T-Bone steak
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Tag T-Bone´en ud af køleskabet en halv time før den skal på grillen.
Smør lidt olivenolie på den og krydder den med salt, peber og evt. krydderier efter egen smag.
Varm grillen op til ca. 300 grader og giv steak´en 16 minutter direkte, 8 minutter på hver side (husk at dreje den hvert 4 minut så du får nogle dejlige grill mærker).
Herefter flyttes den evt. til indirekte resten af tiden (alt efter hvilken temperatur man foretrækker).
Her kan man så enten bruge termometer og stege efter temperatur eller føle sig frem.
I det her tilfælde (hvor den var på 500 gr.) var den klar efter de 16 minutter og den landede på 61 grader da jeg checkede den.
Husk efterfølgende at lade steak´en hvile i 5 minutter.
Gør sig godt med kartoffelbåde og whiskey sauce.
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How to Grill a 1-Inch T-Bone Steak
Timing and technique are the keys to grilling a 1-inch-thick T-bone steak to perfection. This thicker cut requires different treatment from a T-bone, for example, 1/2- to 3/4-inch thick. While grilling a thicker steak may be a bit trickier, a benefit is that with proper attention, your steak is less likely to dry out during cooking. To increase your chances for success, start with the best grade steak your budget will allow and a clean grill.
Purchase your steaks with an eye toward color and the amount of marbling. Look for T-bones with a light cherry rather than deep red color. For the best flavor, get one with a generous amount of marbling. Marbling, or the flecks of white fat running through the meat, relate to its United States Department of Agriculture, USDA, grade of either Prime, Choice or Select.
Scrape the grates on your grill to remove any residue, then use a vegetable oil spray to make sure your steaks do not stick when cooking.
Remove your T-bones from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before grilling. Trim fat, leaving a 1/4-inch ribbon around all sides and pat the steaks dry with some paper towels. Grilling your steaks as close to room temperature as possible is important because the colder the meat, the more it will contract when hitting the hot grill and the greater chance it will become tough.
Preheat your grill using two temperature settings. If you are using a gas grill, set one side to high and the other to a medium setting, then close the lid for 10 to 15 minutes. If you are using a charcoal grill, stack most of the coals to one side and leave only a single layer on the other. Do not close the lid on a charcoal grill when preheating or when cooking.
Step 1
Put your steaks on the hot side of the grill and sear each side for two minutes. Use tongs when flipping the steaks to prevent piercing the meat.
Move your T-bones to the medium heat side of your grill and continue grilling. If you like your T-bone medium rare, grill for four to five minutes on each side or until a meat thermometer reads 130 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. For a medium steak, grill six to seven minutes per side or until a meat thermometer reads 140 to 150 degrees. For a well-done steak, grill about eight to nine minutes per side or until a meat thermometer reads 160 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit.
Remove your steaks from the grill, set them on a platter and cover loosely with aluminum foil for about five minutes. This is important to allow the juices to absorb into the meat and helps increase its flavor. Then, season with some salt and pepper and enjoy your meal.
Grilled T-Bone Steaks
Recipe by Nimz1466
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Grilled T-Bone Steaks
Ingredients Nutrition
- 1 ⁄2 cup water
- 1 ⁄2 cup light soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon McCormick's Montreal Brand steak seasoning
- 1 ⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 ⁄2 teaspoon chipotle hot sauce
- 1 ⁄4 teaspoon pepper
- 2 -3 garlic cloves, smashed
- 2 beef t-bone steaks (1 in thick)
- In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the first 11 ingredients.
- Add steaks.
- Seal the bag and turn to coat.
- Refrigerate overnight, turning as often as you can. (I actually marinated my for a day and a 1/2.).
- Drain and discard marinade.
- Grill steaks, over high heat for about 5 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a meat thermometer should read 145 degrees, medium, 160 degrees, well-done 170 degrees).
