréjére korlátozódik, amennyiben az azon elvégzett vizsgálat a Weber számára bebizonyítja, hogy hibás. Ha a Weber igazolja a hibát, és jóváhagyja a kérelmet, választása szerint díjmentesen megjavítja vagy kicseréli a hibás alkatrészt. Ha vissza kell küldenie a hibás alkatrészeket, a szállítási költségeket előre ki kell fizetnie.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Weber nu va fi responsabilă în baza acestei garanţii sau a oricărei garanţii implicite pentru niciun fel de daune indirecte sau pe cale de consecinţă.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Če Weber potrdi okvaro in odobri reklamacijo, Weber omogoči brezplačno popravilo ali zamenjavo delov. Če želite vrniti okvarjene dele, je potrebno v naprej plačati stroške prevoza. Weber bo vrnil dele kupcu, v primeru predhodno plačanih potnih stroškov in poštnine.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

će ispitivanje pokazati, na Weber-ovo zadovoljenje, da jesu manjkavi. Ako Weber potvrdi manjkavost i odobri reklamaciju, Weber će izabrati da zamijeni takve dijelove bez naplate. Ako se od vas zatraži da vratite manjkave dijelove, vi morate plaćati troškove transporta.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Selle piiratud garantiiga parandatakse või asendatakse detailid, mille defekt on selgunud tavapärase kasutamise ja hooldamise käigus ja mille puhul Weber kinnitab lähemal uurimisel, et need on defektiga. Kui Weber kinnitab defekti ja nõustub nõudega, parandab või asendab Weber need detailid tasuta. Kui te peate defektiga detailid tagastama, jäävad transpordikulud teie kanda. Weber tagastab detailid ostjale, kui saatmiskulude eest on tasutud.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Ši ribota garantija apsiribos detalių, kurios turės defektų normalaus naudojimo ir priežiūros sąlygomis ir kurių defektai bus matomi jas patikrinus ir tai patvirtins „Weber“, remontu ir pakeitimu. Jei „Weber“ patvirtins defektą ir priims skundą, „Weber“ tokias detales remontuos arba pakeis nemokamai. Jei turėsite grąžinti blogas detales, turėsite apmokėti už jų transportavimą. Grąžindama atgal detales pirkėjui, siuntimo išlaidas apmokės „Weber“.

 Make sure grill is turned off and cool before installing the Weber  Light should only be mounted to side work surface tables. For non-stationary tables, remove the light before re-positioning the table.  Do not mount to hot surfaces.

Weber nu va fi responsabilă în baza acestei garanţii sau a oricărei garanţii implicite pentru niciun fel de daune indirecte sau pe cale de consecinţă.

Page 47

©2007 Weber-Stephen Products Co. Weber, The Kettle Silhouette , and the Kettle Configuration are registered trademarks; The Weber Grill Handle Light is a trademark of all Weber-Stephen Products, Co. 200 East Daniels Road, Palatine, IL 60067. Made in China. ™.

Weber grill lampe

No matter how big your cooker, there are always times when you could use just a little bit more cooking space. This dilemma has motivated some creative folks to develop the ingenious methods for increasing WSM cooking capacity shown here.

You will have to purchase additional cooking grates for most of these methods. The 17-1/2" top grate can be purchased online or at most home centers and barbecue stores—it will be labeled as a replacement grate for the Weber 18-1/2" charcoal grill. The 17" lower grate must be ordered directly from Weber at 800-446-1071.

Remember that when you increase the capacity of your Weber Bullet, you also change the performance characteristics of the cooker. It will take longer to come up to 225-250°F when you first add cold meat to the cooker. It will also take longer to cook the meat than you're used to, and your cooker will use more fuel and smoke wood.

As always. click on any of the pictures to view a larger image.

For thin items like chicken pieces or ribs, an additional top cooking grate can be turned 90° and placed upside down over the existing top cooking grate (Photo 1). Thanks to Brad Perkins for this suggestion.

A steam rack with collapsible legs can be used to support an additional cooking grate (Photo 2) . Available in a variety of sizes, steam racks can be purchased online or from restaurant supply stores for around $12.

A pizza stone rack can be flipped upside down and used to support an additional cooking grate (Photo 3). Thanks to Jim Kelley for this suggestion.

