понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.


Weber grill hamburg

Our experts are grilling delicious food on authentic Weber Charcoal Kettles.

Our Restaurant

The Weber Grill Restaurant is the result of over 60 years of Classic Outdoor Grilling—from the people who invented the Weber Charcoal kettle grill. You‘ll taste the difference that decades of grilling expertise make. More than a steakhouse & BBQ, our chefs are the grilling experts for seafood and vegetable specials as well. Our secret: a commitment to using quality ingredients, innovative recipes, honed grilling technique, and Weber charcoal kettles. We are especially proud of our Hand-Cut Black Angus Steaks, Wood-Smoked Barbecue, Fire-Inspired Seasonal Entrees, Charcoal Seared Burgers and Fresh Grilled Seafood.

Tips on How to Cook Perfect Hamburgers on a Grill

What's more American than grilling hamburgers? Hamburgers and hot dogs are the whole reason they put grills in public parks, in my opinion. Burgers and hot dogs are the whole reason we show up to the stadium 6 hours before the game (well, and beer I guess. ). We discussed hot dogs the other day, so I wanted to step back and talk about how to grill hamburgers the right way. You see, hamburgers may seem easy to make, but I have choked down far too many dried out and burnt disks of beef than I care to remember. It's time we did something about it, it's time we take a stand, it's time for me to stop complaining about it and start educating the masses! So let's get down to it and talk about best practices for grilling hamburgers.

Like many other grilling recipes, people just need to slow down and pay attention to details and technique to achieve burger grilling deliciousness. Here are what I consider to be the key factors in hamburger perfection.

  1. Choose the right meat. Here's a newsflash, fat tastes good! That may not be too PC, but it's true. You know that last burger you had at the restaurant, the one you said "man, my hamburgers never taste this good". I would bet my squirt bottle that the main reason theirs was better is that you feel guilty buying anything other than "lean" ground beef. Quit fighting it, fat is delicious! Need another reason, ok, we are in tough times and fatty meat is cheaper. There, doesn't the desire to save money seem to dull the desire to eat healthy? I recommend ground chuck or ground sirloin for a good fatty ground beef. Check the label and ask your butcher, you want about 20% fat or so. Most serious hamburger junkies swear that grounding your own meat is the way to go. Sounds hard, right? If you have a food processor, it really isn't. Start with some boneless (duh) chuck with the fat still intact, cut it into strips and ground in the food processor in small batches. If you want to get really serious, invest in a meat grinder and then tell me how you convinced your wife so I can follow your lead. Is it worth all of the effort? Personally, I don't think so if you have access to great beef. If you live in the wilderness, probably, but you probably don't have a food processor either. I'll do a taste test one day to finally prove whether or not people can tell the difference.
  2. Use high heat and cook them fast! Like most thin meat products, it's best to apply high and direct heat to your hamburger and cook it as fast as possible. Leave the lid open, crank up the heat and don't cook them too long or they will dry out.
  3. Be gentle with that meat! Most people really pack the patties tight and then flatten them down too much. A loosely packed patty makes for a juicy hamburger! If you pack your hamburger patties too tight, you run the risk of drying out the meat and making them tough. The only thing I am going to recommend you do to that patty is make an indention, but we'll talk about that in a bit.
  4. Don't "squish"! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't EVER flatten or squish your burgers with a spatula while they are grilling. You might as well pick it up with your hands and squeeze out all of the juices. Why do people usually feel the need to do that? Because the burgers usually inflate or bloat in the middle during grilling, we'll talk about how to prevent that if you stick with me below.
  5. Flip only once! As meat cooks, the heat pushes the juices away from the heat source. To achieve a juicy burger, you only want to flip the burgers once so that you don't disrupt those juices any more than necessary. Most people ask, how long do you cook hamburgers on a grill? The short answer is "not too long" :). The real answer varies, based on the grill and the thickness of the hamburger, but one thing that does hold true is only flip once! We'll answer the "how long" question in a bit, your meat will tell you when if you know what to look for. But for now, resist the temptation to keep flipping, please!
  6. Don't skimp on buns. Why would you go through all of this trouble to learn how to make a better burger and then serve them between some bad buns? I like to go with french hamburger buns from my grocery store's bakery.