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Nutrition Info
Serving Size: 1 (195 g)
Servings Per Recipe: 2
Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 229.9 Calories from Fat 122 53% Total Fat 13.6 g 20% Saturated Fat 1.9 g 9% Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 4141.7 mg 172% Total Carbohydrate 20.5 g 6% Dietary Fiber 0.8 g 3% Sugars 15.1 g 60% Protein 8.2 g 16%
Grilled T-Bone Steaks
Although this recipe is extremely simple, you need to be careful not to overcook the meat.
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- 2 (1 1/2-inch-thick) T-bone steaks (3 pounds total), flaps cut off if necessary, at room temperature 30 minutes
- 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons fine sea salt
- 1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
- Special Equipment
- an instant-read thermometer
- Prepare grill for cooking over medium-hot charcoal (moderate heat for gas). (If using a charcoal grill, open vents on bottom of grill, then light charcoal. When Charcoal turns grayish white (about 15 minutes from lighting), hold your hand 5 inches above grill rack to determine heat for charcoal as follows: Hot: When you can hold your hand there for 1 to 2 seconds; Medium-hot: 3 to 4 seconds; Low: 5 to 6 seconds. If using a gas grill, preheat burners on high, covered, 10 minutes, then, if necessary, reduce to heat specified in recipe.)
- Pat steaks dry and sprinkle all over with sea salt and pepper. Grill steaks on lightly oiled grill rack, covered only if using a gas grill, turning over once, until thermometer inserted horizontally 2 inches into meat (do not touch bone) registers about 120°F for rare, 9 to 11 minutes.
- Transfer steaks to a cutting board and let stand, uncovered, 10 minutes before slicing. (Internal temperature will rise to 125-128°F while steaks stand.)
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I have been cooking for over 50 yrs. In ref. to steaks, I have come across many a way to cook them. All most every person or chef you talk to thinks they have the market cornered with their method or seasonings. Here's my 2 cents: Go out to eat steak. Try several places. Once you find "The Steak" , ask to speak to the chef. Ask them how they seasoned and cooked your steak. Take notes! Jot down the cut & precooked thickness, the seasonings and was it cooked on a flat grill, iron skillet or over a open flame. One of the best steaks I ever had (and I'm from Texas) was a T-Bone steak, seasoned only with granular garlic and cooked on a flat grill! I do however love finding alternate ways to cook that steak from Heaven! Hope this helps the novist cooks out there! Good luck.

I just have to ask, Panguitch, UT, if grilling a T-bone is so easy for you, why were you looking at this recipe? Teehee. Just having fun with you. I am a notoriously BAD meat griller but a pretty darn good cook, I think, so I need recipes like this.

As someone who only cooks steak when my in-laws come to visit, I really appreciate (and need) basic instructions like the ones in this helpful recipe. Anyone who feels such baby steps are beneath them should refrain from giving the recipe low marks for this reason alone and simply move on to recipes that suit your abilities. None of us were born knowing how to cook.

Yes - there are some folks who DON'T know how to make a good steak and making sure that they understand the importance of high heat for a perfect steak is insightful!

Next time, maybe we'll have a recipe on how to use the computer so we don't send the same message twice!

Okay folks, not everyone is a world-class cook. Sometimes beginners read magazines such as the one this came from to learn how to be better cooks - this recipe gives excellent direction with great results.

Next time we will have a recipe on how to boil an egg

Said totally tongue in cheek, Boy Cooker. just a little piece of my wonderfully dry humor - or at least I think so. Actually my grandfather was one of the original settlers of Panguitch. the house he built there in 1885 is still standing. It's on the corner of 2nd East & 2nd South. Check it out next time you're there.

Lighten up Panguitch,UT. I've been there twice and found the people quite nice. Are you sure you're from there? PS I prefer Porterhouse.

I just have to ask. is there a bigger waste of bandwith than posting this recipe other than the salted water recipe? If you need directions to put salt and pepper on a steak and grill it, you probably shouldn't be around fire in the first place!