The Big Green Egg grill extender is a 15-1/2" cooking grate with legs that attach to the WSM grate (Photos 4). The grill extender swings up on both sides to access the grate below. The distance between the extender and the WSM grate is 3-3/4". If you fasten down the swing-up portions with wire, you can hang the grill extender from the top WSM cooking grate (Photo 5). The grill extender costs about $25 plus shipping.

Empty soup cans can be used to hold another grate above the standard grate (Photo 6). You can also use pieces of fireplace brick.

Two grates can be fastened together using electrical conduit, bolts, and washers (Photo 7). Cut three spacers of equal length from electrical conduit. Choose three bolts that are about 1/2" longer than the length of the spacers, three matching nuts, and six matching washers large enough to prevent the bolts and nuts from passing through the grate. Place a washer on a bolt and pass it through the top side of the top grate. Slide a spacer over the bolt from below, then pass the bolt through the bottom grate. Fasten with a washer and a nut on the bottom side of the bottom grate. Repeat this process for the remaining spacers. Thanks to Hi-Tech Smokers of Blue Springs, MO for sharing this idea.

Three grates can be fastened together using threaded rods, washers and nuts (Photo 8). This modification comes from Rob B. of Winter Haven, FL. Rob used four 12" threaded rods, 24 fender washers, and 24 nuts to connect a generic cooking grate between the standard WSM top and bottom grates. "When it's time to baste, rotate, etc. it's a quick and easy process. Just grab the top grate handles and the rest follows."

Spacers can be attached to the bottom cooking grate (Photos 9-10). Fasten four 4" x 5/16" bolts with nuts and washers to the bottom grate and place a second cooking grate on top of the bolt heads. This modification comes from Ken Johnson of Topeka, KS.

There are several things to consider when attempting any of these grate stacking methods:

  • When stacking a grate on the top grate, use a smaller diameter grate and short spacers. A grate that's too large or tall may hit the inside of the lid.
  • Consider the thickness of the meat you will be putting on the grates when choosing the height of spacers. Thick cuts like pork butt will require taller spacers than a brisket flat or butterflied chicken.

Removable Middle Grate

You can increase cooking capacity by mounting a removable grate halfway between the top and bottom grates.

Dan Cannon of Coyote Road Kill Barbecue Team created the modification shown in Photos 11-13. This mod requires that you drill holes in the middle cooking section of the cooker. Determine the halfway point between the top and bottom grates and make four equally spaced marks around the perimeter of the cooking section. Drill a small hole at each of the four marks, then fashion two support rods that pass through each pair of holes, as shown in Photos 12-13. Place a 17" cooking grate on the support rods when you want a middle grate, or remove the grate and rods when not in use.

Dan says not to worry about smoke leakage or heat loss from the tiny holes—they don't affect the performance of the cooker in any significant way.

Jonas Klint from Kansas City, MO modified the grill straps inside the middle cooking section to hold a third grate. Remove the 4 grill straps and drill a counter-sunk hole in the back side of each strap halfway between where the top and bottom grates rest, making the hole large enough to accommodate a 5mm machine screw (Photos 14-16). Remove the pins from 4 shelf support brackets by using 2 pairs of pliers to grasp the pin and bracket and twisting gently until the pin comes out (Photos 17-18). Insert a machine screw through the counter sunk hole, place a shelf support bracket over the screw, and fasten with a nut. Make sure the screw and nut are positioned below the shelf bracket. Repeat with the remaining grill straps and then reinstall them into the middle cooking section.

Photo 19 shows how Jonas uses a second top cooking grate on the new support brackets. In order to have enough clearance for this grate to fit, he used a hacksaw to cut the screws flush to the nuts at the top of each grill strap—click on Photo 20 to see this detail. Using a second bottom cooking grate (ordered direct from Weber) eliminates the need to trim the top screws.

Stacking Middle Cooking Sections

By stacking two middle cooking sections, your WSM can have four cooking grates, or you can try hanging ribs, whole fish, and other meats vertically.

Take a 2-1/2' length of heavy duty aluminum foil and cut it in half lengthwise. Gather each piece of foil loosely across its width to form a gasket. Place the two pieces end-to-end around the top edge of the middle cooking section, then insert the second middle section into the gasket. Crumple the foil into the void between the two sections to achieve a good seal.

The easiest way to hang meat in the Weber Bullet is to purchase the Weber expandable smoking rack, an accessory designed specifically for this purpose. Alternatively, to hang meat from the top cooking grate, buy meat hooks from suppliers like Allied Kenco or fashion hooks from stainless steel nails or rods. Perhaps a better setup is to remove two opposite support flange screws from the top cooking section and run a sturdy rod between the two screw holes. Hang the meat from the rod, similar to what's shown in Photo 25 in the following section.