So that is the very high level break down of the reasons why most people screw up a perfectly good hunk of ground beef. Let's walk through making the perfect hamburger step by step.

  • Prep: 15 mins
  • Cook: 10 mins
  • Yields: 4 to 5 Burgers

2 lbs Ground Chuck (not ground beef)

2 tbsp kosher salt

1 tsp fresh ground pepper

1/4 tsp garlic powder (optional)

2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce (optional)

1 Get the grill going. Go ahead and light the grill and set it up for direct grilling over high heat.

2 Divide your ground beef into equal portions, based on how many patties you are going to make. You want to end up with about a tennis ball sized portion of ground beef.

1 Now gently form each divided portion of ground beef into a tennis ball like shape. Don't overdue it, don't squeeze it, just get it into shape.

2 Once you have your ground beef balls, gently flatten each ball to make your patty.

3 Now here is a secret. You have probably experienced the "bloat" phenomenon I mentioned above that makes most inexperienced grill masters try to flatten that patty during grilling. To lessen the bloat, simply use your thumb and create an indention in the middle of the patty before you put it on the grill. It doesn't have to be too dramatic, just a little indention like you see in the photo above.

4 For seasoning, I also suggest that you don't over-think this one. Sure, there are many variations to the typical burger that will knock you off your lounge chair, but you've got to walk before you run! Once you can cook a decent, simple burger, I give you permission to get crazy, but let's master this basic burger first. I personally think that adding onions or other veggies to your meat classifies as meatloaf, not hamburgers, but that's just me (and besides, meatloaf is good as well!). Keep it simple for now, a little Kosher salt, some fresh ground black pepper and perhaps a little garlic powder and you are good to go, just gently rub the seasoning into your patties. Note that I can't seem to resist filling depressions or voids in meats, so you will see some Worcestershire sauce in the indention in this photo, I give you permission to do that if you must :).

5 Ok, the fire is lit, your meat hasn't been worked over too hard (other than a dent in the top) and you lightly seasoned your ground beef. Carry those bad boys out and slide them onto the hottest part of the grill. Our goal here is to sear the outside of the hamburger to form a great crust, while keeping the insides nice and juicy. Take note of what time you put them on the grill so you can time this exercise.

How Long To Grill Hamburgers

1 After about 5 or 6 minutes, or until you see juices start to collect on top of the patty. I like to call this burger sweat (doesn't it look like it?). This is a sure sign that the meat is cooking through in the middle, which pushes the juices to the top. In addition, you will see the edges start to brown. Once the juices and browning show up, flip the burgers and grill an additional 3 minutes on the other side. Times depend on heat of the grill, so wait for the juices to tell you how long.

1 As for our disclaimer, the USDA recommends 160 degrees for all ground meat. Don't take a chance, use a good instant-read thermometer like the Thermapen (the best!) and check the USDA's latest recommendations and our handy meat temperatures chart. If you are an iPhone owner, check out our free MeatTemps app to look up the correct internal temps for meat. If you are making cheeseburgers, now is the time to slap the cheese on and close the lid just long enough to melt the cheese.

2 Remove the burgers from the grill and let them sit for about 5 minutes while you toast a few buns on the grill!

That's it, that's all you have to do to cook the perfect hamburgers on a grill. Simple, juicy and delicious! Again, your times will vary based on your grill and how you like your burgers. One more thing I forgot to mention. Most of the time we Americans eat hamburgers, it's usually at a time that you aren't really expecting good food. Kid's parties, get-togethers, tailgating, etc. My point is, people probably won't even notice the amount of effort you went through to perfect your burgers. But when you are centering your perfect tailgate or potluck sign up around this protein, you want to put your best foot forward and know you did your best. So relish (get it?) those little comments like "I wish my hamburgers were this good" and have pride that you know why there's aren't!