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How to Grill Steaks
Grilling Steak - Preparing the Steak
Knowing the steak you are going to grill is very important. I encourage you to literally get a feel for the meat. A steak changes in texture and density as it cooks and knowing how it feels before it hits the grill, is going to help you hit the desired doneness. Given the differences between grills, cooking surfaces, and cuts of steak, there isn't a set rule for how long it will take to cook. Knowing the feel of the meat will serve you better than any clock. If you feel better using a . MORE thermometer, I also go over the temperatures as we get cooking.
Take note of the thickness of the steak. I'm using a 1-inch thick steak for this demonstration but will tell you how to adjust for other thicknesses. Make sure you know how thick the steak is and that you remember that thickness for later.
Things you will need:
- A Steak
- Salt and Pepper (or your preferred seasoning)
- A very hot Grill
- a reliable Meat Thermometer (optional)
- A Clock or Watch with a second hand
Grilling Steak - Oiling the Cooking Grate
Try to maintain good contact on the grill without allowing the steak to stick. This means making sure that your cooking surface is clean and oiled. It is a good idea to oil the cooking grate while it is hot. This is best done when heating up the grill. The easiest way to this is with an oil soaked paper towel and the brush used to clean the grates.
Fold a paper towel in half until it is the size of your grill cleaning brush. Soak it with some oil. I suggest an oil with a high smoke point like an . MORE extra light olive oil or grape seed oil. Brush this over the cooking grates evenly. Yes, it will smoke some, but that's okay. As long as you don't let the grill sit at its highest temperature for too long before grilling, the oil will remain there when the steaks go on.
Grilling Steaks - Seasoning the Steaks
A good steak doesn't need a lot of seasoning. A little salt and pepper will enhance the flavor. Small amounts of herbs and spices can go a long way. When seasoning a steak it is important not to overdo it. Make sure that you get an even application of whatever you use. Remember that some of these seasonings will come off during cooking. You can apply the seasonings early to let the flavors sink in a little, but the effect isn't very noticeable.
Grilling Steaks - Hot as you can Go
To get your steak cooked right, you need to do this hot and fast. This sears the surface giving the steak a crisp, caramelized surface while letting you pick how well you want it done in the middle. This means that you need to get you grill as hot as it will go. If using charcoal, you need a heavy layer of burning, white hot charcoal. If using a gas grill, you need to let that grill heat up as hot as it will go. It is a good idea to know how hot your grill can get, so you know when it hits this . MORE temperature. Put the steaks on as soon as your grill reaches this point.
If you want your steak cooked past medium (medium well or well ) let the grill heat up to its highest temperature, then turn the heat down a little. If you don't, the surface of the steak can burn and dry out before the center hits these higher temperatures.
Grilling Steaks - Position One
Finally, we are ready to put the steak to grill. Make sure that you don't have anything else to do because it is important to stay by the grill. This is going to go quickly, so have everything you need on hand.
Keep the grill closed as much as possible to hold in the heat. Before putting on the steaks, take a good look at them. Find a "top". When we turn the steaks in a minute you will want to know where that top is in order to get the perfect grill marks.
Before we put that steak on, . MORE let's talk about time. If you are looking for a medium rare 1-inch thick steak, our cooking times are going to be one minute (four units of one minute). If you want your steak medium well or well done, turn down the heat now to a medium high heat (but leave it hot for the start). Your cooking times are going to be two minutes. If using a thicker steak (but under 2-inches) then the cooking times are going to be 1 1/2 minutes or 3 minutes for medium well or well. If your steak is less than 3/4-inch thick (but more than 1/2-inch) the cooking times are going to be 45 seconds or 1 minute for medium well to well.
Having said that, you need to know your grill . Some grills comfortably hit temperatures over 700 degrees F, while others have trouble mustering 500. If your grill runs at a lower temperature, you might need to increase these times by as much as a factor of 2.