Rob B. from Winter Haven, FL sent in these photos of his stacked WSM in action. Photo 22 shows a close-up of how Rob fashioned the foil gasket. Using this configuration with the Minion Method and sand in the water pan, Rob cooked 3 slabs of spareribs on the top two grates, two chickens on the third grate, and a beef roast on the fourth grate. On another occasion, he cooked nine chickens. Rob says the cooker runs just fine at 240°F, it just takes a little bit longer to come up to temperature.

I've included these pictures sent in by Jerry Fear to show the lengths to which some people will go to increase the capacity of their WSM! Jerry combined the charcoal bowl from a WSM and the lid from a Weber kettle with a middle cooking section fashioned from a 55-gallon barrel. These pictures show his project at various stages in the construction process.

For most of us, it would be easier to just buy a second 18.5" WSM or a 22.5" WSM. but if you've got the time, money, skill, tools, and inclination, this might be the project for you!

Photo of pizza stone rack: 2010 by Pampered Chef.

Photo of three connected cooking grates: 2003 by Rob B.

Photos of bottom grate spacers: 2004 by Ken Johnson.

Photos of grill strap mod: 2010 by Jonas Klint.

Photos of stacked WSM: 2003 by Rob B.

Photos of Monster WSM: 2000 by Jerry Fear.

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Grillstar, weber grill

Dienstag, 30. September 2014

Lampe led vigor

Brilliant Vigor energiesparende LED Wand - und Deckenleuchte, 15. V1463 Akku LED Handleuchte - Vigor Equipment. Vigor LED-Lampe V1463 im Conrad Online Shop, 805244.

Brilliant Vigor (G94131/05) Deckenleuchte: Lampe & Leuchte. VIGOR LED-Lampe V1463-V1463 - Werkzeughandel Hoch.

Brilliant Vigor LED Wand - und Deckenleuchte, 15 Watt LED integriert, 2700K LED Deckenlampe XD-R18 Deckenleuchte Lampe Leuchte 18 Watt LED top. Vigor LED-Lampe V1463, Artikelnummer: C73511.

Bilder zu lampe led vigor

D. ViGOR GmbH • > 10 04 61 • D-42804 Remscheid • Germany. Die Akku LED Handleuchte ist sehr energiesparend, langlebig und vielseitig einsetzbar in. Vigor LED-Lampe V1463: Preis ab 35,40 € (02.03.2015). 10 Angebote fur Vigor LED-Lampe V1463 Taschenlampe - Preisvergleich, Informationen.

Brilliant Vigor (G94141/11) Preisvergleich - billiger. de

Brilliant Vigor Wand - und Deckenleuchte LED Weiss - Lampe. de. Vigor LED-Lampe V1463 versandkostenfrei, SMDV - weil Spiele.

VIGOR V1463 LED - Lampe. VIGOR LED-Lampe, eBay.

VIGOR Stirnlampe mit 3 Watt CREE-LED - Borsch KG - Werkzeuge.

VIGOR LED-Lampe in Heimwerker, Werkstattausrustung, Werkzeugkoffer, eBay. Brilliant Vigor Wand - und Deckenleuchte Weiss Modern Brilliant Vigor Wand - und Deckenleuchte - schnell & sicher von Lampe. de. Leistungsstarke: 100 Lumen Batterie Inkl. 3 x AAA (Micro) Brenndauer ca. 3 h Gewicht 80 g.

Weber grill lampe

No matter how big your cooker, there are always times when you could use just a little bit more cooking space. This dilemma has motivated some creative folks to develop the ingenious methods for increasing WSM cooking capacity shown here.

You will have to purchase additional cooking grates for most of these methods. The 17-1/2" top grate can be purchased online or at most home centers and barbecue stores—it will be labeled as a replacement grate for the Weber 18-1/2" charcoal grill. The 17" lower grate must be ordered directly from Weber at 800-446-1071.

Remember that when you increase the capacity of your Weber Bullet, you also change the performance characteristics of the cooker. It will take longer to come up to 225-250°F when you first add cold meat to the cooker. It will also take longer to cook the meat than you're used to, and your cooker will use more fuel and smoke wood.

As always. click on any of the pictures to view a larger image.