24 Reviews

I do not mix the salt and pepper into the meat, I just season both sides.Yeah, not two tablespoons per patty, just sprinkle the patty.

Thank you for all your guidance on the hamburger grilling. After years of my husband delivering up dried out burgers on our gas grill, I asked and received a charcoal grill after watching our 12 year old grandson grill in a 4-H competition . He inspired me to try it and you have given me great tips. We just ate my second attempt, first ones failed, so what do you do when you’re in a pinch? You google! Thanks again , my hamburgers were delicious ??

By he way, I’m 61, so old dogs can learn new tricks.

The Hamburgers came out great. Nice and most and tasty….EXCEPT…they were too salty. Is 2 TBSNS of salt right? Anyway, next time I will adjust. Thanks for the tips!

Great tips. I usually throw a little garlic powder and Italian seasoning on the burger after I flip it the once and only time. Makes for a great taste if you portion it correctly 🙂

are you supposed to season the patties individually with the spices or you put all the seasoning in the meat and mix it up before you shape them? i would assume 2 table spoons of sea salt would make one patty too salty

I’m cooking (grilling burgers brats and chicken drum sticks) for the company picnic next week. I’ll be using two Weber grills and a cheap grill I bought at Wal-Mart.

Feeding 30+ people. Actually looking forward to it.

Your tips on grilled burgers will be put to the test.

I agree that fatty ground beef makes the best burger and don’t over cook.

The chicken legs will take longer…about 45 minutes at least.

Shawn butterman

I would just like to say to please add margarine to the buns. I like shiny buttered buns on my burgers. Also marinate the burgers with sassafras oil.

I’ve been wanting to know the correct way. I’m 63 yrs old and have cooked tons of burgers, apparently the wrong wsy. ? I’d heard about the thumb print and I’m going to try out no covering the grill why they are cooking. I always thought they would cook faster. Thank you so much for the helpful tips.

Wow this is definitely the secret, I had things all wrong for years. Burgers come out perfect every time. The key is looking for that “sweat” at the top, the burger tells you when to flip it. Now when I bite into them they are nice and juicy on the inside, not dry at all.

Julianne Chatiri

Great instructions. Except-what’s your tip on how to handle flare-ups within 2minutes of placing burgers on the direct high heat?

Jerre Peak

One question…..you say to make an indention into the center of the hamburger (which I’ve always done), but…..those 4 hamburgers on the plate all have a complete hole in the center about the size of a quarter to half dollar. Why the complete hole in them ?

Gary Harrison

Just tried this, they came out perfect. No more guessing. Oh and I was a patty smasher . I’m cured now.

Perfect burgers every time! Thank you!

Wow! I was taught to put egg and bread crumbs in my burgers to hold them together 🙁 never again! This is a great burger!

This past summer I decided to give bbqing a try. I had prepped the food, but never did the grilling. I wanted to know the secrets of grilling and found this recipe. I followed it closely and made the best homemade burgers I’ve ever had. And my boyfriend was blown away and now brags up my burgers (which is always good for the self-esteem). 🙂

Awesome… I had it all wrong, and now I know this IS the way 🙂

Shawn baconbutt

I thank you, I added baconbutt

Wallace kosonski

September 29, 2015

Excellent hamburgers. Thank you

Debby Tracy

September 6, 2015

I love this basic recipe, from the type of ground beef, to the thumb print, to the thumbprint in the patty, and only flipping the burger once. The cooking time on each side was just perfect!! Thanks for making me look good!! 😀

Debby Tracy

September 6, 2015

This recipe and tips were the very thing I was looking for. From the type of ground beef, to the thumb print. This simple recipe is great, and I had great success!! Thanks for sharing!!

great advice! The invention in the burger works exactly as you said. Even threw in a little war Shire sauce for myself just because you said to do so. Works really good and they came out great.