Now, open the grill, put the steak on with the top farthest from you. Meaning that the top of the steak is to the back of the grill or at the 12 o'clock position.
With the steaks on the grill, close the lid and start counting the time. I'm going to stick with the 1-minute cooking time for this demonstration but adjust based on your steak thickness and desired doneness.
Grilling Steak - Second Position
After the first minute, it's time to turn the steak. We are not turning the steak over, we are going to rotate the steak 45 degrees from the 12 o'clock position to the 1:30 position. This will give us the diamond pattern on the steaks that looks so professional.
Turn the steaks quickly and close the lid again and start watching the time again.
Grilling Steaks - Third Position
We're half way through the cooking time and ready to flip the steak over. Grab the steak and flip it over returning the top to the 12 o'clock position. When you lift the lid of the grill, the steak should appear gray on the top (uncooked side). The heat of the grill is cooking the steak around the surface. If the steak appears raw on the top, put the lid down without flipping it and let it go for another minute.
Otherwise, close the lid and start timing the next minute.
Grilling Steak - Forth Position
As we prepare to turn the steak for the last time, it's time to start checking for doneness. The steak should show no red around the side by this point and the top side should have a rich brown color. As you pick the steak up to turn (not flip) 45 degrees as we did in step 6, feel the density of the steak. A medium rare steak should be firm, but still have a good amount of give.
This should give a good indication of how much time you still need. Close the lid and continue grilling. After this . MORE last minute, turn down the heat on your grill and test the temperature of the steak. The steak temperatures are:
- Rare - 120 to 130 degrees F. (50 to 55 degrees C.)
- Medium Rare - 130 to 135 degrees F. (55 to 57 degrees C.)
- Medium - 140 to 150 degrees F. (60 to 65 degrees C.)
- Medium Well - 155 to 165 degrees F. (68 to 74 degrees C.)
- Well - 170 or higher degrees F. (77 or higher degrees C.)
If your steak needs more cooking time, leave it where it is and continue grilling on a medium heat until done.
Grilling Steak - Resting your Steak
With your steak grilled, it's time to get it off the grill and onto a plate (not a cold plate). Resting meat is one of the most important steps when grilling. Let your steak rest for 5 minutes before serving. This will allow the meat to relax and the heat and juices to redistribute. This is a vital step to the perfect steak, so don't forget it.
Once you've eaten the steak it is time to record your findings. Keep track of the thickness and cut of the steak, the grilling temperature on . MORE your grill, and the time spent cooking it. Then consider how it was done. If your steak was undercooked by the end and needed more time, then next time, increase the four cooking times. If it was overdone, then decrease the four cooking times. Practice and observation are the key to becoming a great steak griller.
How to Cook Steaks on a Weber Genesis Gas Grill
America’s love affair with grilling began right after World War II, according to “Born to Grill,” and based on the proliferation of grills available, it appears that the feelings haven’t waned. In 1952 an employee of Weber Brothers Metal Works took advantage of America’s passion and created Weber’s first grill. Weber introduced the Genesis gas grill 30 years later with an innovated system of metal bars to distribute the heat evenly. The Weber Genesis gas grill requires proper timing and correct temperature to achieve your favorite degree of doneness in your steak.
Move the Genesis grilling grates so they sit 4 inches above the burners. Spray the grates with a light coating of vegetable oil cooking spray.
Check the control knobs on your Weber Genesis gas grill to confirm they are in the “Off” position. Turn the gas cylinder valve counterclockwise to supply gas to the grill.
Turn the middle or front burner knob to “Start/High.” Press the electronic igniter button or use a barbecue lighter to light the burner on your Weber Genesis grill.
Turn all the burner knobs to “High” and close the lid on the Genesis grill. Allow the grill to preheat for 10 to 15 minutes.