For thin items like chicken pieces or ribs, an additional top cooking grate can be turned 90° and placed upside down over the existing top cooking grate (Photo 1). Thanks to Brad Perkins for this suggestion.

A steam rack with collapsible legs can be used to support an additional cooking grate (Photo 2) . Available in a variety of sizes, steam racks can be purchased online or from restaurant supply stores for around $12.

A pizza stone rack can be flipped upside down and used to support an additional cooking grate (Photo 3). Thanks to Jim Kelley for this suggestion.

The Big Green Egg grill extender is a 15-1/2" cooking grate with legs that attach to the WSM grate (Photos 4). The grill extender swings up on both sides to access the grate below. The distance between the extender and the WSM grate is 3-3/4". If you fasten down the swing-up portions with wire, you can hang the grill extender from the top WSM cooking grate (Photo 5). The grill extender costs about $25 plus shipping.

Empty soup cans can be used to hold another grate above the standard grate (Photo 6). You can also use pieces of fireplace brick.

Two grates can be fastened together using electrical conduit, bolts, and washers (Photo 7). Cut three spacers of equal length from electrical conduit. Choose three bolts that are about 1/2" longer than the length of the spacers, three matching nuts, and six matching washers large enough to prevent the bolts and nuts from passing through the grate. Place a washer on a bolt and pass it through the top side of the top grate. Slide a spacer over the bolt from below, then pass the bolt through the bottom grate. Fasten with a washer and a nut on the bottom side of the bottom grate. Repeat this process for the remaining spacers. Thanks to Hi-Tech Smokers of Blue Springs, MO for sharing this idea.

Three grates can be fastened together using threaded rods, washers and nuts (Photo 8). This modification comes from Rob B. of Winter Haven, FL. Rob used four 12" threaded rods, 24 fender washers, and 24 nuts to connect a generic cooking grate between the standard WSM top and bottom grates. "When it's time to baste, rotate, etc. it's a quick and easy process. Just grab the top grate handles and the rest follows."

Spacers can be attached to the bottom cooking grate (Photos 9-10). Fasten four 4" x 5/16" bolts with nuts and washers to the bottom grate and place a second cooking grate on top of the bolt heads. This modification comes from Ken Johnson of Topeka, KS.

There are several things to consider when attempting any of these grate stacking methods:

  • When stacking a grate on the top grate, use a smaller diameter grate and short spacers. A grate that's too large or tall may hit the inside of the lid.
  • Consider the thickness of the meat you will be putting on the grates when choosing the height of spacers. Thick cuts like pork butt will require taller spacers than a brisket flat or butterflied chicken.

Removable Middle Grate

You can increase cooking capacity by mounting a removable grate halfway between the top and bottom grates.

Dan Cannon of Coyote Road Kill Barbecue Team created the modification shown in Photos 11-13. This mod requires that you drill holes in the middle cooking section of the cooker. Determine the halfway point between the top and bottom grates and make four equally spaced marks around the perimeter of the cooking section. Drill a small hole at each of the four marks, then fashion two support rods that pass through each pair of holes, as shown in Photos 12-13. Place a 17" cooking grate on the support rods when you want a middle grate, or remove the grate and rods when not in use.

Dan says not to worry about smoke leakage or heat loss from the tiny holes—they don't affect the performance of the cooker in any significant way.

Jonas Klint from Kansas City, MO modified the grill straps inside the middle cooking section to hold a third grate. Remove the 4 grill straps and drill a counter-sunk hole in the back side of each strap halfway between where the top and bottom grates rest, making the hole large enough to accommodate a 5mm machine screw (Photos 14-16). Remove the pins from 4 shelf support brackets by using 2 pairs of pliers to grasp the pin and bracket and twisting gently until the pin comes out (Photos 17-18). Insert a machine screw through the counter sunk hole, place a shelf support bracket over the screw, and fasten with a nut. Make sure the screw and nut are positioned below the shelf bracket. Repeat with the remaining grill straps and then reinstall them into the middle cooking section.

Photo 19 shows how Jonas uses a second top cooking grate on the new support brackets. In order to have enough clearance for this grate to fit, he used a hacksaw to cut the screws flush to the nuts at the top of each grill strap—click on Photo 20 to see this detail. Using a second bottom cooking grate (ordered direct from Weber) eliminates the need to trim the top screws.

Stacking Middle Cooking Sections

By stacking two middle cooking sections, your WSM can have four cooking grates, or you can try hanging ribs, whole fish, and other meats vertically.