Mary Richter

I have now officially taken over the grill in our family! Wonderful tips and all spot on!

great advice. Any suggestion for the inevitable flare ups?

Ashley Hoff

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  • Posted June 18, 2017
  • So wrong is so many ways. But I am curious. 😃 Posted February 26, 2017
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How To Grill The Best Burger

By Allrecipes Staff

Burgers from the grill just taste better. Recipes and tips for building the best backyard burgers are here.

Photo by Meredith

When a hamburger is done right, you know it--the smoky, char-grilled outside and the juicy inside, all barely contained within a chewy, toasty roll. That's what a burger is all about! Here are some grilled burger basics.

Use beef that is no leaner than 85%. Meat with a higher fat content will be juicier and more flavorful. But be aware, patties from higher fat meat will shrink more when they cook. If you shop at a grocery store or a butcher that grinds their own beef, choose coarsely ground beef for juicier burgers with a more pleasing texture. For ground chicken and turkey burgers, add a little olive oil to the mixture.

Add just about anything you like to your burger mixture. Here are a few flavoring suggestions:

  • Fresh or dried herbs and spices
  • Dehydrated or fresh minced onion and garlic
  • Seasoning mixes for soups or salad dressings
  • Your favorite cheese, such as blue cheese, goat cheese, Gorgonzola, feta, Stilton, Cheddar, or pepperjack
  • Prepared sauces including BBQ sauce, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, Worcestershire sauce, hot pepper sauce, hoisin sauce, plum sauce, oyster sauce, salsa, or salad dressing
  • Other tidbits like olives, capers, chopped tomatoes, diced chiles, crumbled bacon, or minced ham

Wait on the salt! Don't combine salt into the mixture, especially if you're not going to grill the patties right away. Salt will extract moisture from the meat, leaving you with dry burgers. Instead, sprinkle each burger with salt right before you put it on the grill.

Don't Mix Too Much. Use a light touch when combining seasonings with the ground beef. If you mix it too much, your burgers will be dense and heavy.

Let the Flavors Mingle. Leave the meat mixture (or patties) in the refrigerator for several hours to allow all the flavors to mingle. To form patties, wet your hands a little to keep the meat from sticking to them. If you make patties ahead of time, stack them on a plate separated by waxed paper and cover with plastic wrap before you put it in the refrigerator.

Form a Good Patty. Don't form patties too thick or too thin. A 3/4-inch thick patty is ideal. To keep patties from swelling in the middle, make small indentations in the center.

Photo by Meredith

Make sure the grill is the appropriate temperature. medium-low to medium heat is best. Too hot, and burgers burn on the outside before getting done on the inside. Keep the lid closed while cooking; it shortens cooking time and keeps burgers moist.

Always start with a clean, oiled grill grate. This keeps burgers from sticking, extends the life of your grate, and helps put those beautiful grill marks on your patties.

Turn Once. It's hard to resist, but try not to flatten your burgers with the spatula. It squeezes out flavorful juices.

Cook burgers properly. Cook ground beef to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F (170 degrees F for poultry). For an accurate reading, insert the thermometer into the patty horizontally.

VIDEO: How To Grill the Perfect Basic Burger

Beef Burger Recipes

"No more dry, lackluster burgers. Baste frequently with your favorite barbeque sauce. If you find the meat mixture too mushy, just add more bread crumbs until it forms patties that hold their shape." -- Jane

"These burgers include the Asian flavors of hoisin, Sriracha sauce, and sesame oil with a little crushed red pepper for some added heat." -- Occasional Cooker

"A jazzy way to spice up the boring basic burger that will tantalize your taste buds! Cajun spiced mayonnaise is the perfect complement to these spicy beef burgers." -- Sarah Stephan

Turkey Burger Recipes

"With a chipotle chile pepper, mozzarella cheese and other seasonings, you will absolutely love this spicy, yet flavorful, burger!" -- mbaucum