Season both sides of your steak with your favorite steak seasoning. Place your steak directly above the burners on your Weber Genesis grill. Leave the burners on high if your steaks are 1 1/4-inch thick or thicker. Turn the burners to medium heat for steaks less than 1 1/4-inch thick.
Cook over high heat for 10 minutes for steaks 1 1/4-inch thick and thicker. Cook over medium heat for 4 to 5 minutes for steaks less than 1 1/4-inch thick.
Turn your steaks with tongs so you do not puncture the meat. Cook thinner steaks directly over medium heat an additional 4 to 5 minutes or until the steak reaches your desired degree of doneness.
Turn all the burners to medium before turning thicker steaks. Cook 1 1/4-inch steaks an additional 4 to 6 minutes over indirect heat, or until the steak reaches your desired degree of doneness. Indirect heat requires you to turn off the burner directly beneath the steak or move the steak to the side of the grill and away from the burner flames. Cook 1 1/2-inch steaks an additional 6 to 8 minutes over indirect heat and cook 2-inch steaks an additional 10 to 14 minutes over indirect heat.
Check for desired degree of doneness using the palm method. Hold your hand flat with your palm up. To know what extra-rare and rare steaks feel like, press on the pad at the base of your thumb. Medium-rare steak feels like the area between the center of your palm and your thumb pad. A medium steak feels like the middle of your palm, and a well-done steak feels like the base of your pinkie. The softer your steak feels, the rarer the steak.
Remove your steaks from the Weber Genesis gas grill. Turn off the burners and turn the gas cylinder valve clockwise to close it.
Om grilling året rundt
Mega t-bone på grillen
Her viser jeg deg skritt for skritt hvordan du kan grille en 9 cm tykk og 1,8 kg tung t-bone komplett rosa tvers gjennom ved å bruke “reverse searing” grillteknikk. Denne grillteknikken er også kjent under navnet “low & slow”. Kjøttet ligger på indirekte sone og lav temperatur fra starten av og blir grillet brun (searing) over maksimal temperatur helt til slutt. Reverse searing kan brukes til de aller fleste typer kjøtt og etterligner teknikken “sous vide” hvor kjøttet ligger mange timer i en vakuumpose i et vannbad med lav temperatur til ønsket kjernetemperatur er nådd.
T-bonen på bildet ble bare oljet inn med olivenolje og krydret med havsalt og frisk malt svart pepper. En fettrand på 0,5-1 cm er bra. Denne gir smak til kjøttet og forhindrer at kjøttet mister fuktighet under grillingen. Fettet skjærer du vekk før servering.
Man kan servere forskjellige tilbehør til T-Bone, men min mening er at dette her er så godt (og mye) kjøtt at man ikke trenger noe annet tilbehør enn sesamsalt og kaldt øl. Nederst på siden finner du alternative serveringsforslag.
Før du starter: Alt du har hørt om tid og steking av kjøtt er ren gjetting! Biffer og t-bone steker vi ikke etter klokka, men etter kjøttets kjernetemperatur! Kjøttet er rosa dvs. medium rare ved 57 grader. Hvis du lar deg distrahere av f.eks mobiltelefon og ikke passer på temperaturen har du fort en gjennomstekt grå og seig t-bone. Da behøver du ikke å skylde på slaktern. T-bonen i dette eksempelet er vel større enn det man vanligvis får kjøpt. (9 cm. og 1,8 kg). Sånne store stykker kjøtt kan du sikkert bestille hos slaktern din. Det er tykkelsen på kjøttet og temperaturen i grillen som bestemmer hvor lang tid det tar. Bruk et digitalt temometer fra starten og stikk det inn i midten på den tykkeste delen av kjøttet uten at det kommer i kontakt med knoken.
Sånn gjør du det
1. Ta kjøttet ut av kjøleskapet og tørk det av med kjøkkenpapir/tørkerull. Pensle inn kjøttsidene med olivenolje og strø over godt med havsalt og frisk malt svart pepper. Dekk til med plast og sett 2 timer i kjøleskap. Ta kjøttet ut av kjøleskapet og la det stå på kjøkkenbenken en halv time før grilling.