Take a 2-1/2' length of heavy duty aluminum foil and cut it in half lengthwise. Gather each piece of foil loosely across its width to form a gasket. Place the two pieces end-to-end around the top edge of the middle cooking section, then insert the second middle section into the gasket. Crumple the foil into the void between the two sections to achieve a good seal.

The easiest way to hang meat in the Weber Bullet is to purchase the Weber expandable smoking rack, an accessory designed specifically for this purpose. Alternatively, to hang meat from the top cooking grate, buy meat hooks from suppliers like Allied Kenco or fashion hooks from stainless steel nails or rods. Perhaps a better setup is to remove two opposite support flange screws from the top cooking section and run a sturdy rod between the two screw holes. Hang the meat from the rod, similar to what's shown in Photo 25 in the following section.

Rob B. from Winter Haven, FL sent in these photos of his stacked WSM in action. Photo 22 shows a close-up of how Rob fashioned the foil gasket. Using this configuration with the Minion Method and sand in the water pan, Rob cooked 3 slabs of spareribs on the top two grates, two chickens on the third grate, and a beef roast on the fourth grate. On another occasion, he cooked nine chickens. Rob says the cooker runs just fine at 240°F, it just takes a little bit longer to come up to temperature.

I've included these pictures sent in by Jerry Fear to show the lengths to which some people will go to increase the capacity of their WSM! Jerry combined the charcoal bowl from a WSM and the lid from a Weber kettle with a middle cooking section fashioned from a 55-gallon barrel. These pictures show his project at various stages in the construction process.

For most of us, it would be easier to just buy a second 18.5" WSM or a 22.5" WSM. but if you've got the time, money, skill, tools, and inclination, this might be the project for you!

Photo of pizza stone rack: 2010 by Pampered Chef.

Photo of three connected cooking grates: 2003 by Rob B.

Photos of bottom grate spacers: 2004 by Ken Johnson.

Photos of grill strap mod: 2010 by Jonas Klint.

Photos of stacked WSM: 2003 by Rob B.

Photos of Monster WSM: 2000 by Jerry Fear.

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Barbecue (BBQ) Grilling Classes

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— Weber Video Classes

— BBQ & Cooking Classes in the U.S.

It's hard to find good BBQ Grilling Classes in your own city. In our search for BBQ classes, we found FREE Video Mini-Workshops that we thought you would enjoy and find helpful. We've also listed several of the Top Cooking Schools around the country that offer, or have hosted BBQ Grilling Classes. Have FUN and enjoy your Grilling this year!

FREE BBQ Mini-Workshops

Watch and learn from the experts. We collected our Top Five FREE BBQ Grilling Videos on the following web page:

Weber Grilling Classes

Weber has teamed up with some of the finest BBQ Grilling Experts in the U.S. to create FREE BBQ Grilling Mini-Workshops on the Web. Enjoy fun "hands-on" Cooking Tips anytime.

Note: You must register to watch the video training.

Don't forget to periodically check the Weber web site for city tours (with classes or events) that you can attend to learn how to improve your BBQ Grilling. Weber Main Website

— BBQ Grilling Classes & Cooking Classes

— Hands-On Classes & Demo Classes

Some Cooking Schools will only provide BBQ Cooking Classes during certain times of the year; some schools will discontinue BBQ Classes without notice.

Please check their web sites for schedule information. Grilling Classes are very popular and space is limited. Scroll down for a list of California and U.S. Cooking Schools.

California (San Francisco Bay Area)

Cavullo Point @ Fort Baker, Sausalito, CA

- Hands-On Cooking Classes & Demo Classes

(innovative seasonal cooking classes, focusing on the SF Bay Area sustainable culinary movement)

San Mateo on SF Peninsula, CA

— Napa Valley Wine Country

St. Helena, Napa Valley, CA

- Hands-On Cooking Classes & Cooking Demos

— Sonoma Wine Country

Cooking Classes & Private Cooking Classes

The French Culinary Experience

at the International Culinary Center

Dr BBQ Cooking Classes

Ray Lampe (Dr. BBQ) is Grilling and Teaching all over the country. His web site is fun and he may have cooking classes in your area. He also may be available for private classes. at the right price :)

Recommended BBQ Books

If you don't have time for Cooking Classes, buy a classic BBQ Book and learn at your own pace and time.

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Dienstag, 28. April 2015

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