"A meatloaf style turkey burger that's moist and flavorful -- a lighter alternative to beef burger. Great served with lettuce, tomato, and your choice of condiments." -- Melissa Goff

"This recipe uses some of the same techniques and seasonings as the shish kebab. For something made with meat that is 95% fat free this is pretty good!" -- Chef John

Actually Delicious Turkey Burgers | Photo by Dianne

Chicken Burger Recipes

"Looks and tastes great. A healthier and a little cheaper way to get my burger fix. You could use ground turkey instead of chicken. And toasting the buns adds another layer of flavor." -- kemosuave

"I love chicken satay, that spicy meat on a stick, marinated and grilled and served with a peanut sauce. I get that same effect with a chicken burger." -- Chef John

"If you use all-breast chicken meat, add some olive oil to the meat mixture so they don't dry out. You could also use 2 tablespoons chopped Kalamata olives instead of the tapenade. Use tzatziki sauce on top to stay with the Mediterranean theme." -- Jeanette

Aloha Chicken Burgers | Photo by DIZ

Lamb Burger Recipes

"Serve on hamburger buns with lots of mango chutney and cream cheese. Also good with lettuce, tomato and red onion." -- Jo

"These burgers are juicy and full of flavor. Even people who don't really like lamb have enjoyed these burgers." -- HerbanSpoons

"Moussaka is a stunning blend of spiced ground lamb, tomato, and eggplant, topped with a creamy, cheesy white sauce. I decided to integrate the eggplant right into the burger itself, instead of topping the burger with cooked slices." -- Chef John

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8825 Highway 11 North, PO Box 2308 Orillia, Ontario, Canada L3V 6S2 . Phone: +1 705-325-3696

We serve our product daily to thousands of customers throughout the barbeque season

Double Patty/Cheese $5.25/$5.99

Triple Patty/Cheese $6.25/$7.75

Hot Dog (Footlong) $4.25

French Fries

French Fries $2.59

Milkshakes, smoothie

Iced Tea 1.75/$1.99

Bottled Water $1.75

Chocolate Milk $2.99

Non Alchoholic Beer $1.99

Coffee & Tea

Coffee & Tea $ 1.49

Single Scoop $2.90

Double Scoop $3.70

Triple Scoop $4.50

Waffle cone $1.00

Yogen Fruz $3.99/$4.99

Here's The Beef

Webers has been making fresh hamburger patties daily since 1987. Our hamburger making operations were constructed to:

- Provide our customers with the highest quality, Canadian made hamburger

- Assure our loyal customers we only use the highest quality Canadian beef – Canada Grade вЂ˜A’ or higher - from only one personally approved supplier

- To provide a consistent hamburger patty in terms of size, shape and taste, each and every time

Our butchers grind and make hamburgers on a daily basis. The chuck is stored at 30В°F (-1В°C) and ground each day starting at 7 am.

After grinding the beef is placed into a hopper just prior to forming the patties

The ground beef is then placed into a patty forming machine, enabling consistent product quality each and every time

The finished product!

Patties are packaged into non-reusable cases and refrigerated

We recommend cooking over a charcoal barbeque for the best flavour possible


(Except Fridays until 8pm) March 25th to March 28th Fri, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 7pm

(Except Fridays until 8pm)

(Except Fridays until 8pm) April 10th to April 24th Mon to Thur 10:30am - 7pm

Fri, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 8pm April 25th to April 30th Mon to Thur 10:30am - 7pm

Fri 10:30am - 9pm

Sat & Sun 10:30am - 8pm

Fri 10:30am - 9pm

Sat & Sun 10:30am - 8pm May 9th to May 31st Mon to Sun 10:30am - 8pm

(Except Fridays until 10pm)

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 9pm

Fri 10:30am - 10pm June 20th to June 30th Mon to Wed 10:30am - 9pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 10pm