2. Gjør klar kullgrillen for indirekte grilling med 2-soner og ca. 90-100 grader temperatur. Til dette trenger du ca. 10-12 Weber briketter. Når grillen er varm legger du t-bonen med “t-benet” mot varmen. Legg på lokket og åpne lufteventilen i bunnen helt. Ventilen i lokket skal være halvåpen. Du har nå mer enn nok tid til å lage sesamsaltet (3.)
Utfordringen for deg som grillmester er å holde en stabil temperatur på mellom 90 og 100 grader i grillen over ca. 3 timer. Temperaturen i grillen faller med 10-15 grader per time. Etter ca. 45 minutter legger du på 6-8 briketter på glørne. Brikettene trenger litt tid på å bli varme. Pass temperaturen. Blir det for varmt må du fjerne et par briketter. Om vinteren i minusgrader trenger du kanskje flere briketter.
3. Mens t-bonen grilles lager du sesamsaltet. Ha alle ingrediensene over i en stekepanne og brun det gyllent over middels varme (5-10 min). Rør med en treskje så ikke sesamen blir brent. Oppskriften er nok til 3–4 porsjoner. Sesamsaltet serveres i små skåler så hver gjest kan dyppe kjøttet i sesam.
4. Forberedelse til searing/bruning. Når kjernetemperaturen er mellom 40-45 grader fyller du en Weber grillstarter full med kull eller briketter og setter den på et brannsikkert sted og tenner på. Brikettene trenger 30-40 minutter for å bli varme!
5. Når digitaltermometeret viser 53 grader kjernetemperatur tar du t-bonen vekk fra grillen og pakker den inn i 2 lag med tykk alufolie. Legg pakken med t-bone på en rist på kjøkkenbenken. I løpet av ca. 15 minutter har temperaturen steget til ca. 56 grader. Mens pakken med t-bone ligger på kjøkkenet heller du ut de varme brikettene over ca 1/3 av kullristen. Fordel brikettete gjevnt. Legg på grillristen og lokket. Når temperaturen i grillen er over 200 grader brennes gamle mat- og fettrester vekk. Når det har sluttet å ryke børster du grillristen ren med en stålbørste og legger på lokket igjen. Temperaturen stiger nå til 230-260 grader. Når t-bonen har fått 56 grader tar du den ut av alufolien og griller den brun rett over de varme brikettene ca. 3 minutter på hver side uten lokk. Vend 1-3 ganger.
Server varm med sesamsalt.
Tips: T-bonen/biffen har allerede ønsket temperatur, så hvis du legger på lokket under searingen stiger temperaturen i kjøttet videre (til grå og seig).
Graden av bruning bestemmer du! Vanligvis er 3 minutter på hver side nok. Jo høyere temperaturen er og jo kortere avstanden er mellom de varme brikettene og kjøttet, økes bruningsgraden uten at den høye temperaturen steker kjøttet mer brunt enn bare den ytterste skorpen. Se bildet nedenfor! Andre måter å seare på finner du her: Searing
Medium rare – 57 grader og rosa tvers igjennom! Ønsker du en annen temperatur kan du bare regne det ut. Kjernetemperatur minus 3 grader er den temperaturen hvor du må pakke inn kjøttet i alufolie.
Klikk på bildene for stor versjon.
Hardcore grilling team har laget en video som viser hvordan du griller og deler opp en stor porterhouse steak. Der brukes det en annen teknikk enn i dette bloggbidraget.
Alternative serveringsforslag :
T-Bone med ruccola, balsamico og parmesan.
Kok opp sukker og balsamico under omrøring og reduser til halvparten. Avkjøl og drypp over kjøttet som ligger på ruccolaen. Parmesan på toppen.