Fri 10:30am – 10:30pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 10pm

Fri 10:30am – 10:30pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 10pm

Fri 10:30am – 10:30pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 10pm

Fri 10:30am – 10:30pm September 5th to September 30th Mon to Wed 10:30am - 7pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 8pm

Fri 10:30am - 9pm

Thur, Sat & Sun 10:30am - 8pm

Fri 10:30am - 9pm October 14th to October 23rd Fri 10:30am - 8pm

Sat & Sun 10:30am - 7pm October 28th to October 31st Fri, Sat & Sun 11am-7pm


December 27th to Jan 8th Fri, Sat & Sun 11am-7pm

Introducing The Webers Bucket of Burgers.

Ten burgers packaged in a unique, resuable and completely recyclable container. Perfect for a family barbeque. Made from our highest quality Canadian beef, Webers burgers are an excellent source of protein and iron.

Webers hamburgers are launched and sold through the Loblaws Company and its affiliated stores. Webers Hamburgers are now available in over 400 stores including Loblaws, Zehrs, Fortinos, No Frills, Your Independent Grocer, Valumart, Freshmart and Real Canadian Supertstores.

March 2004

The Webers group of companies are sold and the company amalgamates to become The Weber Company Ltd.

Webers celebrates 40 years in business.

Founder Paul Weber Sr. retires and his son Paul Weber Jr. takes over control of the company.

Webers acquires 3 CN railway cars to its fleet. These railway cars would be retrofitted into a modern meat processing facility to house its own meat processing operations, producing freshly made hamburger patties daily for its customers, using only the highest quality Canadian beef.

Webers acquires a portion of the pedestrian bridge from the CN Tower in Toronto. It is erected in the fall of 1983 and becomes the first and only privately owned bridge built over a public highway in the Province of Ontario.

Ministry of transportation installs a chain-link fence above the boxbeam barrier to curtail the tens of thousands of people who were crossing over the highway barrier.

Webers celebrates 10 years in business.

July 11 1963

Webers opens on Highway 11, just north of Orillia, Ontario. Paul Weber Sr. creates what would become an Ontario Landmark, to cottage goers and travelling public.

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At Webers, we would like to hear from you. Please fill in the fields below and tell us what you think.

Webers on HWY 11

PO BOX 2308 Orillia

Ontario, Canada, L3V 6S2

Tel: (705) 325-3696

Fax: (705) 325-3699

Want to join our team? We are allways looking for hard-working people with good attitudes.

Weber grill hamburg

Di – Mi 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Do – Fr 11.00 – 20.00 Uhr

Di – Mi 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Do – Fr 11.00 – 20.00 Uhr

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Mo.-Fr, 8.00 Uhr - 20.00 Uhr Sa. 8.00 Uhr - 18.00 Uhr

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Everyday cooking authority

How to Grill Hamburgers with a Perfect Sear

Most restaurants with famous hamburgers grill the patty on a hot flat metal surface called a plancha. You can get the same results with a cast-iron skillet or comal, heated to the highest temperature on a stove, but you may have a problem with smoke and hot grease splatters in your kitchen.

The easy solution: Put the cast-iron outside on a gas grill, and cook away on the hot hot surface.

  • 1 ½ pounds of ground chuck (80/20 lean to fat ratio)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

Heat the cast-iron skillet or comal on the grill, using high heat, for 10 minutes while you prepare the beef.

Mix the salt and pepper into the ground chuck with a chopstick or fork, handling very lightly. Make the patties about 4½ inches round, and about ¾ inches thick. The best weight for a hamburger patty is 5 ounces.

Indent the center of the burgers, so they won’t bulge up from the steam while cooking.

Set the burgers on the hot cast-iron, and let them sear for 3 minutes.

Flip the burgers, cook 3 minutes more for medium-rare, or 4 minutes for medium. Stick an instant read thermometer in the burgers, from the side, to get the right doneness. The safe temperature is 160°.

Add slices of cheese for the last minute of cooking if you want a cheeseburger. I prefer Cheddar, Provolone, or Pepperjack.

Toast the buns for a minute over the direct flame on the grill, or Texas Toast them by buttering the cut side and grilling them for a minute on the hot cast-iron after you’ve cooked the burgers.

If you are cooking more than 4 burgers, you might want one of these big Lodge griddles, about $30.

If you cook a lot of burgers, you can find an outdoor propane flat-top grill at Lowe’s for not a lot of money. This grill would be excellent for cooking breakfast, too.

How to Cook Hamburgers on a Gas Grill

Hamburgers are really popular in America for their unique tastes and nutritional benefits. They can be cooked in many ways with separate ingredients, but you have to be extremely careful while deciding the process of cooking and also selecting the right ingredients.

One of the best ways of making a perfect hamburger is by grilling it. It is quite an easy way and is a lot of fun, especially if you are free and wish to spend quality time with your family. You can carry all of the necessary equipment for making hamburgers and go to a favourite place of yours in order to have a picnic.

Prep time: 30 min

Grill time: 10 min

Total time: 40 min

Yield: 20 servings

Utensils: Gas grill, Grinder, Knife, Spatula, Brush, Kitchen towel paper, Plates, Charcoal

Ground beef: half kg

Seasoning, such as salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, steak sauce, barbecue sauce, onion (optional): to taste

Cheese (optional): to taste

Bell peppers cubed: to taste

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Grind meat and season it

Grill the burgers and buns

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How To Grill Really Juicy Burgers

When it comes to backyard burgers off the grill, we all want the same thing: a tender and juicy burger that we can really sink our teeth into. There are a hundred and one ways to grill a burger, but here's an old family recipe that guarantees flavorful and juicy burgers every time.

I first learned this recipe standing at my grandfather's knee, fascinated as he made a long "snake" on the counter. After filling the snake with onion and seasonings, he would pinch it closed, separate it into individual patties, and then fry them to a caramelized brown.

This method is more than just a trick to entertain small children — it allows you to pack the burgers full of flavor without the risk of over-handling the meat. Overworked and compacted beef results in a dry, crumbly burger. Handling the meat only minimally ensures a tender texture and juicy bite.

It's also important not to over-handle the burgers once they're on the grill. Flip them just once and take care when you move them so the burgers don't get squished. Never flatten the burgers with the back of your spatula. This just presses out those fantastic juices and doesn't help you get any better char marks.

3 Tips for Juicy Burgers

2. Flip burgers just once on the grill

3. Never flatten burgers with your spatula

How to Grill Really Juicy Burgers

Makes 8 quarter-pound burgers

What You Need


80/20 ground beef

small onion, finely chopped

Freshly ground pepper

thin slices of cheese, such as cheddar, swiss, or American (optional)

Extra Toppings: tomato, lettuce, crisp bacon, avocado, sautéed mushrooms, mayonnaise, ketchup

A gas or charcoal grill


Heat the Grill: Warm your grill to high heat, about 450°F or until you can hold your hand an inch over the grate for only one second. If cooking on a charcoal grill, arrange coals to create a high heat and a low heat cooking zone.

Prepare the Ground Beef: While the grill is warming, prepare the burgers. Gently pat the ground beef into a log roughly 2 feet long on a clean baking sheet. Use your thumb to make a deep trough in the center. Sprinkle the onions evenly down the trough. Whisk together the Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and garlic powder, and sprinkle this over the onions. Finish with a few grinds of fresh black pepper over everything.

Shape the Burgers: Pinch ground beef closed around the onions. Divide the meat into 8 portions using a chef knife, a bench scraper, or your fingers. Use your hands to gently flatten each portion into a burger patty about 1-inch thick. Try not to compact or overwork the meat. Let the burgers rest at room temperature until the grill is warm, about 20 minutes.

Do Ahead: Burgers can be prepped ahead of time and refrigerated until grilling. If you do this, let the burgers sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before grilling to take the chill off.