T-Bone med ruccola, jordbær, sesamsalt, flate poteter, grillet tomat, balsamico og parmesan.
Nuggi's Küche
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T-Bone Steak vom Grill (erster Grillversuch auf neuem Weber S 320)
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Gesagt getan. Ab zum Schlachter und die Auslage begutachtet. Da guckte mich ein T-Bone-Steak an. Ich habe bei meiner Recherche gelesen, dass Fleischstücke mit Knochen auf dem Grill aromatischer werden. Da war das doch mein perfektes Prämieren-Steak.
Nach dem Einkauf durfte das Steak Zimmertemperatur annehmen und wurde mit reichlich Rub eingerieben. Der bliebt etwa 2 Stunden drauf und wurde kurz vorm grillen mit Küchenpapier wieder abgemacht, damit er auf dem Grill nicht verbrennt.
Notiz fürs nächste Mal: 58-60 Grad Kerntemperatur ausprobieren. Das Fleisch war mir zu weit durch.
1,2 kg T-Bone Steak (3 Minuten je Seite bei voller Leistung, dann 120 Grad bis 62 Grad Kerntemperatur)
2 kleine Zwiebeln (Gemüse in grobe Stücke schneiden, würzen mit Salz, Pfeffer, Majoran und Thymian und ein bisschen mit Öl betreufeln. Dann 20 Minuten bei 200 Grad auf den Grill)
10 kleine Kartoffeln (festkochend, 10 Minuten vorgaren dann mit auf den Grill bei 120 Grad)
How To Grill Perfect Steak
Browned and lightly charred on the outside, juicy and tender inside, a perfectly grilled steak has the power to make grown men cry. But you know what makes everyone cry? A dry, overcooked steak. Or a gray, tentatively-grilled steak with no crusty edges. With so many ways to get it wrong, it's no wonder grilling steak can be intimidating.
To get it right once and for all, we turned to chef and grilling expert Adam Perry Lang, who shared his step-by-step method for perfect steak on the grill. His process is straightforward, but also includes a few tricks that ensure maximum flavor, a gorgeous crust and an evenly cooked interior every time.
Adam's technique involves building flavor at every step. He seasons steak with a dry blend of garlic salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper before putting it on the grill, and then he bastes it frequently with butter while it cooks, which always produces a steak that is, in his words, "GB and D": golden-brown and delicious.
Baste with Herbs
To make things even more delicious, the basting is done not with the usual barbecue brush, but with a bundle of woody herbs like rosemary, sage or thyme. When they touch the sizzling steak, the oils from the herbs are released, adding even more flavor to the meat. You can make the brush a little fancier and easier to use by tying the herbs to the end of a wooden spoon or dowel, or simply use a piece of kitchen twine to tie them into an easy-to-grip bunch.
Flip Frequently
You may have heard that meat shouldn't be messed with once it's on the grill. Adam recommends the opposite; you want some browning when each side of the steak initially hits the grill, but after that you should flip your steak frequently in order to ensure even cooking. Forming that wonderful crust on the steak will happen naturally by the end, especially if you are basting with butter.
If you are skeptical, as many of readers were when we previously mentioned this technique, all I can say is try it! I've been using this method since learning it from Adam and have been turning out perfectly cooked steaks every single time.
Finish with a Dressing
Once the meat is grilled, you can add one final layer of flavor by making a quick dressing with the meat juices, minced herbs from the herb brush, lemon zest and extra virgin olive oil. Tossing the slices of meat in the dressing means every bite is juicy and perfectly seasoned.
After Adam took me through the steps of his steak-grilling process, I was so inspired, I organized a backyard steak barbecue a few nights later. Normally cooking steak for 15 people would be a little intimidating or at least something of a chore, but this time it was truly fun. Everyone was intrigued by the melted butter and the herb brush, and I definitely heard some skeptical remarks as I explained, "No, I'm flipping them a lot on purpose." But when I was done and the platter was piled high with slices of crusty-edged, rosy-pink steak, the guests' mouths were too stuffed to say anything but "Perfect steak!" before they headed back for seconds.