Grill the Burgers: Grill the burgers for 2 minutes on each side, then move them to a lower-heat area of the grill. Cook another 2-3 minutes for medium-rare burgers, 3-4 minutes for medium, or 5-6 minutes for well-done burgers. In the last minute of cooking, lay a slice of cheese on top of each burger and arrange the buns over high heat to toast.

Assemble the Burgers: As soon as the burgers are done, place them on a toasted bun, pile on the toppings, and serve.

Recipe Notes

Different Flavorings: Instead of or in addition to the onions and Worcestershire sauce, try stuffing the burgers with things like fresh minced herbs, barbecue sauce, cubes of cheese, kalamata olives, sun-dried tomatoes, crispy bacon, mushrooms, and hot sauce.

  • Calories 266
  • Fat 17.7 g (27.2%)
  • Saturated 7.4 g (37%)
  • Trans 0.9 g
  • Carbs 9.8 g (3.3%)
  • Fiber 0.5 g (2.1%)
  • Sugars 1.4 g
  • Protein 15.9 g (31.7%)
  • Cholesterol 58.2 mg (19.4%)
  • Sodium 210.3 mg (8.8%)

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Grilling Trials

Philly Style Burger

Tender vegetables and gooey cheese make this a great burger.

Bruschetta Burger

A great burger on grilled bread with a tasty bruschetta topping.

Jalapeno Stuffed Cheeseburger

Want less heat? Substitute green chilies in place of the jalapenos.

Gourmet Burger with Olive Tapenade and Feta Cheese

Prepared olive tapenade and feta cheese upgrade this burger to First Class!

Grilling Challenges


The Ground Round

A wise man once said that not all burgers are beef, and what truly sets a griller apart are the skills to make a great burger. At the end of this delicious journey of ground beef, chicken and seafood, you will have earned the title of Char Czar.

The Ground Round

You’re no stranger to a chop house, you know your way around a grill, you understand the key to a killer steak is restrained seasoning and careful choice of side. Now, apprentice, it’s time to put those skills to the test; the title of Elder Steaksman awaits.

Summer Grilling School

Grilling flavor isn’t learned overnight - it takes practice. Spend this Summer Semester with Weber Sauces and Seasonings and learn the tricks of the trade. School the competition with these lessons in grilling flavor, and graduate Vale-Grill-Torian.

Summer Grilling School
The Homerun Challenge

Whether it’s juicy burgers or smoky ribs, it’s time to call grilling flavor up to the bigs. Think you have what it takes to make it in the big leagues? Round these bases to earn the title of Most Valuable Griller.

The Homerun Challenge

Kick’N Chicken® Seasoning

Pack’n a citrus punch.

Grilled chicken is one of the undisputed backyard favorites. But just because it’s simple, doesn’t mean it has to be ordinary.

Original BBQ Sauce

The backyard OG.

From the originators of the backyard-grilling flavor, Weber’s Original BBQ Sauce is sure to be a hit with the whole family.

WEBER®, the kettle configuration and the kettle silhouette are registered trademarks of Weber-Stephen Products LLC. Used under license. All rights reserved.

B&G Foods, Inc. Online Privacy Policy

Last modified: February 21, 2012

The website you have entered is operated by B&G Foods, Inc. (“B&G Foods”). We have adopted this online privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”) to explain the types of personal information we collect on our websites, how we may use that information and with whom we may share it. This Privacy Policy also describes the measures we take to protect your personal information. The use of our websites is subject to this Privacy Policy, the Terms & Conditions posted on this site and applicable laws and regulations.

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B&G Foods’ primary goal in collecting and using personally identifiable information is to give you a meaningful and customized experience while you are using our websites and to promote our products in a cost effective and efficient manner.

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B&G Foods reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check back from time to time to ensure you are aware of any updates or changes to this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey, USA, without regard to its choice of law provisions.

How to Contact Us

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4 Gatehall Drive

Parsippany, NJ 07054

Attn: Consumer Affairs

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