How To Grill Perfect Steak
What You Need
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 bunch fresh thyme, sage, rosemary or a combination
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
One 1 1/2- to 1 3/4-inch-thick rib eye, T-bone or Porterhouse steak
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
Salt and pepper to taste
Wooden spoon or dowel (optional)
Gas or charcoal grill
- Remove the steak from the fridge 1 hour before cooking: Set the steak on a plate and let it come to room temperature for about an hour before grilling. This helps it cook more evenly.
- Prepare the dry seasoning blend, herb brush and melted butter: Mix the salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper in a small bowl. Use a piece of kitchen twine to tie the herbs together in a tight bundle. (For a longer brush, tie the herbs onto the end of a wooden spoon or dowel.) Melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the optional red pepper flake and a few herbs snapped off from the herb brush.
- Heat the grill: Heat a charcoal or gas grill to high. You'll know the temperature is right when the coals are ashed over (if using a charcoal grill) and you can only hold your hand over the grill for 4 to 6 seconds before it feels too hot.
- Season the steak: Sprinkle the dry seasoning blend generously over both sides of the steak, letting plenty of the seasoning fall on the surrounding cutting board or butcher paper. You'll use it on the edges of the steak.
- Season the edges of the steak: Dip the sides of the steak into the excess seasoning.
- Dampen your hand: Wet your hand with a little water.
- Create a seasoning "paste": Pat your dampened hand over both sides of the steak. This turns the dry seasonings into more of a paste that lays flat on the meat.
- Oil the steak: Dip the herb brush into the butter and lightly brush both sides of the steak.
- Put the steak on the grill: Place the steak on the grate, close the lid, and do not move the steak until it is well marked and has a light char, about 3 minutes.
- Flip the steak: Use the tongs to flip the steak.
- Baste with butter: Dip the herb brush in the butter and brush over the hot surface of the steak.
- Sear the other side of the steak: Close the lid and do not move the steak until the second side is well marked and has a light char. Flip and baste the second side with butter.
- Continue cooking, flipping and basting with butter: Continue to cook with the lid down as much as possible. Flip frequently, basting the hot surface with butter every time you flip. If you have a flare-up, move the steak to another part of the grill or to the edge of the grill where it is cooler.
- Cook to desired doneness: Use the touch test or an instant read thermometer to determine when your steak is cooked to your liking (125°F for rare, 130-135°F for medium-rare, 140°F for medium). Remove steak from the grill and place in a small baking dish to rest.
- Make the finishing dressing: Drizzle the olive oil on a cutting board. Add the lemon zest and a little salt and pepper.
- Add herbs from the herb brush: Chop up some herbs from the end of the herb brush and mix them into the dressing.
- Slice the steak: Place the steak on top of the dressing and pour some of the juices that have collected on the plate over the meat. Cut to separate the meat from the bone and then slice the meat on a diagonal into 1/4-inch slices.
- Dress the steak: Dredge the pieces in the dressing to coat them and top with the remaining juices.
- Season the steak: Taste and sprinkle with additional salt and pepper if needed.
Recipe Notes
- You can use vegetable oil in place of the butter, but your steak won't be quite as browned and delicious.
- This recipe easily multiplies if you are cooking more than one steak. When scaling up, use 4 tablespoons of butter for every two steaks.
This recipe was originally published August 2013.
- Calories 1711
- Fat 151.1 g (232.5%)
- Saturated 71.2 g (355.9%)
- Trans 7.5 g
- Carbs 7.3 g (2.4%)
- Fiber 3.2 g (12.8%)
- Sugars 0.2 g
- Protein 85.2 g (170.4%)
- Cholesterol 430.6 mg (143.5%)
- Sodium 239.7 mg (10%)
Learn more about grilling from Adam Perry Lang
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